So Ghost Face will indeed receive a nerf?

Did I read that right? May not have much effect at all but still I somewhat can't believe they actually plan to nerf him already. Can't we at least wait and see how he does at high ranks before planning any nerfs to him? I don't want to spend money on any new killer if he might not be as viable anymore.
Especially the fact that marked survivors can no longer be stalked. Why the hell? Are you to afraid of releasing an actually powerful killer?
another crybaby. let's gooo
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Dear lord. I'm just stating my opinion. Stop crying about people who don't want any viable killer to get nerfed.
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Sorry I'm out of the loop of the latest news, what is the nerf?
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Marked survivors does that mean exposed?
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From the post detailing the patch:
DEV NOTE: We have made some slight adjustments to Ghost Face following the second PTB. Unfortunately, they have not made it into the current patch but will be introduced in an upcoming hotfix in the near future. Thank you for your understanding.
The Ghost Face:
· Stalk rate add-ons (Telephoto Lens, Night Vision Monocular) are slightly reduced.
· Pallet stuns will now break Ghost Face out of stealth.
· Marked Survivors may no longer be stalked.
· Killer Instinct base duration slightly increased.
· Killer Instinct add-on (Marked Map, Victim’s Detailed Routine) duration slightly increased.
· Detection area of screen slightly increased for Survivors attempting to reveal Ghost Face
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I'm okay with most of the changes. I expected the stalking while already marked to be removed since it didn't seem like it was intentional. However, they should be slightly buffing him in other areas to compensate.
Likewise, no further changes to his perks which desperately need it. And Mettle of Man still require you to be injured, which is unnecessary since the whole problem with it was the disparity between M1 and M2 Killers.
Still, they didn't gut this patch, so small victories.
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well thats it, not gonna buy him. i cant believe what they are doing. THIS IS INSANE.
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It sounds like a really small nerf but he probably will be more fair like this. He can be lethal but high ranks will probably beva mixed bag for him. He's gonna be fun to play regardless.
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Yes exactly. You were able to stalk them to prelong the exposed effect, but not anymore.
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Well, I won't buy him at this time, especially not if they already plan to nerf him.
I do hope others will follow and help set an example. This is a unique opportunity, since Chapter 12 only contains Ghost Face, Survivor mains have no interest buying him in the first place and if Killer players too refuse to buy him for the time being or at all, it will hurt the devs in a way that might actually make them listen again, since licensed Characters are not cheap for them and cost a lot of money to make.
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They didn't learn from the Freddy debacle, but we did. They can jam their DLC.
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I hope it really will just be a very small nerf to him. I was really looking forward to a viable killer at high ranks, and any noticable nerf might hurt him too much.
If they wanna nerf any killer, they should take a look at Nurse and her addons. Still can't believe they don't touch her addons but then nerf killers like Ghost Face.
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@ad19970 Eh i don't see the big deal there that sounds unnecessary to have imo.
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No idea about the add-ons since I dont have access to PTB...but the rest of the changes look reasonable/fairly tame.
Pallet stun effect makes sense, the stalking is fine,,would be too strong if you could keep stalk-tracking people with a endless potential to insta-down, where as Michael can only Tier 3 (outside of Add-ons) for so much/many times.
*slowly shrugs* maybe I'm missing something.
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I'm just worried about the fact you can't stalk marked survivors. I feel like that might hurt him too much. With the many pallets on a map, 45 seconds might not always be enough time to down a survivor. His ability doesn't help with loops.
Him being able to stalk marked survivors gave him at least some counterplay at safe loops.
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I'll wait and see how it plays out before I decide. I suspect people are overreacting.
EDIT - Downvotes for being reasonible eh? Thanks for proving all the suvivor apologists right and making this look like a killer echo-chamber. FFS, get a grip guys.
Post edited by FrenziedRoach on3 -
This ^^^ Amplifying this message.
Holding off on buying until they show their nerfs in action in the "hot fix," then I can make an informed decision. I have no immediate need for yet another lesser killer (with terrible teachable perks) in my roster to be a BP dump to P3, just to end up being non-viable beyond green ranks. Hard pass for now. Got burned with Legion, got 3rd degree burned with Plague... not again. No survivor, no map, no decent perks, not a strong killer = no reason to buy. Sorry.
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its ok guys just feel the music
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Watch as their next update to Ghostface replaces exposed with deep wounds.
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well i mean i guess they will merge legion and ghostface into 1 character i guess ? xd
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What did stalking an exposed survivor do? Add more time to the exposed? In that case it's pretty reasonable that it got changed imo.
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Dude you should maybe start realising that your posts are pointless.
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the most funny part its whats the points the votes that who loved the change for ghostface in the ptb
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hes 5th member of the so called killer group 'The Legion'
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most killer mains expect this stuff
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Awnnn in any case we have the Nurse by the way
Feel the music
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Lol too fitting. Survivors seem to hate go against Nurse yet who else are you supposed to pick if only a handful of killers are viable at high rank.
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It's not about the nerfs being harsh or not, he just didn't need nerfs whatsoever.
But I mean, who's surprised really? They probably just want to be absolutely sure we don't get another killer that even resembles something viable at red ranks. Everyone loves having to play the same 3 killers over and over right?
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What is the point in asking your community if they liked the changes to Ghost Face, only to just change him again just after launch?
I swear, this game isn't going to last another 5 months if the devs keep ######### up like this.
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Yes, we will adjust Ghost Face. We are putting a Q&A post up right now, it should be available in a few minutes. You can ask any question about the upcoming changes there if you want.
We decided to publish the future changes before they happen so players would know before buying and could make their choice of getting the character or not based on the upcoming changes as well.
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its like they want us to play only nurse :)
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The sad thing is that if by some reason these nerfs are too much and make him like Trapper levels of bad, we'll be stuck with a ######### killer for a long time because compensation buffs WILL NOT happen.
He's probably gonna be fine but I swear to God I don't understand what goes through the dev's minds sometimes.
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If you call this a nerf then I'm Oprah Winfrey.
This is legit nothing, I don't understand this outcry. Maybe the last point is bad, but that's it.
But hey, what do you expect from Killer Mains.
I'm starting to think that Killer Mains only want Killers who can one-shot survivors just by being on the map. Viable, right?
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Dying to see the reasoning behind the changes
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Why are you doing this, this company is going to go downhill with this game if you proceed to do changes like this, NO ONE WANTS THEM
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Stop buying #########, maybe they will understand
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Just to be clear, I don't think the changes will kill him, I don't think it's a harsh nerf and he feels a bit janky to break out of stealth now, so the last change is OK.
I'm just questioning why change the rest because off the top of my head I can't think of a good reason why.
If the reasoning is fine and he turns out OK after that, I'm good.
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Community Spending Patch Notes:
- Reduced Ghostface sales by 30%.
But hey, credit where it's due, you guys at least told us ahead of time you were making horribly uninformed balance decisions (version 42 electric boogaloo). Thanks for saving me money, I do appreciate it! : )
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XD it will ceratainly kill him at high rank . with extending mark you could on loop crouch for bit then show up and keep doing that to extend the mark to punish loopers
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He was already born dead at high ranks for being an M1 killer.
Yes, that change is the part that bothers me the most, but let's see what they have to say.
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Dear lord just listen to all the negative feedback on these changes.
The fact that BHVR already has nerfs planned before even seeing how he does at high ranks just goes to show how they don't have much of an idea on how to properly balance a game.
If you keep continuing like this, and nerf the other viable killers at high ranks, I can promise you this game's future will not look very bright. I'm seeing people already getting scared about nerfs to the other viable killers. Would be a shame really.
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The reasoning is that their goal is C tier killers. All we can do is vote with our wallets.
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The nerfs aren't that bad. It's not like he's getting the Freddy treatment :T
Y'all are overreacting
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Personally, I think it could hurt Ghost face quite a bit that he can't stalk marked survivors any more.
However, it's not really just about the nerfs. But rather about the fact that they plan to nerf him before even seeing how he does at high ranks. It just shows how afraid they are to release a viable killer at high ranks.