"Hahaha easy escape baby killer!"

That's the message I had to read after winning at 5 gens left. The hatch spawned right next to the last survivor (who was downed) while I hooked the 3rd survivor. Thanks devs for that free escape mechanic. Always nice to get punished after dominating the game.
EDIT (question): Why can a downed survivor even escape through the hatch? While downed you can't use a key to open- and escape via the hatch so being downed shouldn't allow you to interact with the hatch either.
The entity feeds on hope. There must always be a chance the survivor can escape. It's the lore.
34 -
That's how it is, just feel good that they wasted their time to tell you that, you must have hurt their feelings.
18 -
Said only to get a reaction from you out of spite, and it worked.
23 -
Thanks for the kind reactions and sorry for that useless thread. I guess it just annoyed me because it was a hectic game and just when you think you made it and all your decisions were right you get that slap in your face because the entity likes to bully both sides.
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Looks like you gave them what they wanted, they could be reading this forum laughing now as it worked.
In all honesty it was just bad luck for you that the hatch spawned close, would you write the same if it spawned next to yourself? Its rng and actually is more in favour of the killer than it ever used to be with the closing mechanic.
Post edited by twistedmonkey on9 -
They say it to feel better about themselves.
Even that guy knows he barely escaped, he just wants you to feel bad cause he got rekt.
10 -
Playing killer gets lonely, such is the job. So I get the need to come someplace to vent.
3 -
No, this mechanic is purely survivor sided. Once you close hatch you trigger end game. Unless the survivor does not have adrenaline in most cases it is rng dependant on gates which even then you have 2 gates and a key possible hatch to watch over. The end game simply is a chance for a free escape nothing more. The mechanic at the core is against a killer not for them.
3 -
Myers: In field, alone, ready as always to kill, alone as always.
Anna: Puts a hand on his shoulder.
Killers don't gotta be lonely.
8 -
And people give me downvotes, when I ask for the hatch removal...
9 -
I'm not sure why anybody would downvote you, Tsulan - I think you're one of the more reasonable ones here.
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End game is better then before.Just slug one surv and search last one or take bitter murmur perk.
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@FrenziedRoach thank you! As you can see, the downvotes already started 😅
2 -
Well you still decisively won, and as it seems you realized that survivor was either just trolling or a legitimate idiot.
Abandon the "4K or Loss" mindset today and it makes the game way less frustrating.
7 -
I don't get many of these kinds of people. Once had a game where we were stuck in an endless 2 man loop of Do gens, run cause killer appeared, they kick it then patrol every gen in 6 seconds.
Was in that game for 30 minutes as a clause, with an adam left. I risked my life, saved the Adam last second on death hook, then took off and hoped the Adam lasted long enough. Found hatch, did the most cinematic "Your savior is here!" moment by doing the "Come here" emote on a hill, start running for hatch, only for killer to find and chase us. He takes a hit for me, and we both just manage to jump through hatch using a key I found. Endgame chat lights the ######### up with "OMG" and "Holy ######### how" from the other survivors since I walked in with a medkit, and they didn't expect me to find a key. Killer was very sportsmanlike, talking about how we basically earned that, and even was with me complaining about it being in the middle of jackshit nowhere (that's why the game took so long).
Man it feels good to save another survivor.
2 -
I kind of wish you still had to do 2 gens for it to spawn. At some point survivors played bad enough they deserve to lose hope.
5 -
He probably was going to trash you if you killed the entire team. You know... survivors. They're always angry when they win or loose
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4k within 6 minutes of game starting = EZ BABY KILLERINO
Yeah, I don't understand it either. But whatever... Toxic gonna be toxic. =(
2 -
^ This.
1 -
That's okay, on my second outing with Legion a couple weeks back I drew the school for a map. One of them was damn good, so I worked on the weaker 3 and finally cornered the strong player during the EDC.
Got a 4 man with 2 generators left, but somehow I'm still a "Trash Killer".
People deflect, it's nothing to lose sleep over
1 -
Look at it this way, EGC is killer sided overall though. Since the addition, the amount of 3Ks now turned 4Ks because the killer can close the hatch FAR outnumbers any instances of a survivor escaping with less than 2 gens completed. These are rare occurrences. It’s kinda silly to complain about it as you are benefiting a hell of a lot more with end game than it’s hurting you.
Also, if you don’t want the hatch to spawn, do you really want the trade off of the survivor being able to hide and dragging things out again? I mean, you cant expect to just find them on a gen quickly, as they’ll need to stealth repair. Trust me, you wouldn’t want those days back again
1 -
Hatch isn't a free escape mechanic. It's a mechanic designed to end the game. Same with EGC. The games would drag on forever if the last survivor was able to just immerse and hold the game hostage. Before EGC, I once had a game held hostage for 30 minutes. It's the main reason why I don't particularly like Deathgarden. Stealth is way too viable for Scavengers.
5 -
Man, imagine doing so well, that knowing you've dominated is completely thrown out by your ego when a 4th manages to get SO LUCKY that the hatch spawns next to them.
4 -
I don't agree that it should be removed. They should revert back to needing two gens completed though.
2 -
It's not survivors. It's that type of player. Killers are just as bad. God forbid they camp and then LOSE that person. Salt for days in the messages.
5 -
This. My logic isn't "You jumped the hatch and won!" It's "You lost the game. Get the hell out while you still can and keep your items."
2 -
You're right, both sides can be toxic
0 -
Press that button. Close the chat box. Save your sanity. Also remember to make it so that people (that's not your friends) cannot leave comments on your Steam profile.
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how did you get punished? you destroyed them, 3 people died at 5 gens and one was lucky to find the hatch and escape
who cares if the last person typed something stupid
if the game is that slanted that i can easily kill everyone at 5 gens then i don't care if someone gets the hatch, it's a win either way
3 -
@all the people that downvoted my hatch removal proposal. Is there a similar mechanic for killers that I didn't knew? One that rewards utterly bad killers with 7000bp?
But survivors deserve that escape, right? Like when one of the last 2 survivors doesn't do anything but search for the hatch and then camp it.
5 -
If they removed the "hatch" yet the killer could still commence the end game collapse by opening an exit gate? I thought this company was a bit about the blance. So you think it would be balnaced if the hatch was gone? I mean.. Your job is to not let anyone escape and thats definatly something a killer player would say to make the killer side of things more easier. Yea.. I think its fair that the killer could have to check two if not up to three different escape routes. After all the survivor did make it far enough without being killed.. Whats to say that the hatch should be removed? I mean one killer escaping? Thats not going to ruin a bloodbank
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It's frustrating, but it wasn't a free escape. It was just RNG. It happens.
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Honestly with this game the best thing to go is isn't the dumb people.i got a message the other day plain as Freddy, "I remember when I had to use ruin to get a kill" after I got a 3k work 4 Gens left and one found the hatch. Some people just want to get under your skin next bet turn off messages.
1 -
Well there has always been camping, NOED, Rancor and of course the egc timer they can all reward a sub par killer at the end.
Yes Noed can be destroyed and rancor you need to find them but its rng if the survivors are good much like the hatch.
When it comes to the hatch. Would you rather spend 30 mins trying to find a survivor who is trying to do gens?
Too many are hung up on this free escape where it's simply a mechanic to end a game quicker and also was designed with solo players in mind as so you aren't being punished for who you are matches with.
8 -
Honestly I feel the same about the hatch spawning at 4 or 5 gens left. Played as survivor today and in one particular match (it was at rank 9 if you are wondering) my team get utterly destroyed by a good trapper. Only one gen completed and I was able to escape through the hatch despite not finishing a gen and just preforming saves with some short chases (I escape a few chases). It's pretty unfair that me and my team couldn't do the objective and I still get rewarded with the hatch.
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that's the downside of hatch, yes, someone getting it when all they did all game was hide
on the other hand, if one survivor is good and the other 3 are bad, the fact that the good survivor has a chance of escaping once the other 3 die is nice
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Just because 1 person in 1 instance got the hatch in the way that it happened in your game, doesn't mean it always works out that way. To me that is what is interesting about the hatch.
It's RNG, and a lot of times it works against a downed survivor.
I've had matches where the killer got too greedy and went for the last person standing, while I crawled away and hatch spawned near me. It was luck that it spawned where it did, but it doesn't mean it always happens that way.
2 -
I feel the same way about the hatch spawning at 4 or 5 gens. Completely unfair as the survivors failed to do gens. I was playing survivor (rank 9) today as killer wait times were so long, and in one particular match as a survivor, me and my team got absolutely destroyed by a good trapper. We only completed one gen and I was able to get the hatch even thou I couldn't finish a gen and just did a few chases and saves. I honestly felt that this wasn't fair as I didn't do my part in the objective and that my team failed, but still able to escape. I think that change should be reverted and have the hatch spawn when there are three gens left. The killer did everything perfectly but was still punished from keeping the survivors away from gens
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@TreemanXD once there is only one survivor left, a counter starts. This counter is only visible for the survivor. The counter only stops if the survivor is repairing a gen or in the killers terror radius. If the counter reaches 0, the survivor will start screaming. Once every X seconds. Revealing himself to the killer. The more often the survivor screams, the shorter the time between screams.
This would make Left Behind viable.
Simple and fair solution.
2 -
No, Hatch spawning once all survivors are dead at any point including no gens being done has caused several matches ending in multiple suicides. It depips killers due to unable to get certain emblems when the survivors felt they lost the match let's simply suicide. DCs are also being abused to get the hatch open instantly instead of after hook death. The gens needing to be done for any hope of escaping was a threshold. If your team dies before a single gen is done you do not deserve a reward.
Yes, slug and play hide and seek until they bleed out.
@Tsulan let the down-votes begin.
1 -
That's not fair at all ######### lol. OH wait you mean fair as in completely killer sided.
Dude I'm glad your idea will never be a thing.
4 -
I'm happy that the survivors can't hold me hostage at the end of the game anymore. Sure, the hatch can screw you over, but I'd rather that than being held on the map for god knows how long because I can't find the last survivor. It's a trade off. Sucks, but it seems like the better of two evils to me.
I try to always keep the hatch in mind when I kill the third survivor, because I have to take into consideration that the fourth may get the hatch. If there's a survivor I feel doesn't deserve to escape, I try to make sure they're the one to die first, that way if the last one gets the hatch I'm like, "Eh, that's cool." If I can help it, hatch campers get sac'd. Doesn't always work out that way, but I try.
0 -
I think all those downvotes are just people who dislike you. I see them on a looot of your posts for no evidence why
1 -
It's not about deserving. It's never about deserving. You keep making arguments steered toward philosophical entitlement and it's such an unhealthy and irrelevant way of viewing the game, its functions, and players.
It's about balancing an asymmetrical game. Chances of survivor drops as the game progresses and survivors are eliminated. One less player reduces chances of survival exponentially and you can see this in the old 3-player games or matches with DCs in them. At one to two survivors left, the chances are so low, hatch is needed to provide a reason to keep playing.
If you look at games in the same genre or style, none flat out eliminate survivors and prevent them from playing completely. Other games circumvent this by allowing survivors to participate while dead, giving survivors revival options, or allowing them to have a massive team. We have the hatch.
If you take away the hatch, every game that doesn't power through 5 gens will literally be reduced to the last two survivors teabagging a hook waiting to die.
With regards to BP, survivor BP gains are already lower than killers and killers benefit off of far more consistent and straight forward BP options. The hatch is insignificant.
4 -
Or maybe because it's a waste of time when it boils down to "but survivors don't deserve this! Why don't killers get a hatch too?!"
It is childish.
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When he's replying to someone saying thank you. Is that really in any way needed to downvote a thank you Because its barely related to him talking about the hatch?
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You ask me like I'm the one doing it!
But it sounded like attention seeking to me. People like downvoting people that whine about downvotes.