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Console player who wants crossplay



  • Member Posts: 406

    @LordGlint very true but we cannot modify the game which PC can. I get its bannable but people can get away with it still.

    I play on all platforms at red/purple ranks. I haven't played the PC version in a pretty long time.

  • Member Posts: 254

    I would love cross play getting tired seeing same survivors at high rank would be nice see new names

  • Member Posts: 580

    I think the difference in frame-rate is enough to say no to cross play between PC and console. PC can have 60 frames at all times. Console is capped at 30 and halve the time doesn't make it to 30.

    Plus mouse offers much better accuracy compared to controller. I think fortnite had to give console players a huge aim assist to compensate which create an whole other problem. And people won't want to spend another $100 or more to even the playing field with a mouse and keyboard.

    The difference in performance would kill the console community, and cross play will turn into PC only again.

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    @Bithard as far as modify the game/ hacking... Yeah, that's cheating and screaming for bans. Also, you can hack a console too, but whatever, lol. As far as what you were saying before about having advantages due to hardware... While ppl DO use PCs that are weaker than the PS4, PPL ON PS4 are using keyboard and mouse and you have ppl on PC using controllers...Tossing ALL that to the side and assuming you're right... You'd be left playing against and with ppl of the same skill lvl as yourself, shorter queue times cuz the game has more ppl of your lvl in your region, and less chance you'll have a mix of teammates from yellow ranks to red on the same team. The ADVANTAGES would only be seen from the number next to your name being green/purple rather than purple/red, but the quality of the games would persist. YOU didn't get worse after all, neither did the ppl playing WITH you, you just have the ppl with advantages that you're sweating about in ranks above yours. All this being said... Is this a bad thing? Oh yeah, almost forgot. Apparently different killers are more/less popular depending on platform, so more killer variety.

  • Member Posts: 1,042

    Pc players are even more toxic, especially in post game chat.

    The few times I play on the ptb is just terrible.

    Pc= more sweaty and toxic, just no!

    Ps4 vs xbox is good though

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    @DBDbuildsYT I don't really think a platform makes a person more or less toxic, just that it's easier to trashtalk so you might get more of it.

  • Member Posts: 1,042

    That's also possible yes, the few times I play on pc I have terrible experiences so I'm not very keen in doing so

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Disregarding the toxicity, which @LordGlint explained (and is also a matter of perspective; I've often heard it's worse on console), if you're not playing to win, why do you care that you lose to someone who is?

  • Member Posts: 580

    Nobody is talking about skill level or playing in the same rank. Just because there are people that use weaker PC's than the consoles shouldn't disregard the difference between the two platforms. People that have weaker PC's have the option to upgrade, people on console do not. And match-making will be first but population on console will slowly dwindle because of it's limitations. Why play on console when the opponent has a clear advantage?

    If we use a different game as an example, let's say overwatch. A diamond tracer player on PC will always be better than the tracer on console purely because of the systems limitations.

  • Member Posts: 38

    I played a lot on console and NEVER saw anything looking like mouse and keyboard player, you can tell by the turning speed of who you are versing, so don't toss that "ppl use it on console so its okay". Its not because such a low percentage of the console community is using it that it makes it okay to pair with PCs mouse and keyboard (same for controllers on that platform).

    Also, you say that there's people with strong rigs playing against people with "Walmart toasters". Well, there is minimum and recommended requirements of hardware for the game so you are assuming the risk of disadvantage if you are playing with a weak PC. Console doesn't have that, so why should i accept the disadvantage?

  • Member Posts: 1,042

    Would you like getting stomped by someone with a superior machine, fps, and mouse sensitivity?

    I already have enough people with superior skill stomping my causal gamer skill. Don't need any more pros

    Console and pc don't belong together

  • Member Posts: 198

    Performance gets optimized more and more for consoles. Better matchmaking for all platforms. As soon as the next console gen hits fps isn't an issue anymore. DbD wants to consist for at least five more yers o they need to consider crossplay for the future or the game won't have enough players. Controls are only better for killer on pc and not all survs rely on 360s on console.

    As soon as the dedicated server hit the live build and they are optimized they should start working on it. PS5 and XBOX Scarlett will get released in the next 18 months and the developer builds for both are out. Behaviour should have one of both anyway

  • Member Posts: 8,850
    edited June 2019

    @ermsy that's where I think there's some confusion. For your example with overwatch, if 2 ppl using different platforms played, they'd only play AGAINST each other if they both got to the same rank, which would mean they were the same skill lvl, thus the console user would be able to handle themselves just fine. If your platform severely hindered you, youd never get to the rank to face those ppl to begin with. The Diamond tracer beating all the diamond players...would move to masters where they belong.

  • Member Posts: 580
    edited June 2019

    There is definitely some confusion but not what you think. If you put both tracers together the one on PC would be better and at first they would both be diamond rank if cross play was enabled. A season or two later console tracer won't be in diamond anymore, probably gold and you'll have all the PC players at high rank and all the console players at low rank because the difference will start to show. If that happens than cross play becomes meaningless as you'll be playing against ppl from your own system anyway. Apart from Smurfs which is whole other thing.

    The same will be on dbd. At FIRST they will be on the same rank but sooner or later the difference will be apparent. Console version is a much slower paced game compared to PC.

  • Member Posts: 406

    @LordGlint I have never seen a hacker on console before. I don't have an amazing PC but I have seen high end gaming set ups and the fact is its superior technology that runs the game so much better than console. I've played both and seen the difference.

    I'm not sweating about the killers. This isn't about the player being better than me and this isn't an issue of killer vs survivor. It's about the advantages the PC has. A PS4 Pro doesn't compare.

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    @Bithard ok, put simply. How do you think these advantages would affect you?

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    @ermsy wouldn't be a season or 2. If ya did it at rank reset, ppl would end up placing accordingly. That's just it though, how is that bad? There's no reward to being a certain rank, it's JUST about playing similar skill lvl.

  • Member Posts: 406

    Better framerate and visibility. Having to deal with hackers. Mouse and keyboard that hasn't got laggy input. More people complaining about stuff being OP when it isn't.

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    @Bithard These are examples OF advantages. What would they do to YOUR game if ppl on your team and against you end up getting the same rank as you after a reset by using or not using those advantages.

  • Member Posts: 100

    Cross-play would still be fair because PS4 supports keyboard and mouse as input devices for this game. That said, there won't be any major differences.

  • Member Posts: 580

    I don't understand why it's so hard to grasp this. Ok a rank reset, everyone is on the same rank. Skill level can be capped through the limitations of the system. Let's say we both play on PC and our skill level is exactly the same, we would end up on the same rank. If I switched to console, because of the limitations of the console ie. Bad frame-rate, lack of sensitivity on the controller etc I wouldn't be able to match your rank despite being at equal skill. And this goes across the board.

    Eventually you'll have the majority of consoles players at the bottom playing each other and PC players at the top playing each other.

  • Member Posts: 406

    @LordGlint I imagine they would just be harder games. I'm sure a PC killer can still be looped.

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    @ermsy and why is it a problem to be ranked this way. Yes, if you place on PC with me, then decide to change to console and suffer from your platform, you might lose some ranks. Why does it matter if your rank 1 or rank 20, as long as it's with other ppl of your same skill.

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    @Bithard that's just it though, it wouldn't at all. If a killer is harder to face, they'd leave your rank. Very likely, you'd have the majority of PC mid-tier players placing with console high-tier, with some of the console high tier still being able to play in red ranks. Very likely, you won't even be able to tell which ppl on your side or the other side are on which platform, unless they tell you, or their name is Ifuktyurmom69PS4.

  • Member Posts: 580

    @LordGlint because it's not the same skill, it's people relying on the hardware rather than skill. My problem is that I don't want to play against someone that has a clear advantage against me purely from me playing console. It would promote deranking from console players so that they'll avoid these unfair games and it would promote deranking for PC players so that they can grief the console players.

    I'm curious, what platform do you play on?

  • Member Posts: 475

    Stepping in here, there are massive differences between a game like overwatch and dbd.

    Fps games in general are easier to play with mouse and keyboard. We are simply not comparing apples and apples here.

    Overwatch ranked is also really competitive and completely optional, whil rank in dbd serves to make better matchmaking and is mandatory (unless you just play kyf i guess)

    Unless its nurse, if you are a survivor and can loop, you can still beat any pc killer if you can read the slightly better mindgames a pc killer could utilize.

    I think survivors and killers who dont want crossplay and play mostly on console are worried that they will have to get better at the game and its just too much to ask of them. I think ranking would make this a nonnissue though

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    @ermsy deranking is already a thing, and you wouldn't be facing anyone more challenging than you currently do. You just might not have as high of a number next to your name, which isn't a problem.

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    @TheDuhJ I honestly think the confusion lies in the thought you'd face your same ranks counterpart, and a rank 5 PC gamer would stomp a person currently rank 5 on console. If it was cross platform though, those ranks would be readjusted. You wouldn't face anyone way out of your leave, although you might have to eat some humble pie with a lower rank by your name.

  • Member Posts: 475

    What evidence could you possibly have to suggest the biggest reason ps4 players would lose to pc players is because of hardware choice

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    I'd LOVE for console players to encounter our Nurses.

    That one forum person with the Doctor image who went from console to PC was hilarious, i want more of that.

  • Member Posts: 475

    The way i see it is that if you are a red rank survivor on console and you are bored as hell with what goes on currently, then you want crossplay.

    If this happens red ranks on console now will have to step up their game. And those who want to get even better will have to, and those who dont want to get better will just derank naturally. Ranking is currently more meaningful.

    I want the new challenge and think it would be a net win for behavior.

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    @TheDuhJ even if it did, and all the console players would get ranked against each other, so even PC potato's somehow get ranked higher than consoles best... How would that be any different than right now? You'd have console players playing with other console players...oh no...

  • Member Posts: 406
    edited June 2019

    @LordGlint but that doesn't really change the fact that people would still have an advantage. If an offensive name is a sign it's console then why do most people I play against on PC have names like that 😂

    I'm not saying I don't want it because I don't like PC players. It's just there are enough issues with console without adding PC issues.

    Personally I'd love to see what it's like to go up against a good PC nurse with my ps4 account but that's going to ruin it for a lot of other people.

  • Member Posts: 580

    d@LordGlint there would definitely be more of a challenge, better yet I have a challenge on you if you play on PC. Next time play via controller and try to cap your frame-rate to 25 as that's the average on console and maybe we can see some common ground.

    @TheDuhJ what evidence? Do you not know the issues console has with it's optimization, framerate issues etc? and you don't think that will have an effect on gameplay vs someone that doesn't have those issues? I feel like you're trolling me.

  • Member Posts: 7,314

    Console players would have a huge disadvantage against PC Survivors/Killers.

    These two platforms have their own pace... Imagine a PC Nurse facing Console Survivors, people would DC instantly (More so than they already do...)

  • Member Posts: 406
    edited June 2019

    @FireHazard Imagine Switch vs PC. Or mobile? That would actually be sad.

  • Member Posts: 7,314

    Imagine Console/Switch Billy vs PC SWF?

    Actual P A I N

  • Member Posts: 406

    @FireHazard it would be soul destroying. There are plenty of console players who are good enough but it ruins it for the majority.

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    @Bithard the name thing was a joke, it had PS4 at the end. Whoever has THAT name is clearly 12, or your new stepdad, lol. To give an example of advantages and such OUTSIDE Dbd for a sec. Imagine your playing basketball with all ppl being EQUALLY likely to score points, ect (same rank). Now imagine one of those players is 7ft tall (the advantage). Does this mean the team with the tall guy is more likely to win? It may SEEM so, but we already said, they're all EQUALLY likely to score points. The tall guys advantage might've put him in that rank to begin with, but it's not going to help him against other ppl of that same rank.

  • Member Posts: 475

    Obviously i do, i wrote the first post and play exclusively on ps4 despite owning a pc copy cuz my pc is made of spaghetti and meatballs.

    But im not trolling, i want crossplay despite all these little things because rank (though not perfect) I believe will make these optimization problems a non issue cuz even with beeter optimization on pc, there are still potatoes and unless you are so good that you get to rank 1 on console, you wont see any rank 1 pc killers.

  • Member Posts: 580

    I must be getting trolled lol

    Do you not see the irony in this statement?

    It's literally "I want cross play so there is a bigger playerbase...can only play other console what was the difference"

  • Member Posts: 580

    @TheDuhJ why don't you play on PC?

  • Member Posts: 475

    @ermsy Two reasons:

    1 I like playing most of my games on console cuz i prefer sitting on my couch, and playing with a keyboard makes me tense up and i play better relaxed.

    2 My brother bought me a PC copy so i could play with his decked out character, but i bought all the dlc on ps4 and share play with him so we both have everything on ps4.

    Bonus point: my pc is literally a meatball sub from subway

  • Member Posts: 406

    @LordGlint being 7 foot tall is a natural advantage. Buying a £2000 PC is just having money.

  • Member Posts: 475

    @Bithard are we money shaming ppl now?

  • Member Posts: 580


    Why don't you connect your controller to the PC?

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    @TheDuhJ I feel ya on the DLC thing. When I play Warframe, I hop on Xbox because I got so much stuff before I got my PC. Tried it on PC and HAD to use an Xbox controller, lol.

  • Member Posts: 406

    @TheDuhJ you missed the point a bit there. I'm saying that comparing being 7 foot tall to having a more expensive piece of equipment isn't the same thing.

    If this is just going to be taking things I say out of context I'd rather just avoid this conversation.

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