i think simple gen buff ruin nerf is essential,both faction main objective dependence lots on it

if someone can't do great skill check most times it may takes 10seconds to 20seconds longer

so make gens takes 20seconds longer to clean looking 100seconds

why ruin is essential to keep game balanced? why keep making people farm hag first?

and another problem, how about ruin broken too early or too lately?

balance always changing right? is this make sense to you?

this is another reason why not enough killer players in asia

no other essential perks to play in this game but ruin

to not ultra genrushed by all of better than minimum skilled players

about nerf of ruin good skill check doesn't stops progression,just reduce its progression


  • wisdom
    wisdom Member Posts: 216

    If someone can’t hit great skillchecks, it’s going to take far longer than 10-20 seconds longer. You lose 4 seconds of progression and 3 seconds of progression you cannot work on the generator. That is 7 seconds of lost generator time for 1 not great skillcheck.

    But ruin, generally, is fine where it is. The only real “nerf” I would like to see is increasing the point gain for hex skillchecks to encourage survivors  to actually play against the perk correctly. 

    Also you don’t need ruin at red ranks. I know streamers like to say you do, but ruin is only run 20% of the time between ranks 4-1. At least for me, ever since the healing nerf, I’ve had a much easier time keeping up pressure with survivors choosing not to heal or spending copious amounts of time healing. Killers don’t need longer gen times, they need more effective ways to keep people off gens. If they choose to use ruin, they run a huge risk in having it broken early and running on 3 perks or just going against survivors who see it every game and just work through it without any significant loss of time.

    Ruin is one of the best perks in the game, but nerfing it just doesn’t make sense, since it is such a high risk perk. Really other hex perks should be more like it.

  • prettyf
    prettyf Member Posts: 442

    i just tried to fit my idea to na/eu server who doesn't know that they doing

    and increase perk slots for asia wm1 to make them appear some

    all player doing nurse and neither do i

    and i know your red players can killed more than one without ruin

    they consider finding survivors is hard so equip whisper or nurse calling or bc for wm1

    i think thats healthy but not competetive at all..i saying everytime its 15ranky play

    and of course played like blind vs decent players like me from my experiences

    but when opposite matching happend they melt for a seconds like nothing

    bad at stealth cause they bad at search,bad at looping cause still wm1s viable

    bad at timing cause they not playing tight,bad at gen rushing cause they scare killer

    its not my personal idea its general idea in korea so don't personal about this

    sometimes happen this even they think competetive themselves but not even respectable

    like current big league games

    we are feeling like waiting them forever, unless real big money world competition happen may change cause top1~8 matches much all korean,

    so basically if na people does like there in here 5gen rans at first down from my calculrated

    so im telling if even ruin always gonna down in 15seconds of start

    we counting still that times matter

    we are not sitting around and stop gens from nearby killer if its not nurse

    cause we knows killer only can chase one at a time

    so your gen rushing is actually not a maximized gen rushing speed

    i can have answer from your people allow swf and items,

    we don't have killer players without swf and item holders

    but still can crush eu/na swf full item party with wm1

    nurse calling with wm1, if that kind of killer in here

    survivors will welcome and pray you with 100% respectful acting without teabags or something but he will not kill anyone in here except noed camping 1kill at last target

    of course no swf, no items... oh, if they know you from na/eu they willing to unequip dc and dead hard

    do i misinformed? tell me if i backwardly informed

    my ideas basically consider both regions

    i usually thinking half of japanese players as do nothing but lain super fast and not rescue someone front of them with borrowed time and dies or abandon important hooks

    but na/eu players doens't know what it is, thats how takes so long til survivors got nerfed this year

  • prettyf
    prettyf Member Posts: 442

    its based on slower gen without ruins

    idk how you misunderstood subject

    thats only way to asia people can play killer without playing nurse

    cause i saw people of here talk about same thing, gen rushing?

    we don't thinking na/eu players magically become good and buff and nerf right things quickly but i think both region consider gen rushing as problem? so i suggested this

  • nichtRoxas
    nichtRoxas Member Posts: 67
    edited July 2019

    I don't like the fact that Ruin punishes good players too by giving you 0% progression for a great skillcheck. I'm getting tired of seeing all the Nurses with Hex Ruin. They buffed Ruin 1 and 2 I would be fine if a great skillcheck still gave you the progression bonus and them removing toolboxes from the game or making them only work on hooks. A commodious toolbox with socket swivels and clean rag is so stupid.

  • prettyf
    prettyf Member Posts: 442

    oh, you know something man

    keys and toolboxes can break game but killer can use mori when they equipped multi items

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @nichtRoxas "I don't like the fact that Ruin punishes good players too by giving you 0% progression for a great skillcheck"

    It's a rewarding punishment (if you wanna be picky). If you hhit good skillcheck you lose progress and stop progress for a while. If you hit a great you don't lose any progress and can keep on working.

    Also it's a hex. It should be punishing while it is active

  • MrSunbro
    MrSunbro Member Posts: 111

    @prettyf Survivors dont want to hold gens for ay longer than they need to. What needs to happen is get survivors something else to do as well, adding more ge time would just hut te game, ALOT