Nurse Balance Idea

I love nurse and she was my main (now I play her on and off). But she has become a bit too strong with the the survivor nerfs added over the year. Anyone can take the time to get good with her nowadays. 1-2 years ago she actually was hard to play and took dedication to get good with. But that was because of the bugs that plagued her and how finicky her blinks were. You needed to adapt to her, learn what she can and cant do, and memorize the terrain of maps to blink correct. That's all fixed now (or most of it), and its removed some of the skill it took to play her. They even added the ability to blink up or down, which has lowered the skill ceiling and made her extra deadly.

All that said. There has been a build on nurse that has been a ton of fun to use, seems fair for survivors and is still pretty strong. "Jenners Last Breath" and "Ataxic Respiration" Only one blink that's fast and has more range. I've been using this build whenever I play nurse and I'm believing more and more, that's how it should be by default. The second blink allows the nurse to make mistakes and still get rewarded. It was fine back in the day to recover from a buggy first blink, but now it only removes any counter play there is. Only 1 blink means you have to be a lot more precise and gives survivors the counterplay to escape nurse when they've been found.

Now about the addons... I only have ideas for a couple, like the yellow or green extra blink addon could change her back to the original 2 blink nurse. But she can only add one extra addon so no more omega blink nurse. Purple and (the newly added) Pink addons both add 2 blinks so everyone's favorite 5 blink nurse can still be a thing, it's just expensive now. The only addons that should have any negatives are the extra blink ones.The longer blink window addons should be changed to debuff type addons or more reduced fatigue addons.

Any feedback on this would be great.


  • prayer_survivor
    prayer_survivor Member Posts: 626

    "...reward for playtime...". Yes, she must get 4k always because survivors at lvl 1 have less that 10 hours and don't deserve a reward too

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Her power is perfectly fine.

    What's not fine is her add-ons. They're all very old and most of them are in need of a reimagination.

  • adalesmo
    adalesmo Member Posts: 164
    edited June 2019

    Nurse is objectively broken. A killer who completely ignores survivor's only real defense and is near-guaranteed a 4k every game with even a basic level of familiarity of her ability on almost any map is broken. She has no real counter, as adamant as many killer mains are about the "lulz mindgames" of doubling back, which is not a real counter to begin with, and a couple of other things that work with exactly zero rank 1 nurses that 4k virtually every single game despite survivors' skill. She's Legion-pre-nerf tier broken, but the devs refuse to do anything because killers just want their free kills.

  • Mänzel
    Mänzel Member Posts: 73

    Yes she is strong...

    Map control and you can't loop her...

    And yeah that's what you pick in case of 4 man swf flashlight team...

    That's something I notice again and again. The salt is really big in this game. People do the dirtiest tryhard things to fck up the others game...

    I see 4 man flashlight swf? Have fun with 4-5 blinks and Franklin's nurse...

    Dunno if this is the way the game should go.

    I man killer and I personally don't like nurse. But there were several games after those I thought:" you should get used to her... “

  • yes
    yes Member Posts: 361

    okay this is unrelated to the topic but why do you type like "This...."?

    i swear i see everyone do that and it's so frustrating, what is there to be dramatic about?

    whenever i read stuff in that format i always picture the person saying that pausing right after they speak, waiting 10 seconds, talking again, etc.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    @yes I take a drag from my cigarette everytime I do the "....." xD lol ..... no in all seriousness I try to change/move to different points i have to make to better explain why I believe what I believe....

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    @adalesmo shes not even close to what legion was...... legion had a guaranteed down if they chose to watch deep wounds bar tick down..... they had no cooldown on missed attacks so it didnt matter if a survivor pulled off the sexiest juke in their gaming career they would still get hit....

    Nurse has cooldown whenever she stops blinking, if she misses an attack after a blink she goes into a cooldown, if she holds her blink to long survivors can run at her.... overall being unpredictable can make the nurses job difficult---> going to pallets defaulting on loops is not the way.... stealthing and forcing her into looking around with her like 96% MS is also a really good thing to do.... maybe when maps are reworked there will be more obstructions in maps to make stealth play more viable because atm it is a bit meh...

  • yes
    yes Member Posts: 361

    ohhhh kk, thx for an explanation <3 sorry if i came off as harsh, i was hangry at the time

  • prayer_survivor
    prayer_survivor Member Posts: 626

    So, they can't rework nurse because she is the counter to swf, but he can't nerf swf, who are the counter to nurse. And you don't think this forum is 90% killer side?

  • cwtfern
    cwtfern Member Posts: 136
    edited June 2019

    "A killer who completely ignores survivor's only real defense and is near-guaranteed a 4k every game with even a basic level of familiarity of her ability on almost any map is broken."

    I would argue that you need far more than a basic level of familiarity to 4k as Nurse at high ranks. Yes, she is strong, but she can also get bullied quite easily.

    Her base kit is fine, and she can be countered with Dead Hard or line-of-sight mindgames. The real problem with Nurse is her add-ons. Specifically Omega Blink, which is super broken and accounts for 99% of the complaints about her being OP.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    I'll never understand how bugs in games becomes equated with an extra layer of skill being placed on the survivor. The Nurse is still the hardest killer to learn with the biggest benefits should you learn her. Just because we had to deal with ridiculous bugs in the past doesn't mean it made killers who played her then more skilled. It just meant you put more energy into fighting the game which isn't really teaching anyone anything since the issues should have not happened to begin with.

    With that rant out of the way. Nurse being the way she is one of the few things that keeps highly skilled, highly coordinated survivors in check. Though, that is just a massive band-aid over a critical issue which is the game lacks viable killers. Out of 16 killers at most 4 are totally viable with two being consistently viable. The rest all fall apart once you start getting into purple and red ranks at different stages. The amount of work needed if far more that what the killer's kit can give back. Should Nurse be 'nerfed' or 'adjusted'? BHVR seems to consider her a high priority, but I worry what happens when that day comes.

    I think we've gone passed the point of reigning in the upper rank survivors without change how the game conducts itself. I don't know where you scale Nurse down other than her addons, but it seems like most just want to get rid of multi and omega blinks which I see as a detriment in the long run.

  • prettyf
    prettyf Member Posts: 442

    nope im only nurse player from yesterday but already massively rewarded every rounds

    you could reward 1hours playtime after knowing maps without any addons

    i feel better than all killers + red addons from current state

    can down anyone in any place in my sight whatever they does

    this character is only dismally easy to play and most op in all my fighting games

    doesn't needs to lead like demoman or torbjorn

    don't needs to stratigic like any other killers, doesn't need to camp at all

    don't needs to learn timing of pallets and no stun from any ability relate motion

    fastast and wall through to scout survivor easier than others

    only downside is when you bad at precise blinking you can feel its hard

    but its depends on how good player is, also i can incourse and find well without whisper my using perks can be perfect without chase perks

    if you did good at gaming sense you can't say its rewarding

    unless... its from console i respect console nurse players

  • Top10AnimeBetrayals
    Top10AnimeBetrayals Member Posts: 5

    Nurse needs to be nerfed. Like OP said, additional blinks rewards mistakes and killers have hated survs being rewarded for mistakes for eons, and survs and their perks have been taking a beating from the nerf hammer for a while now.

    At the very least her add-ons need to be looked at but even then she is a total cheese killer.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737
    edited June 2019




    Yeah, they need to be finally buffed to take account of the unjustified uber-nerfs base Nurse received 3 years ago.

  • sanki
    sanki Member Posts: 261

    just can't agree more,especially when we talk about the nurse XD

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    OMG!!! That's my favorite addon pair too! <3

    Regarding your post, the thing every survivor can do almost nothing against is predict exactly where The Nurse will end up, which was different prior to the blink changes. In order to make what is, in my opinion, the most important change to The Nurse's power, we need to look at two aspects of how The Nurse was first realized on live servers.

    A) Her lethal blink animation

    B) Her three base blinks

    The lethal blink animation is perhaps the most important thing to understand about why survivors can have such a hard time going against The Nurse. To summarize, The Nurse had at one point a lunge animation that would 100% hit a survivor upon the Nurse's reappearance and clicking of m1. This lunge animation was not as fast as the animations for close hits currently. It was a special animation that would position The Nurse's weapon dramatically before bringing it down upon a survivor even if the survivor had dropped a pallet between the weapon and himself/herself in the meantime.

    The Nurse could not near instantaneously enter cooldown after pressing the attack button and getting a successful attack, which is what we have today. It's visually worse today compared to then, and that makes it less scary in this "horror" game that we play. This is not the most important change, but it provides an example of why visuals matter.

    When the pumpkin head customization came out, it was pretty clear that the eyes and smoke from the pumpkin head would appear before the rest of The Nurse. The Nurse currently has collision, the ability to attack, and the ability to chain blink before appearing. That gives very little time for survivors to react to an extremely variable blink reappearance location. This is why survivors can have difficulty playing against The Nurse. If balance changes are to be made to the Nurse, it needs to be in regards to her reappearance visuals and the feedback that gives survivors. Everything else comes after that.

    The issue of her multiple blinks is not as important as the issue addressed above. Every additional blink The Nurse makes allows her to fine tune her movements and reduce the error for a potential missed attack. That means that the killer who can ignore almost any defense survivors have can prevent herself from missing any attack she makes.

    In the spotlight for The Nurse, it was evident that the player playing the Nurse was not blinking the potential maximum distance every blink. Each chain blink was short, and only allowed her to further her movements in one direction. Since the addons for more chain blinks all nearly have decreased range attached to them, it is my understanding that chain blinks were merely a way to get more distance out of her power but with the ability to stop before using all the potential distance. Range addons had decreased accuracy, so it was evident that the developers thought a blink from across the map should not be able to hit a survivor spot on. The Nurse found much more use in her power than in her 115% movement speed, so the devs took that away, and players became more adept at using her blinks more and more precisely. Obviously, the issue of distance and accuracy of blinks should be addressed second, but it does not compare in urgency to the issue of little visual cues to survivors when The Nurse reappears from her blinks.

  • NiteN_⑨
    NiteN_⑨ Member Posts: 37

    That's true, Nurse had to wait a sec before she could swing out of a blink but its been so long since that bugs been around that I completely forgot that it was supposed to be like that. If they fixed that it would help a lot against her.

  • wisdom
    wisdom Member Posts: 216

    An idea I have that I will continue to propose even though all the salty people on here will continue to downvote my comments simply because they want their broken ######### in the game because they feel entitled, is a nurse rework.

    Because I am a killer main and I want the game to be balanced. And the game will never be balanced if you have a killer who ignores game mechanics at no cost. You want survivor nerfs? Me too. But this is a game with 2 sides. 

    My proposal was, and still is, this.

    Make the nurse a 110 killer.

    Rework her blinks to have charges. She starts with 2-3 base changes, and when she blinks she consumes a charge. The charges refresh over time.

    Rework her add ons to not have so many fake stats in them. 

    And give her an ultra rare add on that lets her have infinite charges with a limited number of chain blinks.

    This would mean that you can have the nurse we have now as an ultra rare (a bit better actually since she would be 110) and you would have the ability to actually catch survivors without her blinks you can use her blinks for mobility or chases, but not both.

    She would still be one of the strongest killers in the game,  boasting incredible ability in every category that matters, but you wouldn’t simply be the strongest killer at all times at all points in the game with no counterplay.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    @wisdom An unnecessary downgrade for Nurse, to be honest. She's one of the most unique killers in the game. Turning her into another generic killer isn't the solution.

    You'd see so much less Nurses around if the maps were designed to give weaker killers a chance to be effective.

  • wisdom
    wisdom Member Posts: 216


    There is nothing “unnecessary “ about a change to the nurse.

    The nurse ignores game mechanics. You can nerf killer’s base mechanics to the ground, buff survivors to god tier levels, or do the exact opposite, and if the nurse remains unchanged she will continue to be the strongest killer in the game.

    that is the nature of her power. It ignores game mechanics. It does not have a cost. 

    And “skill” isn’t an argument I will accept. Nurses skill cap in dead by daylight may be high, but compared to almost any other game it is laughably low. Requiring skill to keep something that is legitimately broken in the game is the argument that was used back in the day defending the inclusion of infinite loops.

    I want the game to be fair for both sides. Which means I don’t want old ds to be a thing- because it is legitimately unfair. However, if I am not being bias, as so many people are when countering the idea of a nurse rework, I can honestly say that the nurse herself is also legitimately unfair.

    Hillbilly, spirit, these are the killers we should model killer balance around. The nurse is the strongest killer only because she is the strongest in charge, amp pressure, hook pressure, mobility, etc. she has no weakness and her counterplay is hoping that the nurse messes up. Legion was nerfed for the same reasons, except they were FAR weaker but easier to use.

    Your argument that maps are the problem is a legitimate one.

    But let’s say they fixed maps. What makes you believe people would stop using the nurse? Killer favored maps still favor the nurse. It’s actually quite hard to make a map that doesn’t favor her, because again... she ignores game mechanics.

  • wisdom
    wisdom Member Posts: 216

    You are welcome to downvote my comment, but the question still remains unanswered

    What makes the defenders of this idea that the maps are the problem believe that if maps were more killer favored that the nurse would see less play?

    Are we really going to argue that a small pallet light open map is somehow worse for the nurse than it is for any other killer?

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    @wisdom It is. She's a relic of the past, born from bad map design.

    And that still proves correct as most maps got really strong loops, some even with several god-tier pallets and window placements that makes chasing survivors a massive time investment.

    She's popular because she DOESN'T CARE and as long as maps provide problems for most killers, she's gonna remain strong.

    My reasoning is very simple. All killer playerss don't play Nurse, Hillbilly, Spirit, Huntress and Hag because they're the most fun for them but because they're the only ones that can do good on bad maps (on top of already having a solid map pressure in some way or another innate in their kits) and you'd see much more variety in killers if the maps was improved to accommodate for lesser tier killers.

    More variety means less Nurse.

  • prettyf
    prettyf Member Posts: 442

    for full item holding situation like toolboxes or vs swf nurse is fine

    other than that its way off from fine

    vs solo nurse fine=never met my nurse or other asia decent nurse players

    or not even red in na/eu wow than def your standard is way off from track

    if you could played nurse keeping more than 50% precise hit ratio and knew maps

    its must called op, i said this is decent in asia not even great for me or others

    you can't agree its not game breaker bro, its funny

    asians are not playing killers like blind and good at hearing or predict things well

    unlike amazing wm1+nurse calling or bc using ez mode server

    if i play nurse i can generate all kill screenshots every 5-10mins

    these things all different rounds