Your favorite (maybe not best) Ghostface set up so far?

So far mine is BBQ, Ruin, Nurse and Diiscordance which I may replace with Surveillance... and my favorite addons are stacking the recovery speed of Shroud. Even without stalking the ability to remove your Terror Radius over and over makes it a lot of fun.
Ruin (of course), Whispers, spirit fury, and enduring. Addons don't really matter to me.
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I can't get Enduring at all :-(
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Discordance, BBQ and Chili, Hex: Ruin, and Hex: Haunted Grounds has been quite effective for me
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Hex: ruin, pop goes the weasle, thrilling tremors and surprisingly, I'm all ears.
I'm all ears is pretty decent but it's just the cooldown that kills it imo, and I love thrilling tremors! Its become one of my favorite perks.
For addons I also normally go with the shroud recovery rate but I like rate of which a survivor becomes marked ones too. Oh, and stack the purple and green addons that make you crouch walk faster and you're moving at lightning speed! It's super fun!
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Crouch walking is fun too, although I keep getting maps where I can't see over anything (cough corn cough)
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Any map I go on I find the highest point and survey with shadowborn, then go patrolling, then repeat until I get a survivor which I hook to where I can see them but they can't see me from my vantage point
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Corrupt intervention is a lot of fun to run on him because it pushes survivors towards you and allows you to get the ball rolling really quickly when the game starts.
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Slow the game down...JUST A LIL BIT