How is this considered balanced matchmaking?

Alluminn Member Posts: 3
edited July 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

Had this match earlier, and real talk it makes me not want to play. Like, at all. In fact I just turned off the game and went to play another game.

Killer queues take minimum 10 minutes, and with such a long queue I don't think I'm out of line to expect to not be matched against survivors that so clearly outmatch me. Why am I going to subject myself to waiting so long in queue just to have a game where there's no chance at all for me to have fun?

I'm level 36 with about 40 total hours in game, the vast majority of which is as a survivor. On survivor I've never gotten above rank 15, and killer I think I've capped at 17. So I'm not some high skill player that de-ranked. I'm legitimately bad at this game, but I usually enjoy it.

I'm fine with not getting a 4k, but it's not fun being so horridly overwhelmed.

Post edited by Alluminn on


  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    New players getting bullied by match making making them not want to play the game has always sadly been a problem best advice is to take a beating until you get better sadly.

  • prettyf
    prettyf Member Posts: 442
    edited July 2019

    hmph, they not using ds and exhaust perk in 6,9ranks?

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    They know they don't have to because they're bullying lower ranks. This stuff isn't accidental - I change my loadout when I lobby up with lower ranks too.

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043
    edited July 2019

    My friend doesn't play killer much and they get the same problem at rank 19, they always get greens and occasionally purples, it's horrible to think of that because when I played rank reset no perk spirit at rank 13 I got a few rank 20s who barely knew how to run, another match I played one perk lv 1 plague with no addons at rank 16 post reset, I got high green ranks (10) with DH, adrenaline etc (not a problem for me personally because I've played a bit as killer but imagine a new rank 16 getting this).

    This kind of match making shouldn't be happening, even a rank 15 is pushing it for your level/rank/perk loadout when stacked with all the other ranks. It's just going to scare away any new players, learning the game can be hard enough without going up against people with 100s hours more experience and meta perk builds.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    Just had 7 games in a row with Ranks 1-4 showing up as SWF with people in yellow ranks, just so they could show up and carry teams. I really hate being punished with depipping because the devs show no interest in actual balance in lieu of their skewed notions of what balance is.

    @ Development Teams, et al., SWF is important and fun, but it should be pushed toward the higher levels involved, not the lower ones or an average. As things are it punishes killers who are learning or reranking, and it discourages low-rank survivors from getting good enough to stand on their own.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    The queue time is due to the gruesome gateu, however the match making a is bullshit.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    If matchmaking did not allow you to be matched against people with higher/lower ranks, that 10 minutes waiting time would be 20<.

    Going against higher rank players is good. That's how we learn.

  • nichtRoxas
    nichtRoxas Member Posts: 67

    I was playing survivor the other day I was rank 10, all the other survivors were rank 20 and the killer rank 18. Pretty good job so far.

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,522

    I had a record rank gap the other night, 16 ranks between the bottom and top players.

  • Alluminn
    Alluminn Member Posts: 3

    Getting destroyed by someone vastly better than you is not how you learn, bro.

    You don't have a little league team play against MLB players who are going full force. You don't have new Smash players playing at EVO. Getting totally outclassed is how you get discouraged and quit, like what is happening with me. Playing against people that are a little better than you but you can still win against if they make mistakes is how you learn. That's how you learn what mistakes can be made and how to punish them. I CAN'T LEARN ANYTHING BECAUSE I DON'T ACTUALLY GET TO PLAY THE GAME.

    I give up on killer, honestly. No matter when I play, on what day, at what time, there is always at least one single digit survivor on the other team, and it's just not an enjoyable experience. I just wish the devs cared more about creating a balanced and enjoyable game instead of pumping out as many costumes as they can.