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What off-meta perks do you all enjoy using?

Member Posts: 405

On every killer except for doc I wouldn't be able to live without knockout. It gives you so much time once ruin is gone. On the survivor side I feel like a lot of people really underestimate vigil.


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  • Member Posts: 2,144

    I really enjoy Stake Out. I get to take it easy on skill checks and it also counters Ruin fairly effectively.

  • Member Posts: 3,293

    Wake Up!

    Something about that perk made me fall in love with it.

  • Member Posts: 1,726

    I love Bond for survivors. And I'm currently using Distressing on all my killers cause I need those bloodpoints.

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  • Member Posts: 405
    edited May 2018

    @WalterWh1te said:
    I'm rocking Blood Warden on Billy lately. I think its a underrated perk and can be used for some really unexpected plays. It gives you information (are the gates powered or not) and the possibilty to prolong the game in an enjoyable way, you just need to play it smart the end.

    I like using Blood Warden on my Wraith. It's much less predictable then NOED and I feel better about clutch BW than a clutch NOED.

  • Member Posts: 58

    Tenacity can be a really great perk, especially in combination with Unbreakable

  • Member Posts: 287

    Vigil, Balanced Landing, and Saboteur are some of my favorites.

  • Member Posts: 2

    Does Iron Will count?? :P

  • Member Posts: 78
    I love Small Game. It saves so much time searching for totems. Balanced Landing is also pretty great (I wish they'd add a couple hills to the maps that don't have any, tho).

    As for killer, I agree Knockout is very underrated. I'd use Unrelenting if it was buffed to like 50%. I get 360'd a lot. 

  • Member Posts: 31

    Quick and Quiet for stealthy locker hides.

  • Member Posts: 247

    @Tezzis said:
    Tenacity can be a really great perk, especially in combination with Unbreakable

    Yeah, on the extremely rare occasion they actually leave you slugged. I had a match a couple days ago where Billy left me on the ground as Tapp and I had Tenacity but no Unbreakable. It took him all match to find me, so naturally, I got camped after being put on the hook.

  • Member Posts: 58

    @Kamikaze_Rose said:

    @Tezzis said:
    Tenacity can be a really great perk, especially in combination with Unbreakable

    Yeah, on the extremely rare occasion they actually leave you slugged. I had a match a couple days ago where Billy left me on the ground as Tapp and I had Tenacity but no Unbreakable. It took him all match to find me, so naturally, I got camped after being put on the hook.

    Funnily enough, some weeks ago I got left on the ground extremely often, that's why I tried to go in with those perks ^^
    And I have to admit, it's pretty funny when the killer downs you, then goes after someone else but comes back to you after some seconds and can't find you :D

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Hex: Devour Hope.

  • Member Posts: 86
    edited May 2018

    @theagitatedapricot said:
    As for killer, I agree Knockout is very underrated. I'd use Unrelenting if it was buffed to like 50%. I get 360'd a lot. 

    Here's a pro-tip to counter 360s: Just click, don't lunge. It's this simple
    Edit: Yeah they should buff Unrelenting. %30 reduced cooldown to both successful and missed attacks, it'd be great

    @Boss said:
    Hex: Devour Hope.

    Not meta?

  • Member Posts: 2,095

    Balanced Landing and Small game.

  • Member Posts: 27

    I like using Lightweight with Iron Will. Dunno if it's good but I have a good feeling using it

  • Member Posts: 2,336
    edited May 2018

    One of my favorite go to perks is Alert if that is considered off-meta. Sometimes it will just give away a killers position when I'm unsure where they're currently at because they broke a pallet or regressed a generator. The fact that the aura stays active for 6 seconds is probably why it's one of my favorite perks. I usually use it with Spine Chill. I haven't tried Alert with Open Handed yet but I'm unsure if I need to since Alert already has such a large distance.

  • Member Posts: 33

    Killer: Knock Out
    Survivor: Tenacity

  • Member Posts: 20
    Hex: The Third Seal has been so much fun to use.
  • Member Posts: 13,616

    @AsianMammoth said:

    @theagitatedapricot said:
    As for killer, I agree Knockout is very underrated. I'd use Unrelenting if it was buffed to like 50%. I get 360'd a lot. 

    Here's a pro-tip to counter 360s: Just click, don't lunge. It's this simple
    Edit: Yeah they should buff Unrelenting. %30 reduced cooldown to both successful and missed attacks, it'd be great

    @Boss said:
    Hex: Devour Hope.

    Not meta?

    Yeah, Hex: Devour Hope.

  • Member Posts: 57

    I could never go without Enduring on any killer. (with the exception of Nurse and maybe Huntress?). Not sure if it counts as meta or not, but I see a lot of killers that choose not to run it.

  • Member Posts: 86

    @DrDannieburger said:
    I could never go without Enduring on any killer. (with the exception of Nurse and maybe Huntress?). Not sure if it counts as meta or not, but I see a lot of killers that choose not to run it.

    it's underrated

  • Member Posts: 57

    @AsianMammoth For sure!

  • Member Posts: 149

    Unbreakable is fun, so many times the killer's basically won and I've gotten up and unhooked someone and saved the game, at least for a couple more minutes.

  • Member Posts: 149

    Also Brutal Strength, nice against pallet loopers

  • Member Posts: 22

    Technician has saved my butt several times due to a failed skillcheck. I also like Third Seal! It personally freaks me out when Im blind, and it limits SWF communication quality to "Where are you?" "Oh, Im by the Combine thing."

  • Dev Posts: 7,555

    We'll Make It. It's my bread and butter. For whatever reason, my teammates always gravitate to the basement when they're about to go down. This way I'm always prepared and can heal them up so they can take a hit on their way out.

  • Member Posts: 2,047

    Plunderer's was fun before Emblems. Pulling keys and getting a surprise hatch was always wild, but I'm a hoarder by nature, so bringing rare items back after each win was rewarding too.

  • Member Posts: 90

    I love me my bond and urban evasion, though I don't know if theyre considered meta or not....

  • Member Posts: 61

    @AsianMammoth said:
    Edit: Yeah they should buff Unrelenting. %30 reduced cooldown to both successful and missed attacks, it'd be great

    that wouldn't work.. if it was for both missed and successful attacks then 'save the best for Last' would be a dud perk

  • Member Posts: 2,428
    On Survivor, I have actually been enjoying Pharmacy, an alternative to Self Care.
  • Member Posts: 16
    edited May 2018

    My current favorite build is what I call the "intelligence build," and it's Open Handed 3, Kindred 3, Bond 3 and Premonition 3. ...and I REALLY love to pair it with a Map (especially a Rainbow Map) with the Glass Bead add-on.

    This is a great build for surviving with randos because you get a lot of information without having actual verbal communication, and with the Glass Bead and Kindred/Open Handed, you can also non-verbally communicate information back to your teammates. Really, it's a great build for surviving with friends as well, at least for me, because when my friends say something like, "I'm in the shack," I often don't know where that is, whereas with Bond/Open Handed, I can actually see it.

  • Member Posts: 16
    edited May 2018

    @PigNRun said:
    On Survivor, I have actually been enjoying Pharmacy, an alternative to Self Care.

    I think this is okay, but another Self Care alternative you might consider is Bond... In a lot of ways, I think it's even superior to Self Care--if you can find someone to heal you, you don't need to do occupy a perk slot with Self Care. Plus they can do it faster and you can deduce a lot of additional information... e.g. If you see the aura of one of your teammates running, vaulting, and dropping pallets, 99 times out of 100, that's where the killer is too.

    If you absolutely MUST be able to heal yourself, you can always just bring a first aid kit in and have it from the jump rather than rely on Pharmacy to procure one.

  • Member Posts: 2,095

    @Peanits said:
    We'll Make It. It's my bread and butter. For whatever reason, my teammates always gravitate to the basement when they're about to go down. This way I'm always prepared and can heal them up so they can take a hit on their way out.

    We'll make it is arguably meta now tho.

  • Member Posts: 86
    lionsou said:

    @AsianMammoth said:
    Edit: Yeah they should buff Unrelenting. %30 reduced cooldown to both successful and missed attacks, it'd be great

    that wouldn't work.. if it was for both missed and successful attacks then 'save the best for Last' would be a dud perk

    It's already a dull perk though
  • Dev Posts: 7,555

    @Runiver said:

    @Peanits said:
    We'll Make It. It's my bread and butter. For whatever reason, my teammates always gravitate to the basement when they're about to go down. This way I'm always prepared and can heal them up so they can take a hit on their way out.

    We'll make it is arguably meta now tho.

    Yeah but... I was the hipster using it before it was cool.

  • Member Posts: 624

    @CalledCervidae said:
    Technician has saved my butt several times due to a failed skillcheck. I also like Third Seal! It personally freaks me out when Im blind, and it limits SWF communication quality to "Where are you?" "Oh, Im by the Combine thing."

    i'm not good at the game. even worse at surviving. and most of all i'm bad at SWF.... i say 'hes on me' and they say 'where are you' and i say 'on my couch'.... :D

  • Member Posts: 1,165
    Survivor: Hope, Wake Up, Detectives Hunch and Stake Out

    Killer: Whispers, Knock Out
  • Member Posts: 568
    Devour Hope is definitely not meta, but it *is* fun. Lately my hag has been running DH, Ruin, TotH, and Nurse's. Even if they get DH first, it still wastes time. When they get Ruin and TotH and think they're done, though...

    I don't really play enough killer to have an actual opinion on other perks. I think my hag is the only killer to have unlocked all four perk slots.

    As a solo survivor, I love Kindred. It seems like it dramatically increases my chances of a safe unhook.
    Technician is good, especially against Freddy but also for the general noise reduction. It makes it much easier to repair a gen right by a killer who is chasing someone.
    I still love Empathy. It gives SO much information. I think i like it more than Bond, though Bond is arguably more useful if you're not running Self Care.

    I have a rule for survivor builds: Half of my perks must come from that survivor's unique perks. That forces me to come up with different builds for everyone.
  • Member Posts: 1
    Bond is great to see if your teammates are actually doing something, stake out works good against any killer running distressing and ruin, and vigil is fun with Sprint burst if you are itching for long chase
  • Member Posts: 40

    Kindred is nice to use. Keeps your teammates from being special ed and all three coming for the save of no one coming for the save.

  • Member Posts: 34

    Slippery Meat and Up The Ante with Vigo's Jar. Kobes for days!

  • Member Posts: 1

    Personal faves are Ace in the hole, Brown med with a Styptic makes me orgasm sometimes. Wish it got buffed tho

  • Member Posts: 242

    Right now on David I am running adrenaline/borrowed time/kindred/self-care... kindred is great when your team doesn't have enough oxygen flow to the brain and adrenaline is awesome in those clutch situations. BT/SC because they're OP :blush:

  • Member Posts: 81

    @Techn0 said:
    On every killer except for doc I wouldn't be able to live without knockout. It gives you so much time once ruin is gone. On the survivor side I feel like a lot of people really underestimate vigil.

    Sprint Burst + Vigil + Bond + Pharmacy

  • Member Posts: 4,467
    Overcharge on my Killers.
  • Member Posts: 78

    lightweight, really helps when I'm going for stealth/lose the killer plays. (Especially when combined with iron will)

  • Member Posts: 1,436
    edited June 2018

    Iron Will, Lightweight, and Tenacity, + Technician for some dirty gen plays.

    Lightweight is extremely underrated.

  • Member Posts: 261

    @Dehitay said:
    I love Bond for survivors. And I'm currently using Distressing on all my killers cause I need those bloodpoints.

    distressing does nothing for bloodpoints if you hit the 8k cap normally which you should

  • Member Posts: 261

    @lionsou said:

    @AsianMammoth said:
    Edit: Yeah they should buff Unrelenting. %30 reduced cooldown to both successful and missed attacks, it'd be great

    that wouldn't work.. if it was for both missed and successful attacks then 'save the best for Last' would be a dud perk

    like it isn't already

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