What games did you play before dead by daylight? What drew you in?

A lot of PayDay 2, just before the game died
Edit: I don't even play 'that' much dbd these days, I've become a grinding bastard in Warframe.0 -
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@RemoveSWF said:
Evolve Stage 2.Still better balanced than Dead by Daylight.
With you, it's gonna be a hard time for me to see that nice game shut down though.
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Rainbow Six: Siege. I still play it but not as much as Dead by Daylight. And saw my friends playing it and they gave me a chance at being Michael Myers and that drew me in.1
Farcry Primal. Red Dead Redemption. random zombie shooters....
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Evolve stage one, before they did the change that killed the game
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I played alot of Left 4 Dead, 7 days to die, Arma. I was always interested in DBD but the negative reviews on steam put me off. Then my girlfriend gifted me the game and the rest is history.
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Gears of War, since 2006. I love Gears 4, and comp 2.8 beta is literally 99.99999% perfect Gears experience now (slightly buff Lancer to make it reward skillful headshots more and it would be 100). But alas after over 10,000 hours in the series I am finding myself bored with it.
I think the concept of DBD is just very interesting, and the mechanics have a lot of appeal. Though the devs need to take a seriously look at some majors flaws in the design and actually fix them instead of worrying about the small details.
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I personally was a dark souls / bloodborne maniac but after completing them so many times it gets really boring...then some other friends were playing dbd so I checked it out and it looked a blast. Friday the 13th I played just before dbd. I suddenly got an urge to play multi player and it's been a fun ride so far.1
FFXIV. I get so burnt out with that game. I find it quite slow and tedious especially the way end game content is introduced.
I really like horror games so DBD was always on my radar. I play on PS4 so I was patiently waiting for the release of it. Got it at midnight on release day and hated it. Picked it up six months later and got completely sucked into the gameplay.Post edited by Chihuahuasaurus on0 -
I’m a sucker for the “old school games” so I was playing the snes & nes classic but also one of the things I like about Xbox one is backwards compatibility so I played KOTOR and I’m a HUGE mass effect fan (don’t mention andromeda) I’ve played through the trilogy 20 times on Xbox 360 and 20 times on PS4 and I’m playing it again on Xbox one
edit: I forgot to mention what got me into this game I searched up Friday the 13th on Amazon seen DBD gave it a try and haven’t regretted it since0 -
Killing Floor 2 was my most played game before DBD over took it 😊 I still top up my 100% achievements everytime new ones come out. But DBD still holds my heart even after 2400 hours lol. The devs really made a special game in my opinion. I think what drew me like many others was the unique hide, seek and chase formula. Great character and killer design. It was something fresh and new 😊0
Battlefield...my kid showed me the game...love at 1st sight.0
Friday the 13th and Overwatch. To be honest third person characters and customisation always draw me in, especially if stealth and objectives are involved in the gameplay. If I hadn't spent all of my money in GTA (everything fun requires money ;-;) I would of played that. Though most of the time I was in pacifist mode just walking around because life is hectic, you know? Sometimes you want to just watch as someone in a jet kills everyone on the map instead of the other bull you have to deal with in life.0
I don't play that many multiplayer games. What drew me into DbD was the Payday devs shilling it since it was published by the same company, Starbreeze. I started paying attention to dev diaries and whatnot, watched beta footage and was playing on launch day.
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I honestly have no idea how I found DBD. It just happened. I looked up some pre-release footage, then it got released and I have been following it and playing ever since.
Before DBD, I didnt play stuff exclusively, other than Aion, which I do even to this day.1 -
For Honor. I played until they changed the whole game and I had to basically relearn the entire game. I found DBD while watching Rooster Teeth.0
Assassin's creed, Uncharted, Farcry, and other games.
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I didn't really game until DBD. F13 was the first game i played regularly, and then I heard people on the forums talk about DBD. Good thing I switched lol.
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Heroes of the Storm (retired from LoL)
Path of Lagxile (also D3)
Hollow Knight (god-tier indie platformer RPG)
Dark Souls 3
Rain World (a game harder than diamonds that I didn't get far in)
Pillars of Eternity - Sank 88+ hours into this inside a month just before getting DbD.0 -
7 days to die but they only update once a year lol. Battlefield 1 Fallout 40
Lowbei said:AshleyWB said:TELL ME4
I am a big fan of PVP and taking on many men. I won an adult film award once for it. In all seriousness, I am a cold blooded killer in PVP games. No Mercy. I am a cold blooded here too. No Mercy.
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AshleyWB said:Lowbei said:AshleyWB said:TELL ME
and yes i am0 -
I use to play a ton of Hello Kitty Dream Carnival but the game was just to sweet. I needed something salty to help balance my palate.
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I've been online gaming for years, my top 5 online games of all time:
1."Vanilla" World of Warcraft.
2.Quake III Arena.
3.The original Counter Strike.
4.Warcraft 3 the RTS and it's expansion The Frozen Throne.
5.Dead by Daylight.Would definitely put DBD in my top 5 even if it's at the bottom.
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Splatoon, Overwatch, Super Mario Kart, MArio Kart DS, Super Circuit Mario kart, Mario Kart Wii, Mario Kart double dash, mario kart 8, Legend of Zelda All of SNES, NES, DS, Gamecube, N64, even Wii U (Ocarina and Majoras Mask ftw) Mario Sunshine, Mario RPG, Mario Galaxy 1 & 2, Super mario (all of them until Wii U With Mario 3D Land), Nier: Automata, GTA growing up, COD, Payday, Destiny's, Things like Stardew Valley, Smite, Paragon, League, so, so much more.
But DbD drew me in as it was nothing like before like those titles. It was INTERESTING
I've even played ######### like Banzo & kazooie, James Bond 007, World of Warcraft, Habbo... I can go on.
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TF2 here, played the game for 8 years. Also played CSGO for a while but quit cause its a disgusting cesspool. Tried Overwatch but it just cant compete with TF2.
Recently played Mad Max, to bad we dont have any online car combat games. I'd throw in a lot of money for a Mad Max multiplayer game.
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Final Fantasy 11 (MMO), Gears Of War, Dark Souls and Bloodborne, Final Fantasy 14 (MMO), For Honor, then Dead By Daylight. I watched Tru3Ta1ent for For Honor when it was new, then saw him play Dead By Daylight. I immediately got is ASAP after watching him play it.
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Killing Floor 2. Still love this one, but DbD is very special to me. Maybe my alltime favourite...1
A lot of games.
What drew me in was being a Killer.0 -
Hundreds of them.
Priston Tales
Dark Age of Camelot
Ragnarok Online
City of Heroes
Pretty much all the N64/Dreamcast games (Aka Golden Eyes, Perfect Dark, and such)What drew me in on dbd ?
Nothing special, it looked like a decent multiplayer game.1 -
@Skorpanio said:
A lot of PayDay 2, just before the game diedAh Payday 2. I still remember the lootbox ######### storm.
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I was just playing single player games for ps2 and 3 at the time. Saw YouTubers I like playing beta and signed up for it as well as I thought it would be fun with friends.
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What if you're going around on circles and the enemies are respawning.0
AshleyWB said:What if you're going around on circles and the enemies are respawning.1
overwatch and friday the 13th. dbd drew me in cause it was a horror survival game that didnt look that scary, and i hate being scared all the time so it was perfect.
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Everything, haha.
World of warcraft, assassins creed, uncharted, payday 2, gta V, wwe 2k, the witcher (love)
Just been a gamer since nintendo 8, so every game.
But now I find myself stuck on dbd, and I have no clue why.0 -
I had never played this type of game before, then I saw some streamer playing it and thought it was a really cool looking game.
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I have played plenty of games that aren't related to this game so I can't tell you which games drew me in. The thing that drew me in though was my love for horror movies featuring 4-7 survivors against killers/murderers or monsters. I was expecting something like this game and finally got what I wanted for years.
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Mostly Warframe - I still return to it from time to time as that is Free To Play done the right way.
DbD drew me in as not only did i like the Slasher/Horror theme, but it reminded me a bit of Evolve which had just tanked big time (I never got to play it much)
Evolve didn't die though; it was shot in the head, the body chopped up, then flattened into the ground a steam roller named 2k/TurtleRock
I'd play DbD more if the game wasn't so damn frustrating once you get past the mid ranks. Whole thing just seems designed to piss you off at that point.
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Overwatch mostly, but they kept adding and buffing heroes with low skill floor and high reward so I've quit.
A literal hamster ball was the nail in the coffin for me, I'm not joking go look it up.1 -
Friday the 13th and dark souls 30
DOTA. Extracting butthurt from players in DbD is much easier and quicker.
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Dead by Daylight was my first PC game. I used to watch a lot of YouTubers (VanossGaming, H2O Delirious, GassyMexican, etc.) and they played Dead by Daylight when it was in Alpha. My internet best friend and I talked about about DBD so she bought the game for both of us in 2016. We played like 3 games of Kill Your Friends but her computer wasn't running it very well so I continued playing and she didn't. Now I'm almost at 3k hours.
I used to play a lot of console games. I put so many hours in Left 4 Dead and Red Dead Redemption. I like horror games so that's probably why I was so interested in playing DBD.0