Does this event have to be two weeks long?

I’m not gonna lie this event was kinda overhyped, all it is is another double bloodpoints. There’s nothing to grind for except bloodpoints, there’s no cosmetics, shard boost or even one of those new charms they were talking about to earn me and my friends got so hyped to play and we’re wondering what’s new second objective or new cosmetics like a black T-shirt with the dead by daylight logo or something but nope just balloons and an offering that’s basically bloody party streamers. Now I’m not hating on the devs or anything it’s just that they usually try harder with these things and after that big stream they had you’d think this would be like the best thing sliced bread
I vaguely recall them not telling us what the event was beforehand because they wanted to keep it a surprise. An offering for 103% more points plus yet another firecracker and some decorations isn't really all that great. Nice to have, for sure, but pretty lame.
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@MojoTheFabulous Its like that time where they hyped us up for a big surprise only to unveil some new mediocre cosmetics for a few characters. There was some pretty impressive disappointment there.
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I remember @Peanits saying this event wasn't going to be big. Correct me if I'm wrong :P
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This Event goes 2 Weeks. at the 02.07.2019 the Event is over.
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Yeah imo it should only be a week long
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@deadbydaylightfan yeah.... to an extent it's nice because it gives us some extra BP but honestly again theres really no goal to reach....... they have to bring back event exclusive rewards for players to work towards.....
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They are probably more focused on getting dedicated servers up this summer. I’ll take double blood points to level up Ghostface and I’ll take less stuff now if that means amazing stuff soon
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Underwhelming event, I was hoping they did more, too bad I'm wrong.
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It wasnt overhyped, multiple devs very specifically stated NOT to get overhyped, because its a small thing. Charms were also specifically stated to not be coming yet. Theres no reason that this event shouldnt be 2 weeks, some of us adore the extra free blood points and reduced grind, so dont step on our fun because your standards werent met.
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Why in the world do people want less bps?
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because he's salty that it wasnt some massive event, and he's trying to spoil everyone elses fun because of it.
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Can we please have one thing, just ONE thing in this game where people don't complain? I get that there are some legitimate reasons to complain and I'm not talking about those, but whining because you didn't get a cosmetic this year?...Come ON.
They didn't have to do a damn thing, they could have just stuck up some fairy lights and balloons and had done with it. Instead we got a bit more xp and a hilarious killer / fun to play against killer, not to mention a bloodhunt.
You know what, perhaps I'm wrong, maybe i shouldn't tell you what you can complain about, since fun is actually subjective, so instead i'll simply say @Peanits , @MandyTalk , @not_Queen and anyone else i didn't list.....THANK YOU.
The anniversary event so far has been a mix of pee your pants funny (nearly died when the streamers exploded out of the completed gens and actually died when the same happened on a hook) and utterly tense, because man...nothing hs raised my paranoia level quite like ghostface.
Add in the double BP's, the party streamers and gruesome Gateau's and i can confirm I'm having a blast. Nice job!
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@SoylentPixie - Something nobody complained about? How about the Ghostface buff? Nobody complained about that...until they nerfed it!
I'd have liked something to grind for, but something is certainly better than nothing so I am still happy.
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People we’re asking for nerfs lol
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100% honesty here, i am crap when it comes to understanding mechanics until I have actually played the character with the nerf / buff so i reserve my judgements on that until i play them.
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My standards? All i said was the event was disappointing and that’s my opinion and a lot agree you can have your fun all you want
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I love when the generators are decorated!
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More bloodpoints are always good. If they increase the quiter bonus, I will be swiming in blood points :-) please do
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2 weeks? Must be nice. I play on console so I always get the ######### end of the stick... Lmao
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Such a short answer... I wonder if there is more on the way...
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Nobody is stepping on your fun.
But I agree wit the topic starter. For an event, this is just lame. We get an huge stream to celebrate 3 years, information is strict kept secret until the last day. And all we get is some dumb stuff on lockers, gens and barrels. An party streamer with a whooping 3% extra bloodpoints (if you get 25k, and all people used this offering you dont even get enough to buy an 3k offering/item in your bloodweb).
There is nothing extra to go for, not even an community goal for lets say, an extra BP weekend or something. In the last events, the things we got to do was far more than it is now. Sorry, I can't call this an event. They did way better events in the past, so you can expect people getting hyped because of previous experiences.
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For them the anniversary is not something special, the next real event will be during halloween
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It does kind of feel bad that they had this massive anniversary stream and Ghostface Is the only thing that came out of it for June and July. The stream had way too much hype for how little the actual anniversary doesn’t compared to previous ye
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Well yeah.
They spent all their budget on a glorified devstream instead of something ingame lol
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For me I like that the little party noises on the gens and hooks are so... pathetically small. Like, that's all the happiness we could muster in the realm of The Entity.
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They did hype it up making it out to be a big deal that was a surprise they didn't want to spoil for us, and yet we already knew what it was from the PTB leak 2 weeks before.
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I can't tell if sarcasm or not...