I am survivor main now. Why ?...

Clopotel Member Posts: 98

I just can't wait 15 minutes to get a lobby as a killer, where is the fun ? As a survivor, i get a lobby in less than 5 seconds. Please fix this... :(


  • Redd
    Redd Member Posts: 833

    Plz god no don’t extend the event. Anything but that.

    JESUS_CHRIST Member Posts: 313

    I'm pretty sure that was the sort of thing being alluded to in the last couple sentences.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    This would actually just end up completely reversing the problem. As of right now, there's a reason to choose both survivor and killer. Killer's get more bloodpoints, but survivors have more of an advantage once you get into the higher ranks and they can play with friends. If you made the bloodpoint distribution even, then all the encouragement would be to play survivor and you'd have very few killers.

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,840

    I was gonna come in and make a joke about this. LMAO its what the topic was already about.

    Yup, Xbox wait times used to be great. Now they're absolutely horrible. 5 minute minimum wait every single time.

    This has nothing to do with events or GF. It started being like this before both on Xbox and GF and the events just made it even worse.

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744
    edited June 2019

    Im not saying make it so they get more than killer bud im saying up it a tad and you will see better queues this whole "but people will play survivor at high ranks" i disagree 100% id even argue put this on ptb and queues wont change it pairs 4 survivors with 1 killer lobby times for survivor wont change nor will it make more killers go to survivor but if you actually give survivors more of a reason to play during an event you wont have this issue with all the survivor mains playing killer and you wouldnt see killers like myself annoyed to death at the devs who refuse to actually care about this issue and continue to sweep it under the rug 2 years later.......

  • jeyers
    jeyers Member Posts: 275

    You can bring back MoM as it was, that will probably make more people play survivor.

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,840

    They need to just bring Were gonna live forever in line with BBQ and Chili.

    As a killer if you can't manage 4 hooks you're trash. Getting 4 stacks with WGLF is not only harder it can be counter productive to the overall goal. IDK if it should have an in game advantage like BBQ does but I think getting the points should be easier. How about healing a health state also gives a stack? Cleansing even a dull totem gives a stack? That way it can be more like BBQ where if you want those points...here they are.

  • Redd
    Redd Member Posts: 833

    At some point people will stop playing killer lol

  • Stuart1995
    Stuart1995 Member Posts: 24

    With all the moaning and groaning with waiting times is really overwhelming, yes what’s the devs have said could possibly be true about the being more killers than survivors. I know the waiting time sucks and frustrating let’s hope for all our sakes it sorts itself out, in the meantime I’m fine being a survivor for now. Also gutted about MOM nerf though didn’t think I would off but I do miss it.

  • Stuart1995
    Stuart1995 Member Posts: 24

    It doesn’t punish the killer at all, it just give you abit more work to do. All the killer mains want to nerf everything the survivors has that outpower you for a second. But when the survivor wants to nerf something a killer has it’s all moaning and spitting your dummy out. Once ghostface gets nerfed I’ll be on here reading and smiling.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Don't worry, people didn't play killer for a long time so they are low rank, constantly ranking up making a lot of BP crushing noobs. Soon they'll hit higher ranks and meet infamous SWF groups or just regual good surviovrs and then they'll go back to playing surviors.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886
    edited June 2019

    We been telling you for ages the BP imbalance does nobody any good. Killers and Survivors need to get roughly the same amount of BP.

    Next, same amount of cakes. If you're giving survivors fireworks at least leave the cake ratio the same. And put the fireworks in place of junk browns please.

    Lastly, please release survivor and killer at the same time, no staggering like what happened with Ash and Ghost Face.

  • jeyers
    jeyers Member Posts: 275

    That doesn't mean i'm wrong.

    You can't take away all the fun perks survivor has while killers also easily make more BP and expect the killer queues to be instant or even somewhat fast lol.

    So yeah, give MoM back and maybe that'll even things out a little.

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,840

    Do you have any idea how valuable the bonus time Mom gives a survivor can be? All you needed to do was get hit before with no special conditions. I play both sides and its blatantly obvious why they would change the original MoM. One survivor having it is the difference between hooking someone then intercepting a gen completion. Multiple people having it? Could feel outright BS. If MoM or Deadhard is only providing you with a second. You're using it wrong. A well place DH is an entirely second chase sequence. Combined with Mom? damn

    Punish, a bit more work....meh.

  • BembridgeScholars
    BembridgeScholars Member Posts: 74

    thats already happened ,been happening for years.everytime they f up a killer bam.

  • Redd
    Redd Member Posts: 833


    I more meant that at some point all those survivors temporarily playing killer won't be able to stand it anymore. There's a reason the killer population is usually lower than it is currently.

  • wisdom
    wisdom Member Posts: 216


    why then are killers “searching for lobby”

    they havnt done this in the past

  • shanks3042
    shanks3042 Member Posts: 163

    But there is always a hard-timer to wait at least 4 minutes before you can open a lobby as killer. I'm sure you can fix this issue because it only happens since the latest update or that one before afaik.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Best way to honestly fix the issue for Survivor BP gains and if not that don't have a new killer only dlc drop during 2 different overlapping events. Either way how do I report the fact the BBQ and Chili is bugged as is WGLF during these events so I can be reimbursed for the lost BP. ?

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    The bloodpoint hard-cap for each category is 8k and it's the same for survivors as it is for killers: there is no gap.

    Survivors lobbied intensively for one particular playstyle to be supported above any alternatives. That gives the most bloodpoints for them but they are competing with each other for saves, heals, pallet-stun, gen-progress when they are doing them separately to power the gates faster and the killer's attention.

    If killers are consistently getting more points(per match does not matter if it doesn't translate to points over time), it's because they're simply doing more than any individual survivor is.

    WGLF appears to be a rare case of joined-up design as it works with BBQ. BBQ encourages the killer to leave a hook and get everyone at least once, whilst WGLF is for increasing the reward for taking the opportunity provided by BBQ. Survivors don't use it simply because it's not a 2nd-chance perk nor does it have synergy with any other survivor perk; only it's killer-side counter-part.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773
  • endikux
    endikux Member Posts: 4
    edited June 2019

    I can't play in the current state. I only play casually but as it is now I'm not playing the game at all. I don't have endless free time to sit and wait 15 minutes just to start a lobby. If they want less killers then they are just going to get less players en total.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    It's not entirely true that the killer is doing more to earn the blood points. A killers BP categories all play together. You earn points while you chase in the Hunter category, while raking up points in Brutality from the hits you get during said chase. Which lead to your Malicious points. Depending on the killers power you can be getting Deviousness points during those chases too.

    A survivor on the other hand has four completely separate BP categories, where you can only earn points in them one at a time.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    I get that too many people want to play killer at the moment and therefore, queue times for killers are quite long.

    However, we should be able to get instant lobbies as survivor with this scenario. But at certain times of the day, when the amount of players is the highest, you also have to wait quite some time as a survivor.

    Please devs, add more servers to handle the matchmaking.

  • harpuia
    harpuia Member Posts: 38


    BBQ and Chilli gives the killer stacks for doing his objective, so why not work the same way for survivors? Give stacks for completing gens, this way people will not farm you on hooks for them aswell.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Hey maybe releasing a chapter that only adds a character to one side is a bit... one-sided?

    There's 0 new content to play on the survivor side unless you count nerfed perks, and a brand new killer to play on the other side.

    Should settle to normal soon, people are realising how mediocre ghostface is, and with upcoming nerfs he'll just disappear.

  • Mänzel
    Mänzel Member Posts: 73

    This. WGLF is simply not collected that easy and at least it is a dead perk, because it has got no other effect..

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    having a survivor helps but i understand why Sidney Prescott i guess can't appear

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    I see how the distinction can be made, just not why it should be made. How points are awarded is the devs steering players towards or away from certain playstyles, something which one side has been able to lobby the devs on and the other hasn't.

    A Billy who is super-good with their chainsaw is going to be lose-out on Brutality, so they are steered towards using M1 at some point even if it's sub-optimal for them. Likewise a super-cunning Trapper loses out on Hunting and Brutality, but get forced to do extended chases and let people go rather than make the decision that should be best for themselves.

    Survivors meanwhile get choices and are only steered by extravagant point gains in areas which they have always wanted to play an ever-increasing role in matches.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,531

    This is just a change to how matchmaking works. Previously you would get put into an empty lobby and wait for survivors there. Now, you start searching for survivors immediately and then everyone gets placed in a lobby once a match is found. This shouldn't have any impact on your queue times.

  • Andreyu44
    Andreyu44 Member Posts: 1,527
  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767

    Killers need their blood points, they have much more to pay for.

    Every round they have to purchase addons for their killers which are gone at the end of the round for a 100%.

    Survivors can just keep their stuff most of the time.

    If that behaviour is changed, survivors should earn the same.

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    More than half the time when I finally get a lobby-match, it continues searching for survivors for well over a minute. When playing as a survivor this happens too, minus the inflated pre-lobby search time.

    The wait times have never been this bad and whilst correlation doesn't mean causation, it's only been happening since the match-making changes. Something is glitching.