Console player who wants crossplay

So I was watching Tru3 play a game and he commented about crossplay and it got me thinking that this would be an overall good thing for the game. For those who do not play on console, I will preface that nobody gives a ######### about mouse keyboard vs controller because we got bigger problems.
This would be the player base, while we don't have a perfectly optimized version on PS4 and XBOX that would make the experience different, I would much rather get a game with a sweaty SWF or a really good pc Survivor, than have 1/3 of my games contain one of the following:
- Laggy killers: This makes dropping pallets nearly unplayable, the use of dead hard irrelevant, and giving every killer spirits passive. It makes the game ridiculous, and if by some miracle you manage to play through this, the killer will likely have a connection time out and you lose
- 1) All your Bloodpoints
- 2) Any offerings used
- 3) Any Pips generated within the game (oddly enough you will still get devotion level and rewards related to it when this happens, don't know why and if anyone does let me know)
Because of the much lower player base on console, you will often find yourself playing games that are cross region, while this does mean you can get survivors that are cross region, it doesn't tend to effect the games too much since survivors on console are not amazing, and they do not host the game. When a killer is cross region though the above scenario is very likely.
- Random disconnects: In the case you are playing with other survivors, you will find that your games will drop a survivor due to connection time out. This again is caused by being paired with a cross region player who will have trouble connecting to the host. For some reason the game doesn't drop them in loading and you are forced to play a 3v1 with 5 Gens which is fun for nobody. These disconnects btw are not often player input related, but I must stress bad connection. This has been a long way of
There are plenty of other problems on console that need to be addressed, but crossplay would solve theses big issues mentioned by having a big enough player base that more local games (and often better connections) can take place getting that 1/3 unplayable games down a huge level. Possibly eliminating the need for cross region entirely. There are people who will say that this is unfair to console players, but honestly I will take a black pip from a good killer or swf than waste 20 min and get nothing but frustration at the broken connectivity.
Also for you people who think that 360 is easier on console and they will get ######### on by killers in pc if we cross play, all I have to say to that is "Good, survivors on console need to learn how to loop instead of going to dead zones and trying 360s" Frankly, 360 doesn't even work against killers who expect it. So easy to counter even on console.
I'm for console cross play but not with PC
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I’d love crossplay with all platforms.
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I wouldn't mind going against Xbox and Switch, but PC might just push me away. Already can be frustrating enough at times without adding the PC madness.
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Console crossovers would be good but I'd rather avoid the whole PC crowd 😂
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Y’all want cross play but want to exclude one platform, why?
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because the mouse sensitivity advantage.
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And? It really wouldn’t be fair to exclude one crowd because of sensitivity. Cross play with all platforms would majorly help que times.
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I'm on PC and would absolutely love being able to play with my friends for a change (who are all on XBox and PS4, which sucks for us). C'mon, console players... come play PC folks! #onebighappyfamily
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Basically there's a disparity that would advantageous to one side over the other to the point where it wouldn't be fun. Technically also excluded mobile, because that would be a slaughter.
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@GrootDude the mouse sensitivity advantage would be a good reason not to.
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But cross play with all platforms would help que times for everyone, console players aren’t the only players.
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@GrootDude PC just gives too many advantages over console. It just wouldn't work.
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I value my own mental health more than playing more games.
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It's not even just mouse sensitivity, which is a huge issue. PC's have many advantages over consoles. Graphics cards which allow for unfair customization advantages for example. PC players can set their graphics cards to not show up fog effects or effect lighting or vegetation so they can more easily see survivors. Hacking and 3rd party programs are far more prevalent on PC's as well. Even if none of those were issues, high end PCs can just outperform consoles giving them a framerate and graphics advantage. It simply is not a level playing field. I would be fine with cross-play with other consoles though.
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@Dreamnomad spot on.
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Give an option to opt for cross play because of the PC advantage.
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I wouldn't care about Q times if one group has a huge advantage over me where I couldn't get better with grinding or getting better skill wise.
This is not my video but you can see in this video how many issues console players have vs the PC masterrace. As Dreamnomad said it's not just the sensitivity.. but that is a big one for me.
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I'm all for it. I'm a pure Killer main (0 survivor hours played) and I'd love to test my Billy on console babies.
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Another reason not to include PC. Some of the players are a bit cringe 😂
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Console survivors want no part of a good pc nurse.
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@KillermainBTWm8 only problem then is it splits the community which means no point in cross play
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Excluding pc does the same thing.
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Who cares about balance right? Certainly not that guy.
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Maybe cross play between Xbox and PS but definitely not PC
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@GrootDude it's already split in that regard.
@Jesya nope 😂 they are trying to find noobs to make them feel good again
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But it doesn’t have to be.
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I would opt out of playing against PC players. I’m sure a good number would as well, making the pool smaller than it already is. PC is already a “majority” on it’s own.
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I’d opt in. I’m tired of hardly seeing nurses and survivors that rarely loop.
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True guess the only thing they could do is put cross play in KYF so people can at least play with friends that have different platforms. :/ or exclude PC
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Mouse and keyboard users WOULDNT just be mindlessly beating controller users since...rank is a thing. Everyone would be placed where appropriate rank wise. As far as graphics cards offering an advantage, that's already a thing. High end PCs play against budget PCs, and PS4 pros play against PS4 classics. Letting everyone play together would change NOTHING.
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Lmfao... This whole thread of console players hating on PC is a cringefest, especially @Bithard
You guys do realize you literally CANNOT get rid of fog through graphics options, right? Like, I'm sorry, but, I'm not. Shut the hell up if you don't know what you're talking about
PC DBD has 4 PRESET graphics levels, all carefully designed to not give a competitive advantage
AND, console already runs on PCs LOWEST POSSIBLE SETTINGS. You literally cannot turn the graphical settings lower on PC than they are on console.
ALSO, console has keyboard and mouse! It's been a thing for about a year now.
And, why would they add crossplay for only the consoles, when PC is their main/majority playerbase?
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@ThatGuyFromThatPlace I'm sorry I've offended you 😂 you can't remove the fog but the overall performance is better. The frame rate is a lot better as well.
You have to buy more stuff to use a keyboard and mouse on ps4. Not sure about xbox. I'm not spending more money to make cross play fair.
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I’m also not learning how to use keyboard and mouse to even the playing field. I’m a console user for a reason. Sony also makes it more expensive than it needs to be. Why would PC need crossplay if it’s the majority? Just merge the smaller communities that actually need the numbers.
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PS4 Keyboard and Mouse also has somewhat bad lag input if I'm not mistaken.
Overall no, because of mouse sensitivity and graphic performances, it's just not something I can get behind
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Couldn't we test it first? And if a significant part of the player base sees it as an unnecessary or unhelpful change it could be removed, right? Personally I just want to be able to play with my friends who are console lovers, but if they think the crossplay is unfair then it should be removed.
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One quick search found this:
You can't do this kind of thing on console.
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I wouldn't mind crossplay. The devs could add in the setting what you like to crossplay with. It has all platforms and has a on/off option. If you want to play with xbox and pc have it on 'on'. If you don't want to play with moblie and switch put their options on 'off'. This is so people can play with who they want.
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I want crossplay not because of playing with new players but because i want to keep my PS4 progress on my PC as well when i get to buy DBD
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I would love cross play! I wouldn't mind going against a Pc player because I want to experience a Pc nurse with 1,000 hours in the game. I want to see a god nurse in action.
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@Bithard if, for example... You play against a rank 4 trapper who just happens to be on console, you should notice no difference the next game against a rank 4 trapper who uses a PC or a mouse. They both got to that same rank, one isn't magicly better than the other but someone staying the exact same.
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I love console, but there are some boosted people. I would never be my rank on pc or against pc people.
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@Pike_Trickfoot and why is that a problem? You'd be with and against ppl of your skill lvl.
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Currently I am not going against or playing with people of the same skill. Ranking doesn’t reflect anything in this game. Once it does, than maybe I would consider it. But at this current state, no thank you. @LordGlint
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@LordGlint ps4 Pro isn't really on the same level as the better PC's though.
@Pike_Trickfoot I'm confident enough in my ability to cope with it, I still manage at red ranks when I play on PC but not everyone plays at there own rank. It's bad enough now without all the added derankers bullying.
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Nope not dealing with pc supremacists
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@Bithard afew points here... First, ppl deranking is a universal problem, not a PC or console thing. About the FPS thing, I understand where your coming from. PC users just got use to it already. We have ppl with 8000 dollar rigs playing against ppl on Walmart toasters. Each will rank to a point where it is an even match for them on their given machine. I don't see PS4s as any different than a budget PC. For the sake of this conversation, what rank and platform are you on. Not trying to bash ya on either, there IS a point.
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They tried that optional option with gears of war and plenty of other games and that didn't help either. PC players still couldn't find any games with console players why? Because no one wanted the headache. There's a reason why most games either don't support cross play at all or only between consoles .it just works better that way. And it will most likely always be that way.if people want to play with there friends on different platforms then save up and buy that platform.otherwise that's how it's going to be.
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@BembridgeScholars then how is fortnight doing so well when you can play PC vs iPhone?
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Fortnite hasn't been doing well for a long time it's just hidden. People have been quitting in droves. And if it did do well it was because all the kiddies playing and using there parents credit cards to make them do well financially.