Should Spirit's passive phase be changed?

So I'm certain that many of us have been the victim of a Spirit standing still at a pallet or any other loop and not knowing if she's phasing or not. Which is why I wanna ask, should Spirit's phase still have an audio notification for survivors in chase so they know she's phasing and make it so the standing still mindgame is exclusive to prayer beads? Or is it fine how it is?


  • Gcarrara
    Gcarrara Member Posts: 2,263

    Ehi, I'm moving this to the Balance Feedback subforum since this is not a bug. 🙂

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    @se05239 I'm not suggesting a change to her power, her Haunting is fine how it is. I'm referring to a change to how her standing still mindgame is executed. Either it stay the same or be changed so its fairer for survivors, with this killer you can take your hands off your keyboard/controller and get a free hit.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    Pay very close attention to the Spirit. You can tell 90% of the time when she actually begins phasing. I dunno how else to explain it other than her animation "resets". Unless this is a bug (It's been here forever so it feels like an intentional thing with her).

    Jump into kill your friends, stare at the spirit while she is just standing idly, and have them tell you when they start the phasing activation. Just pay attention to her, you will see it.

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    @blue4zion I'll take your word for it, I'll hop on my PS4 rn and ask my friend who mains Spirit. The only thing I heard was that her hair goes completely up on end when she phases as well, but I'm not sure if that's true or not.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    Yup, the hair is also a tell. It's why I prefer the two heads without her default hair. Frosty eyes also are a dead giveaway.

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    @blue4zion I thought so,isn't frosty eyes her worst head cosmetic? Don't the eyes change from frosty to normal when she starts phasing so its a dead giveaway?

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    That's not her passive phasing; that's Yamaoka Haunting. And no, it completely obliterates the object of a mind-game if you KNOW what she's doing.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    Yeah they'll shut off, then slowly fade back on. I was using it so much when we got it to, and couldn't believe how many survivors weren't falling for fakes. 🤦

  • BlondeMegPls
    BlondeMegPls Member Posts: 66

    Oh wow I did not know that, I've been using those 😂

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    @blue4zion That's a big rip, I heard her best head piece for fake phases is the one called " Messy Maru Mage" is this true due to the small amount of hair physics on this cosmetic?

  • Neprašheart
    Neprašheart Member Posts: 439

    I completely disagree with your questioned or asked suggestion, as Rin is fine the way, how she is.

    She is supposed to have tools to play with you a bit, so, you're basically playing The Game v2 - Without Jigsaw's Baptisms and traps.

    I can tell, based on my experiences, that every single Survivor runs straight away. No crouching, no walking... Running away, so, I've kinda given up on those Pallet mind games.

  • Huntar
    Huntar Member Posts: 848

    Yes, that's correct. When she begins phasing, her hair will snap upright, and then settle back into its usual pattern. This is because a new model is created for her when she starts haunting, and the physics have to take a second to settle in.

    As other people have said, this is part of her mindgames. If you're not good at managing her mindgaming you, just pretend that she's not phasing every time. At the very least, when she tries this tactic, she'll just be left in the dust when you run away.

  • Clockso
    Clockso Member Posts: 853

    if you have a flashlight and the spirit stands still blind her and make a run for it

  • AStupidMonkeyy
    AStupidMonkeyy Member Posts: 718

    Or you could just run in a circle. If chase music happens, she's just standing there. If not, wait 2 seconds and fast vault. Easy mind game win every time.

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 626

    There is 100% one way to counter this mindgame, run to the next loop. If you think a Spirit is trying to cheese you into making a mistake, then use that time to get to a new pallet/twall/building.

    Saying that the haunting mindgame as a killer, is probably one of the single most satisfying plays you can make when it works.

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    Many people have told me this but what if the chances are that she is phasing and you run to the next loop. She'll see your scratch marks (and your injured audio if injured) and she'll just hit you again. But with all the tips people have been giving me this discussion, I did run a Spirit that was trying to mindgame for 3 gens, the best part was when she actually phased at a t wall and I vaulted the window only for her to hit the window after I was through. It felt so satisfying.

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 626

    I can only say in my experience, as someone that mained Spirit for several months and still play her at red ranks, that actually phasing during a pallet standoff as the spitit is generally not a good idea, or at least, phasing to go around the other side of the pallet and get the hit, you are pretty much playing a 50/50 guessing game with the survivor and if it dosnt work your phasing is on cooldown. It pays to try the standing still mindgame more often than not because if they dont fall for it, you dont really lose anything as the killer, theres not as much risk compared to using the power.

    Even at red ranks, months after shes come out, survivors will see spirit standing still at a pallet and just slow vault the pallet.

    Stop doing this.

  • nichtRoxas
    nichtRoxas Member Posts: 67

    Pretty sure that's a bug because they tried changing it and it also doesn't work if she's not using the default outfit.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    Are you saying the bug doesn't happen when she's wearing other cosmetics? I'm not sure that's true