Barbecue & Chili kills the fun of DbD by being unfair and overpowered.

Hello there, fellow new player (45 hours in). I have noticed that at least 75% of the killers I face have B&C, and every single time they have it, my team gets destroyed. Some person gets hooked early on, and it becomes a chain of unhooking and rehooking. Killers can simply beeline to the nearest person they can see, without them ever knowing. I have had games where I think I'm perfectly stealthed, and I see the killer running over to my hiding spot and immediately attacking me. My teammates think they're stealthed; nope, killer kills them. And hooks them. And sees another person to kill. Repeat until everyone is dead.

Sure, I can do my best to avoid the killer, but when someone else gets hooked, I have to drop everything I'm doing and prepare for the killer's arrival, regardless of whether or not I know he has the perk. Because if I continue doing what I'm doing, the killer will just straight up beeline right towards me and kill me.

This wouldn't be so much of a problem if only the cannibal could use it. After all, if I saw it was a cannibal, I'd know that he would have B&C. The ######### thing is, EVERY killer can have this annoying perk. There isn't even a way to check if they have it! Why? Why have it in this game about stealth? It drives me nuts!


  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293
    edited May 2018

    If every killer is using the perk, then it should be easier for you to adapt to it.

    Give it time. The only time BBQ is truly annoying is when you're facing the Nurse or Hillbilly.

    BBQ can't see survivors that are ether within 40 meters of the hooked individual or if you position yourself right behind a generator. It's not much but it helps.

    Post edited by Mc_Harty on
  • ShamefulKing
    ShamefulKing Member Posts: 130
    Mc_Harty said:

    If every killer is using the perk, then it should be easier for you to adapt to it.

    Give it time. The only time BBQ is truly annoying is when you're facing the Nurse or Hillbilly.

    BBQ can't see survivors that are ether within 40 meters of the hooked individual or if you position yourself right
    behind a generator. It's not much but it helps.

    I have to agree with this guy. I've faced plenty of people with BBQ & Chilli and even use it myself. 9 times out of 10, they're usually using it for the extra bloodpoints and as long as you're stealthy, the killer will usually miss you even if they decide to come to your position. Survivor only lights up for a few seconds, anything can happen after that.
  • AsianMammoth
    AsianMammoth Member Posts: 86

    Just get within the killer's terror radius while he's hooking a survivor, trick him into thinking you're going somewhere - count to 5 and go the other way, hide from him, etc. There are many ways to counter BBQ & Chili, like every other good killer perk.

  • Techn0
    Techn0 Member Posts: 405

    BBQ is a difficult thing to talk about from a balance standpoint. The safest thing to say here is that the perk for the most part is fine. The terror radius normally is a dead give away that the killer is nearby and should be enough time to run. Due to the speed at which killers move I generally think that the perk is fine from a balance standpoint. There are a few soft counters like hiding behind an unfinished generator or walking in one direction for four seconds and then turning around.

  • ThePeeje
    ThePeeje Member Posts: 70

    OP - either you're close enough to the hook to not be noticed, or you're far enough away that... even if the killer knows where you are, you should still be able to get to safety. And so what if the killer does find you? Once you learn to loop, you'll be glad if the killer does come after you rather than camp. so long as you stay alive long enough, your team mates will save the other guy, get him healed up and be doing gens. if you can't lose the killer or keep him busy for more than 30 seconds, then you're just not very good.

    The exceptions to this are: Billy. And to a lesser extent Nurse.

  • ThePeeje
    ThePeeje Member Posts: 70

    However i have posted on this forum that a perk needs to come out that hides your aura from the killer. Basically a BBQ counter.

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685

    The opening title for this has to be bait alone...

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    Welp if you had to choose between a killer leaving the hook and letting you to rescue, and a killer just standing there, waiting for people to come by, what would you choose ?

    BBQ has several counters, including juking if you're found. It's not like being found means you're gonna go down under 10s, supposedly, even.

    A killer getting people one by one should not be able to kill everyone before the gens are completed, unlike you're very low ranks and not repairing, which is the main issue.

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    Sorry OP, but BBQ & Chilli has multiple counters and work-arounds to it. Learn to use them, all the information is readily available.

    And as a matter of fact, you yourself said that you're new. The thing, you lack a whole lot of experience still, 45 hours really is nothing in this game. I suggest you refrain from making balance suggestion until you've seen more of the bigger picture. It's newcomers like you that got Freddy, an already weak Killer, nerfed to bits because they had no idea how to counter him properly and instead of trying to learn his weaknesses and counters, went to the devs and complained.

  • MysterTal
    MysterTal Member Posts: 157

    Before I go into the particulars of BBQ&Chilli and why it's not only a fine Perk, but a desired one, I'd like to teach you something.

    These days, people like to throw words around like "overpowered", you hear it applied almost all the time and especially in discussions concerning Killers in Dead by Daylight.

    _"Nurse can go through stuff using her power - she's OVERPOWERED"
    "Freddy can see you while you're asleep anywhere on the map - that's OVERPOWERED." _

    That word gets misused, so often by new players with little understanding of the game, and by those who should know better.

    In gaming, an Overpowered thing is something that gives one side an overwhelming advantage without the possibility of counterplay from the other side.
    An actually overpowered ability for a Killer would be something like a power with a map-wide radius that allows the Killer to instantly freeze all Survivors in place, bringing them down to the Dying state all at once without the ability to use Perks like Unbreakable or No Mither.

    BBQ&Chilli, on the other hand, has multiple counterplays to it.

    First, it merely reveals the auras of Survivors who are beyond a certain range from the hooked Survivor and it has blindspots (if you're crouching behind a generator your aura gets "swallowed" by the generator's aura, hiding you from the Killer's gaze).

    Second, the range where the auras are hidden is actually a pretty large one (it's bigger than the whole Badham Preschool's main structure and surrounding area, for example). In other words, as long as you get just a little closer to the general area where the Killer is hooking the Survivor, your aura won't be revealed.

    And thirdly, the ability to see your aura from across the map for a few seconds does not equal "instant capture". Only one Killer has the ability to instantly go from one side of the map to the other (which is the Hag, and only if she uses a certain rare addon that allows her to teleport to any trap at will - and only when she has a trap to teleport to), two others (Hillbilly and Nurse) have the potential to arrive in your area quickly, however you still have a chance to hide or juke them.

    Notice that the Killer has to move away from the hook in order to chase another Survivor - emphasis on the "chase" part, since simply knowing where you are does not mean much in this game, unless you're a newbie who wandered into an unsafe area.

    In fact, BBQ&Chilli does more good for Survivors than it hurts them - it gives them a chance to bait the Killer away from the hook, waste his time by making them think they have a chance of finding the Survivor when the Survivor can juke the Killer simply by moving in one direction for a few seconds and then once the few seconds when BBQ&Chilli shows their auras elapse, they sneak in the other direction and hide or simply slink away while the Killer goes to search an empty area.

    BBQ&Chilli is also beneficial to Survivors since it incentivizes Killers to move away from a hook, giving Survivors the chance to earn Benevolent points while the Killer chases a new Survivor and the hooked person doesn't simply get tunnelled/camped to death.

    New Survivors like yourself, Sephirothpheonix, simply need to learn the game and get used to the Perk. If you want to stay hidden, pay attention to what's happening around you - if the Killer downs someone, start running towards them, then sneak when you get closer. When the Killer hooks them, you'll remain hidden.
    That is all there is to it.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Survivor mains: BBQ is OP pls nerf!
    Also survivor mains: Devs do something about camping!

    BBQ is the perfect perk to reduce camping. And believe me, you´ll wish the killer had BBQ when you encounter a Insidious basement camping Leatherface.

  • Daddy
    Daddy Member Posts: 3

    Survivor perks are "OP". It's a 4v1 game so you'd think that Killer perks would be 4 times stronger than the Survivor perks but they're really not. Imagine if Killers had Sprint Burst. The perks used to be a huge issue but the Emblem system fixed a lot of things. Survivors need to do more than fix gens to pip now and I love that.

    I'd suggest you watch some streamers. not_Queen is a consistent streamer. She's a Survivor main who plays a lot of mind games with Killers who run BBQ & Chili. Check her out on

  • Spudbar
    Spudbar Member Posts: 21

    In my opinion in the current state of the game you could give every Killer permanent wallhacks (aside from maybe when you chase someone; it'd make mindgames hella easy) and unless they play Nurse, you can still win most of your games.

    I think BBQ is fine in the current state of the game. If it became more stealth oriented then maybe it'd be worth talking about. But for now, the Killer knowing where you are for a couple seconds does not impede at all on the winning strat of doing gens and looping.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @Mc_Harty said:
    If every killer is using the perk, then it should be easier for you to adapt to it.

    Give it time. The only time BBQ is truly annoying is when you're facing the Nurse or Hillbilly.

    BBQ can't see survivors that are ether within 40 meters of the hooked individual or if you position yourself right
    behind a generator. It's not much but it helps.

    You can also run one way for 4 seconds then walk back the other way... a bit of an issue with nurse and billy (as you said), but it can still be played around.

    OP - play more and get better :)

  • lionsou
    lionsou Member Posts: 61

    @Sephirothphoenix is object of obsession overpowered? because that gives you the killers location especially when you run sole survivor 3. This isn't for hooks but rather on going and so BBQ and Chilli is not overpowered especially when you can only see survivors further than 40 m away so it does have flaws (same for O.O.O.).

  • Uncomfortable
    Uncomfortable Member Posts: 15

    As a frequent user of Barbecue & Chilli I have to disagree. I would only consider it OP on Nurse or Billy, because they can travel across the map pretty quickly. If you think the killer has Barbecue & Chilli there are many ways to counter them. Hide behind the aura of a gen, get within 40 meters then get out, hide in a locker then leave to make the killer think you're in a locker, run in one direction and then start running in the other. The best way to counter Barbecue & Chilli is to trick the killer. Be unpredictable.

  • GizmoTheViking
    GizmoTheViking Member Posts: 5

    @Tsulan said:
    Survivor mains: BBQ is OP pls nerf!
    Also survivor mains: Devs do something about camping!

    BBQ is the perfect perk to reduce camping. And believe me, you´ll wish the killer had BBQ when you encounter a Insidious basement camping Leatherface.

    That's not necessarily true. The reason this perk got the infamous nick name BBQ & Camp is because there's too many killer using the opposite way of how you just described it.

    They hook someone and they only see 1-2 auras away from the hook, so they know someone is close and therefor puts down a tent in the nearby area to BBQ some hot dogs while waiting for the unhooking. This goes to most killer except for Nurse and Billy, because the other killers aren't likely to get anything other than a regular chase on who ever they find far away beause of the BBQ.

    I do agree that the perk has plenty of counter play to it for those that actually decide to show their auras though and the perk is not in any sense OP. It's just annoying with all the killers that choose to use the perk the other way, which is why it maybe should have a down side to it for staying close if there is possible targets visible outside the 40 meters range the perk has at tier 3.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    There was a thread exactly like this on Reddit fifteen hours ago, are you also the author of that thread?

    I'll just repost what I said over there:

    BBQ and Chili can be countered. Just move in one direction until the aura reading is over and then move in the opposite or hide your aura behind an incomplete generator or get close to the Killer. It doesn’t need a nerf at all. You just need to get better at stealth. Also, stealth isn’t being encouraged that much by the devs. Doctor, Freddy, BBQ, the Evader emblem all make stealthing around the map harder to pull off successfully (If you don’t get near the Killer for your Evader points, then you will either safety pip or depip, maybe single pip if you get some heals and unhooks in and you don’t get downed). It just seems like you need to get better. We don't need another pointless nerf to Killers (Freddy was the first one).

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @GizmoTheViking said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Survivor mains: BBQ is OP pls nerf!
    Also survivor mains: Devs do something about camping!

    BBQ is the perfect perk to reduce camping. And believe me, you´ll wish the killer had BBQ when you encounter a Insidious basement camping Leatherface.

    That's not necessarily true. The reason this perk got the infamous nick name BBQ & Camp is because there's too many killer using the opposite way of how you just described it.

    They hook someone and they only see 1-2 auras away from the hook, so they know someone is close and therefor puts down a tent in the nearby area to BBQ some hot dogs while waiting for the unhooking. This goes to most killer except for Nurse and Billy, because the other killers aren't likely to get anything other than a regular chase on who ever they find far away beause of the BBQ.

    I do agree that the perk has plenty of counter play to it for those that actually decide to show their auras though and the perk is not in any sense OP. It's just annoying with all the killers that choose to use the perk the other way, which is why it maybe should have a down side to it for staying close if there is possible targets visible outside the 40 meters range the perk has at tier 3.

    Survivors defeat the only purpose of BBQ: seing the auras. Since they don´t want to be seen, they hide closeby or behind a gen. Killer sees no survivors, so he assumes that the other survivors are close. The next logic step is to search them.
    Which can be seen as camping.
    Basically survivors played themselfes by hiding to good.

  • Michael_Myers
    Michael_Myers Member Posts: 104

    @SnakeSound222 said:
    There was a thread exactly like this on Reddit fifteen hours ago, are you also the author of that thread?

    I'll just repost what I said over there:

    BBQ and Chili can be countered. Just move in one direction until the aura reading is over and then move in the opposite or hide your aura behind an incomplete generator or get close to the Killer. It doesn’t need a nerf at all. You just need to get better at stealth. Also, stealth isn’t being encouraged that much by the devs. Doctor, Freddy, BBQ, the Evader emblem all make stealthing around the map harder to pull off successfully (If you don’t get near the Killer for your Evader points, then you will either safety pip or depip, maybe single pip if you get some heals and unhooks in and you don’t get downed). It just seems like you need to get better. We don't need another pointless nerf to Killers (Freddy was the first one).

    ^^^ This is 100% accurate.

  • Tetriz
    Tetriz Member Posts: 2
    That's why you don't let new players do balance suggestions :unamused:
  • Axlegolas
    Axlegolas Member Posts: 43

    BBQ should not show the swfs in a death state. you have deer stalker for finding them, so BBQ makes deer stalker useless

  • theedman51
    theedman51 Member Posts: 1

    90 percent of killers are using it. That is why it needs to be fixed. Im sick of playing against bbq nearly every game. I like some variety in my games and once a perk becomes that meta it needs to change. On some killers its ok but on nurse and billy its very broken. needs a fix.

  • TheDiz
    TheDiz Member Posts: 243

    🤣I love how all the people who are defending it are obviously killer mains! As a killer I love the perk even though I hardly use it because I feel like it's kinda cheating. And as survivor I hate it because many times I've gotten into lockers and tried to avoid it to no avail. I honestly think distortion should have no limit as a hard counter until people stop using it so much since distortion is so useless as of now.

  • Fear_source19
    Fear_source19 Member Posts: 78

    Definitely overpowered, first of all, you can't outrun the killer. Secondly the only real advantage survivors have, is our ability to out maneuver the killer, by quick darting motions in any direction. And that can be eliminated very easily by some killers, especially some ranged killers. First of all, the perk explains with in 45 meters, but yet, can still see me from across the map, and if I'm working on a generator guess what, his destroyed my progress. Its hard to really counter it, honestly. Even with a party, it can still be difficult, first of all, were connecting to the killer, so he already has the better connection. Its just heavily in the killers favor. I know plenty of people are gonna disagree, but I've loaded some serious time in to the game and, I still come across killers that I can hang with, the hillbilly, the nurse with the right add ons, a trapper who knows how to lead his survivors. It can be daunting at times, and don't get me started on playing with random, I win maybe 1 out of 10 games, and that's if I'm doing objectives. I can win plenty if I just hide, but that's not really fun.

  • Artemis_LH
    Artemis_LH Member Posts: 113

    ######### BBQ and chili. That ######### works within the ######### terror radius for some ######### bullshit reason.

    Had it happen to me just right now.

    Fuck this #########.