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Vigil Rework Concept

So as it is vigil is currently a pretty terrible perk

Currently it Reads

You look over your friends even in dire situations.

You and your Allies within 8 meter range recover from Exhaustion, Hemorrhage, Mangled, Hindered and Blindness Status Effects 10/15/20 % faster. Once out of range, this effect persists for 15 seconds.

So there's a few problems with this.

1) This was good back when exhaustion recovered even while running, since it meant using it more, but times have changed.

2) Many of the effects it help recovery of, you don't even recover from over time (like mangled from the sloppy butcher effect)

3) While stacking 4 of them can have an interesting effect, this requires a coordinated effort and just increases discrepancy between solo and SWF, and for a still mediocre effect at that.

Given that a Freddy and spring wood rework are coming I thought a little love for Quentin would be nice so I thought up a rework that would make it better.

The Goal: Make a vigil a good perk to run without making it busted to run 4 of them and super boost everyone. Also want to maintain the theme of this being a synergy perk that helps boost other perks and make them better (the one reason it was used back when it was good.)

You look over your friends even in dire situations.

You and your Allies within 8 meter range recover from Exhaustion, Hemorrhage, Mangled, Hindered and Blindness Status Effects 25/30/35% faster. All perk cooldown or charge rate's will also be boosted. Additionally, positive status effects such as Endurance, Haste, vision and temporary perks. will decay 35% slower. Once out of range, this effect persists for 15 seconds. A survivor can only be affected by one vigil effect at once.

So changes from the old one

1) An increase to 35% since this effect was not very valuable at 20%

2) Perk cooldowns like Windows, Dance with me, Quick and Quiet, Diversion coming back quicker since it fits the theme of this perk rework.

3) Even with that, this perk is still a little underwhelming. To put the cherry on top for this perk, 35% longer positive status effects. This has a lot of different implications. Speed boosts from perks like BL, Lithe, and Sprint Burst, last 4 seconds instead of 3. Borrowed time Endurance effect lasts a little bit longer (you can wait a bit longer before you get hit) and you get more time of boosted healing from we'll make it.

4) You can only be affected by one at once, to avoid having completely busted 4 man vigil speed boosts that last over 10 seconds.

Concerns: The only concern I have about the power level of this new vigil, is that it may be a little powerful. If this is too powerful the two ideas I have to tone it down are as follows:

1) remove the negative status effect reduction and make it do ONLY the positive increase


2) Make it personal only rather than effecting you and other people


  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    As an adendum, there are currently no temporary "vision" status effects that this perk would affect (only Open Handed has this effect) but it was put there for consistency as who knows what vision related perks the future could bring.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @SkeletalElite Why 35% xd.

    And also it shouldn't affect "positive effects". It would make the perk a little too good for my liking.

    But it having a stronger bonus and affecting cooldowns would be great

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687
    edited June 2019

    Without the bonus to positve effects, it still isn't a perk worth slotting. Just reducing negative effects on its own is terrible, espeically since the ONLY consistent negative effect is exhaustion and most of the CD based perks aren't very good and make this perk too niche.

    The perk has a very wide reach because no one will bother slotting a mediocre effect for one of their 4 perk slots when you could use something that has actual game impact instead.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    If my math is right, with your Vigil change, I could Dead Hard every 14 seconds if I went for cooldown.

  • wisdom
    wisdom Member Posts: 216

    I feel Like vigil is omen of those perk slots that Is currently worthless, but can be meta if a perk comes out that it counters.

    like if sloppy butcher was on a Timer instead of being permanent effect, vigil might actually be a good perk to counter it.

    and of course similar effects can be made in the future that vigil can work against.

    so while it is os currently worthless, i would argue it is in a good spot

  • Luigifan64
    Luigifan64 Member Posts: 1,123

    Honestly I really love your idea, it’s a unique idea that’d give this perk the love it needs. I’d really like to see your concept be put in the live game. I’m going to list my two ideas for it just because this is a relevant thread.

    Idea 1) Buff the values to 25% and make it a universal effect (like open handed); in addition, it would now effect anything that has a timer on the survivor side (including Make Your Choice, Haunted Ground, Doc’s Madness meter, and Ghostface exposed time). Vigil would still stack, but if only one person is running the perk, then everyone would get a 40% boost as apposed to a 25% one; it’d be less than if 2 people ran Vigil, but it’d still make it somewhat useful.

    Idea 2) The perk stays exactly the same except for two things; similar to the previous idea, it’ll now effect more negative effects on the survivor side, and it’ll allow to recover exhaustion while running (how it used to before the exhaustion nerf, with the 20% reduction from Vigil).

  • Paizaza23757
    Paizaza23757 Member Posts: 12

    Nope it's about 29 seconds because recover 35% faster that mean every second it recover by "1.35" instead of only "1"

  • Gcarrara
    Gcarrara Member Posts: 2,263

    Nice ideas in there. Maybe the increase of duration of positive effects might be a little too much though.

  • su11yboy
    su11yboy Member Posts: 38

    The change seems like a pretty cool change. I don't think it's too broken and if it is, I think it only being personal would be a solid nerf to it. I'm also not sure about it effecting speed boosts. I think if it just effecting survivor timers, and negative affects would be enough. It shortening the exhaustion to 26 seconds, for a 4 second speed boost seems kinda crazy compared to a normal 40 seconds of exhaustion for a 3 second speed boost. Nice idea though!