Ideas for Ghostface?

I orginally wanted buffs, but now I just want how I should play him, since his new change.
I don't think Ghostface needs as many buffs as people need to change their playstyle.
Everyone keeps trying to play him as Myers, which is the incorrect way to play him. He's a completely different character, so he should have a completely different playstyle.
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Like @weirdkid5 said you gotta play Ghostface in a way different from Myers. Using awareness perks to have a general idea where survivors are helps a lot in both stalking and evading. And taking advantage of his stealth for free hits.
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@weirdkid5 @ClogWrench
I understand that but I will have Survivors run to me while I stalk to break me out of it, what am I supposed to do? Run away from the Survivor so I can stalk them? I just find it too easy to make him M1 the entire game, a coordinated team will do all their effort to make Ghostface M1.
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My advice would be to switch targets and get to cover. If you can hide before they reveal you, their reveal progress is going to reset. From there you should be able to peak around a corner at them and get a quick stalk off. Worst case scenario they're persistent about it and give you a free hit (which basically has the same end result, you just need to hit them once after that to down them).
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No, why would you do that? If they approach you, why would you do anything other than walk up to them and hit them?
I think the answer should be obvious here. This seems like a questionable complaint to me honestly bro.
Start turning off your TR and Red stain AFTER you get into a chase with someone. It can seriously confuse people, especially in areas where there is no LoS. Even Myers still has a red stain.
Stalking is only 25% of GFs kit. You are heavily under utilizing him by ONLY focusing on stalking.
You can literally move full speed with no TR. Do you know how easy it is to get a gen grab if you approach the gen from behind a rock? You don't even need to crouch.
Why would you ever stalk when you can get a free grab or free hit? That will always end the situation faster than stalking and still getting looped only to have your oneshot run out. At the very least, you will get your Shroud back within 30 seconds of the chase, and then that second hit is almost guaranteed if you turn off your TR when LoS is broken.
Stop playing him like a Stalky boi and play him like a better Wraith, which is what he really is.
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A) take advantage of them getting close to get in an easy hit. Whether you follow up or let them escape, you're still putting pressure on them by retaliating.
B) try to actually be stealthy and stalk from somewhere they can't see you from. Takes some knowledge of the map for this though. Take advantage of LoS blockers so that survivors aren't seeing you in the first place.
C) don't enter night shroud in the open, make sure you have LoS blockers around to hide behind when someone spots you. You aren't broken out instantly and are given time to react, use that time to cut off LoS fast.
D) if survivors are still giving you trouble by breaking you out, stop trying to stalk and use Night Shroud aggressively in a chase to play mindgames
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@ClogWrench @weirdkid5 @Peanits
Reason I said to run was I thought it was a joke, for a Killer to run cause a Survivor has control of his power? Well anyway, thank you for the info, I had no idea you could go for grabs. Can I grab while crouching or do I need to stand? My tactic was always to 99 their stalk bar from a distance and go in for exposed, but that is not working anymore since everyone is constantly searching for him, as a meta, everyone just keeps Ghostface in eyes range to prevent his power.
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I think you can grab out of crouch yeah. Ghostface is fun cause he has a lot of different ways you can use him and his power and frankly I'm excited to get some better perks on him
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I would say currently crouching on him is absolutely useless. Don't ever do it, unless you need to hide at a low angle.
Otherwise, you should always try to approach from behind walls, rocks, or whatever. Don't ever approach from the open if you can help it.
And yes, you can just waltz up to the gen and snag someone. You do have to be standing to grab. I would really only stalk midchase as a way to punish a Survivor for not breaking your Shroud, or if you can guarantee than you can get the exposed status before being revealed.
If you're gonna go for stalks, you need to use his addons that increase stalk time. Otherwise, it's better to play him like a Wraith that can still hit while invisible. Just remember that you aren't invisible obviously. This is why you wanna activate his Shroud when LoS is broken, so that you don't give the Survivor any clue as to which direction you are approaching from, or if you are even still chasing him.
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Since revealing Ghostface is dependent on your camera, yes you can look away from Ghostface but you're allowing yourself to be followed and hit instead. As stated with using Night Shroud for a free hit, I could just start circling you for getting stalk off as well.
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You misunderstand, he's saying what's stopping GHOSTFACE from turning around to avoid being revealed.
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@ClogWrench @weirdkid5
Never thought about playing him like a better Wraith, thanks dudes, major help, most times I'd use stalk to get them and if that failed, sneak up and run at them with no TR or Stain, then again, they just removed the sound he makes from Night Shroud so getting close should be easier.
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Ghostface has a really good kit for adapting and changing playstyle on the fly. It takes practice but he has so much potential
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@ClogWench @Peanits
I see now, makes sense, that would make Stealth approach useless, not the best idea I ever came up with.
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THIS is why I think ghostface is fundamentally different from other Killers.
You don't need to deal with loops, but at the same time you don't counter them.
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I love running instadown builds on GF. Especially haunted grounds, 0 TR and red stain while everyone is exposed? I love it.