lets talk about these bonus bloodpoint cakes

why are you being so stingy!? i mean seriously 1 guaranteed firecracker per bloodweb is such a rip off and not fair for the most of us who have bad rng come on now i have over 40 petals from the Halloween event cut me some slack bhvr I know you just going to disable cakes anyways why you gotta do me dirty like this? :( tbh i will let it slide if you leave the cakes perm but we both know that's not happening


  • Makel_Mayers
    Makel_Mayers Member Posts: 38

    honestly 1 in each web wouldn't destroy the "bloodpoint economy" I promise ;)

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 628

    Its probably going to contribute to killer ques to, along with GF, playing survivor (at least for the 2 days of 2 x bloodpoints.) Isnt worth it, but killer ques are 25 mins.

  • moridoll
    moridoll Member Posts: 27

    The fact that this is a 3 year anniversary "gift" to players is a slap in the face. Yay, we get an extra 3%...and only for a short time. God forbid you allow the players more time to use what little was offered. I have classes all week and work full time this week, I have 3 of the cakes on just one character and more on others, those will end up going to waste. A little more thought into the 3rd year anniversary give back would be nice. We all know you're game isn't going to run out of bloodpoints....

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    I don't like to quote them but I saw a thread somewhere where I believe one of the mods/devs said they wouldn't be disabled. Could be wrong though.

  • BentTorpedoes
    BentTorpedoes Member Posts: 32

    The new offerings are way too rare 22 webs and only 1 offering and not every web even had a firecracker in it

  • Yucchi
    Yucchi Member Posts: 251

    This isn't even an event. No bonus points, no new objectives, no obtainable cosmetics. I know they're working on "The Rift" but anniversary is the most important event and we get this - 1 bonus bp every 5 bloodwebs or so and A CRACKER that is a recolor of winter event starter.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    The only reason previous ecvent items were disabled is because they only had a bearing on events, such as red envelopes; there's no reason for gruesome cakes to be, and the party starters prove this is likely to be the case. They'll be permanently usable.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    Speaking of, one of my party starters was a winter party starter somehow. Like I'm unsure if there's intentionally a chance of this, or it's a bug because they're actually the same item that the game confused them.

  • Makel_Mayers
    Makel_Mayers Member Posts: 38
  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    @Makel_Mayers Nope. I can get a screenshot if you like; I have exactly one winter party starter on a survivor I Prestige III'd on the last double BP event.