Let us earn BP in KYF

Disable all BP offerings (they are currently useless anyway).
Blood Hunt events do not affect KYF BP earnings.
Limit weekly earning in KYF to 1 million BP.
Seriously, none of my friends will touch KYF because they can't earn BP. With the way the BP grind is now, and the state of matchmaking I would really like to see something as simple as this in the next update.
EDIT: BP multiplier perks such as BBQ and WGLF would NOT provide a boost either. However perks like TOTH or PT would since they only increase the rate at which you gain BP not the BP earned post game.
Limit daily: 100k instead
but I’d be down because the grind is so eeEeEee and takes so looOONG.
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A limit would be amazing, influences practice and playing with friends! My sibling dislikes doing KYF with me because there is no gain for her. Also, can we have moonlight bonquets in KYF? Unless the system can no longer use them as I heard...
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Weekly is better because it gives you more freedom.
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Not sure I like that avenue. Would like to see KYF with some sort of admin control and progression. I'd have more fun playing that and growing characters than with strangers. Sorry, but this game's community is just too toxic to enjoy playing online half the time.
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Hence, playing with friends and able to gain blood points is a great idea!
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I’d love this!
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I always tell my friends I'm only doing one match or I ignore their invites because I feel like I'm wasting time not gaining BP.
I might actually get better at playing survivor if they let us gain BP in kyf I'm all for it.
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Everything should be attainable in KYF. Bloodpoints and trophies definitely should be. Just make it non ranked. I like the idea of a weekly bp cap though. It would probably solve some of the SWF issues people seem to complain about.
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Given the nature of some of the community, my friends and I have been playing a lot of KYF lately. Mostly because its more fun learning different killers in an environment where you aren't going to get a ton of bullying once they realise you are new. Sometimes we just play to get away from the public games.
Some form of BP would be wonderful, even at a lower rate, because no matter the grind, you are still grinding with your friends.
I do agree a cap would have to be put onto it however, because given the choice, most would prefer to just hang out with friends than deal with a potentially terrible public matches.
If You aren't happy with the idea of BP, then why not make devotion levels and shards a thing to grind for?
To be honest, there are a lot of in game issues I would deem more important than this given the current state of things for both sides, but it is something I would love to see in the future.
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To be honest that could have screw up the que times even more than now, exp with shards seem much more reasonable since as a killer at rank 10 you wait 5 to 10 minutes to create a lobby right now
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could work maybe ill put it 500k limit so that ppl can just go in kyf and grind those BP maybe enable the cakes from this event so that you can get ez BP
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That's called farming...
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There's literally nothing to loose here.
Like, farming with friends will take longer and earned you less points in the long run than a few games with a survivor pudding and stacked BBQ anyway.
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Problem with trophies being available is they're easily farmed/exploited like creative minecraft.
4 people escape one hatch? Let's just kyf and be done with it. 100 hatchet downs? Why do the work when you can have friends stand in place.
Thats my issue with EVERYTHING available and attainable in kyf.
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Achievements/trophies shouldn't be earned in KYF. Just bloodpoints.
You can farm if you want, but it will take a while to get to 1 million without any sort of BP bonuses.
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I don't see a problem with this. Just put a cap on the amount of bp you can get a day and everything will go well.
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I believe that all bloodpoint gain offerings are already disabled in KYF so that wouldn't be any extra work. However, I don't think a hard cap on bloodpoints earnable through KYF is the right way to go. That completely invalidates the whole point of making bloodpoints obtainable through the that game mode after X number of games depending on the cap. I believe they should just make it to where you get bloodpoints at a significantly reduced rate from KYF so that if you truly want to farm bloodpoints, you're sure to get them faster in matchmade gameplay.
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Why should you be able to get BP in a private match?
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I definitely wouldn't go that far. If achievements/trophies could be earned in KYF, it would take away the entire purpose of having them in the first place. Something like Skilled Huntress is a goal for people to work towards. If it just meant going into a private lobby and farming with a couple friends, it wouldn't mean anything. Anyone with time to spare could get it easily.
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Can we ask for KYF Bloodpoints in the Q and A? :)
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Because not being able to get bloodpoints from KYF has made that game mode generally considered a waste of time. BHVR claims that being able to play with your friends is a fun play style that they encourage, but the ultimate play with your friends game mode is highly discouraged.
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Funny, the same could be said about SWF