Mori and Brand New Part Changes Over Time

Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

Essentially the Brand New Part is the survivor equivalent of the killer's Mori and vice versa. When the game first came out the brand new part could instantly complete a gen by just one press of the secondary button and the mori could kill a survivor (or survivors depending on the rarity) as soon as they were downed. Then nerfs came to both of them which makes sense since they are the equivalent and to balance one you also have to change the other. After the nerf, the brand new part gave skill checks every two seconds until completion and survivors had to be hooked once before a mori. Now here we stand today where the brand new part has received another nerf where it can only complete 25% of a generator and the mori remained untouched. I kinda feel like the mori should be reworked even if it isn't a major change. Maybe make it so there is a time limit after a person gets unhooked before they can be killed via mori, or you have to hook/down another survivor before being able to mori a previously hooked one. Do you guys think the mori should be reworked since it (or was) and equivalent to the brand new part? Or should it be left untouched? If you think it should be changed how could it be changed to make it more fair (prevent tunnelling)?


  • xywwak
    xywwak Member Posts: 16

    Mori was kinda nerfed .. now you have to hook at least once to be able to mori survivor.

    In past times, when you were able to finish gen just by brand new part instatly killer was able to mori you once he downed you. So game was very very fast in mori case.

    Against tunneling now works DS pretty well, you can have MoM, borrow time, dead hard, IW/CS combo to loose killer easier. Of course not much players out of swf groups play borrow time (more time against tunnel). That means you have ways as survivor to dodge tunnel. If you are not able to break LOS and chase and die on hook throw it behind and go play next match. It´s just game.

  • invira_zero
    invira_zero Member Posts: 229

    you didnt get the point.

    Its about equal URares, not tunneling.

    Atm, BNP does not so much, cause 20 seconds is almost nothing, tbh. Its a way weaker than Mori, expect cypress one.

    And, BNP can be countered easily, cause its one time based.

    If you force survivor to go off the gen, he losts his BNP.

    Not gonna say, that mori is OP, just BNP is way weaker, than ebony mori, thats in same tier.

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    Exactly! This was my point. It was kind of inferred that I was talking about the Ebony Mori but next time I will make it more clear. I just find it a bit weird that for something that is supposed to be equivalent, one side gets a much better use. The mori isn't OP at all, exactly like you said. It's just that people go straight for you when you get off the hook and you don't have a chance to do anything. The brand new part is super weak yet the mori is really strong, especially in the hands of an experienced killer or a killer that will tunnel you just for the mori regardless if he was doing something else.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    I agree with everything except "20 seconds is almost nothing".

    90% of this game is time management. 20 seconds can be the difference between a killer snowball and a 0k.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    The only thing I would change about moris is that the survivor should be healed after being unhooked to be moriable. I see too many killers camping and tunneling to quickly dispatch of a survivor, and before someone comes with the "it's a tactic" argument, I say that it sucks and isn't fun for anyone.

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    I know all of the changes that were made. I listed them in my above post. Like the other guy already said, it wasn't about tunnelling so much as it was about two things of the same rarity (Brand New Part and Ebony Mori) of both sides being uneven after nerfs. But about what you said about tunnelling and the counters. Considering the tunnelling was related to the mori and not in general that is what I will assume you were referring to. In the case of the killer tunnelling with a mori, decisive strike is useless because he does not have to pick you up again, but can simply kill you on the spot. Mettle of Man was nerfed into the ground (and yes I say this as someone who plays both sides) since the protection hits don't register half of the time. Borrowed Time, like you said, is hardly run now and even so it typically won't benefit if you were a solo queue. Dead Hard is pretty much a one use per chase thing so it won't counter the tunnelling with the mori, it will just make the chase take a bit longer and you will die a bit later (more than likely although I have seen people get out of the game). Iron Will won't do anything if he is hot on your trail, you would have to get a decent way ahead of them first. As far as moving on if you die, I agree with that. It is pointless to sit their angry when you could be in another game, but as I said before, the point was not about tunnelling or dying, but about two ultra rare add-ons that were once equal in power that now are unequal (or at least it feels that way) after the changes.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    3 survivors can finish 5 gens in 3,5 minutes but 20 seconds is not much?

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    Yeah, time is of the essence and can make a big difference. Not just in this scenario, but in every game with pretty much every scenario.

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    Agreed! This could definitely be a viable change! Also, since the killer knows they must be healed before they can be killed via mori (and if you bring in a mori you obviously intend to use it) it might cause more people to stop camping.

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    20 seconds is a lot. It can make a huge difference. But let's face it, the chances of three survivors rushing all 5 gens like that will almost never happen if you can put pressure on them. The mori also affects time however. The time that the killer would spend on the second hook and the final chase (assuming they didn't camp) is negated since they can be killed right there on the spot. In this case you are now down a survivor and that makes a HUGE difference in the game. Now gens don't go nearly as fast because you have one less person to work on it (technically two because one is dead and the other will most likely being getting chased or on a hook). Yes, the Brand New Part could negate 20 seconds of gens for the killer, but the killer's mori could negate minutes of chase for survivors which means way more time to focus on gens.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Mories are fine since they are inconsistent. They heavily depend on killer's and survivor's skill unline BNP that is extremely easy to pull off without killer having a say in the matter.

    Right now both are in a good spot, fair but powerfull enough considering each's advantages and disadvantages.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    Mori's aren't fun to go against and why people DC when they see them. There is no skill associated with them and no counter. Same with TS. Not to mention, no Survivor equiv for either. What about only working on death hook? That would be more fair. Or succeeding a difficult Skill Check to fight back and get away?

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,695
    edited June 2019

    Compare the time difference to complete a single gen vs killing a single survivor, and you'll see why there is a "perceived power difference" in the two.

    Also, if you're wrecking a killer, you can save your BNP for the next match (assuming you don't instantly install it like a potato/use it when it is optimal).

    When a killer brings a mori, it's instantly lost upon loading, regardless of how the match goes.

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    The death hook thing wouldn't work. A lot of survivors would just let themselves die on second hook so the killer doesn't get the satisfaction of the mori.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Survivors DC when facing any killer on any map using any (or no) perks and any (or no) add-ons. Same goes for killers. Therefore, everything should be nerfed. This is the logical conclusion of your thought process.

    On the other hand, we can simply recognize that people DC because they're salty and not reward them for doing so.

  • invira_zero
    invira_zero Member Posts: 229

    @gantes, yep, i agree, that i said some ######### about 20 seconds, u right.