What’s the most aggressive perks you can have??

I play on Xbox. I’ve got a Nemesis now. This trash can of a person isn’t good. They wait for everyone to die and then escape through hatch. In the many times I’ve played against them, not once have they escaped through an exit, nor his teammates. So I must know, if you wanted to absolutely slaughter a team, what perks would you use? Things to note:
Im going to use pig.
i have every perk at tier three with her
I’ve got 17 pink Moris
I’ve got an endless amount of add-ons to let go.
When I saw "aggressive" I thought of something like enduring/spirit fury/bamboozle/<something else> to just bruteforce pallets and windows as hard as possible, but that's a different kind of aggressive.
I guess if they tend to use obsession perks you could use Rancor to try to get them? Whispers so if you're in some random corner and it lights up it might be your "nemesis" hiding there? I dunno.
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I’ve thought about spirit fury, save the best for last, and enduring. I also thought about the UnGodly toxic slugging build on Pig, since he never seems to be in a swf. Note, the only killer I’ll use against him is pig, maybe legion.
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slowing the game down doesn’t seem like the course of action Id want to take. At most Ruin, because hatch will now always spawn. I think a build more focused on an unstoppable force rather than an unmovable object would be more effective
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Hex: Devour Hope is one of the more aggressive perks.
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Ah yes, that sounds good, but sprinkling it in sounds dangerous to the overall build.
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With brutal strength this would be amazing. Light early game pressure, extremely heavy middle & late game pressure. This is beautiful. I think if PWYF wasn’t so trash, the instant movement speed boost could replace STBFL
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Just take nurse with noed, ruin, BBQ, nurse's calling and range addons. Ez 4K every game
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Your problem is the last person getting the hatch? Best solution is slug the third guy and use Whispers to locate the last survivor? You could add Knock Out as well for some extra spice.
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What's your xbox gamertag?
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That’s a good point, but if five perks were allowed, it’d fit in really nicely.
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RotBb :)
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That’s not as fun as completely and utterly decimating him.
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Play doctor until you find him slug him and stand on his body. Simply don't let anyone pick him up. There ya GOT EM! But was it even worth it? He's just gonna go about the rest of his game sessions doing the same thing.
Cowards do survive after all.
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I want to obliterate him. I want to destroy him and his team. He deserves no mercy, and anything below a merciless victory is not enough.
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But why his team? You said it was just one nemesis :O
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Test one was amazing. I got theee Moris in beforehand the totem was cleansed. I went to find hatch, which I did, then a Quentin cleansed my totem. I closed hatch and still had an active spirit fury and four stacks of STBFL. I hit him through a pallet, he stunned me, I then hit him down not five seconds later. I got 106k bloodpoints without BBQ. Sadly, only one pip.
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Catatonic Boy's Treasure
Ataxic Respiration
Ebony Mori
My Sweaty Nurse Build
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I would use Knock Out, Hex the Third Seal, Whispers and Sloppy Butcher.
Then Face Mask and Rules Set #2. No need to Mori use a Purple Mist offering to make it even harder for them to find their teammates and puzzle boxes.
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Tombstone him
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I say leave them until the end slug them, tea bag them until they bleed out or until the entity gets them in the collapse. As long as a timer is running it'll be allowed.
I also think tricking him into thinking you're farming and then just killing them like that would be a good method of revenge.
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Hex: Devour Hope is super strong on Pig.
Fire Up, Brutal Strength, Bamboozle and Save The Best for Last for Last or Enduring is a strong power through combo.
STBFL, Bamboozle, Nurse's and Barbecue is kinda a standard build I do for her, Enduring, just hardcore top tier perks, I don'd do RBT add ons, more of her Lion roar dash add ons, faster charge speed, crouch speed, lunge recovery, anything, it would be cool if STBFL affected her M2 lunge swing.
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In terms of potential aggressiveness, none beat Hex: Devour Hope.
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You don't need aggressiver perks, just slug the second to last person than hunt that ######### down.
If you can hook him next to the hatch so he can watch as you let the last person go, even better.
I've done this actually, the laughter from teammates as I collect the salt was one of my favorite DBD experiences.
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Sorta' a spin-off, but if your goal is to kill that one guy, I would recommend BBQ & Chili and Iron Maiden. When you hook the second to last guy, hook them as far into a corner of the map as you can. That'll improve your odds of BBQ revealing them. If they hop in a locker to hide their aura, Iron Maiden will rat them out.
I wouldn't call that an "aggressive" build, but it'll definitely help you kill that guy that's just hiding and waiting for the hatch. Chances are you're already running BBQ anyway so you won't even have to switch many things for it.
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This setup is as aggressive as you can get as Killer. You're arguably unstoppable in a Chase. For a complete aggressive Chase build... I'd say
Spirit Fury
Brutal Strength