BHVR Sells Cosmetics. Expand to Animations!

yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

Cosmetics are typically a win-win, so long as buyers are happy with their purchases. Players like showing off, BHVR makes some cash, and it keeps the game from looking stale. But why limit yourselves to outfits?

BHVR,  maybe consider offering different animations for sale! Now the first thing that comes to mind here is the Mori animation for each killer. Right now, for example, the Hag fills her belly with, erm, belly. Maybe create a purchasable animation, say “the Facehugger”, where she clamps onto a survivor’s head with hands and feet, and lunges right in for a face full of, erm, face. 

There could be other (probably cheaper) animations for sale as well. When vaulting, Detective Tapp leaps through and lands somersault style. Maybe something goofy where Dwight runs high-step style (knees up to face). Perhaps the Wraith’s basic attack includes a roundhouse spin just prior to the swipe. 

Anyway, these are just ideas off the top of my head, but I think offerings like this could be a lot of fun!


  • BlondeMegPls
    BlondeMegPls Member Posts: 66

    I love these! It might take a lot of work to add that to the store/a new interface for picking your animation though

  • AStupidMonkeyy
    AStupidMonkeyy Member Posts: 718

    100% agree that this is a great idea. Would love this!

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    It would take a lot of work at first, for sure! Once the interface is set up though, things would get a lot easier. There is room for a new button right beneath the customization button, or maybe just give the customization interface a new “page”. 

    Harder would be the store. There would need to be some sort of window that shows the potential buyer what the animation will look like in action. Of course the greatest difficulty is in making these new animations flow with the game. If Tapp is leaping through a window, it needs to have the right speed so as to look right if he still gets hit. And, of course, it would be visual only, not giving any actual gameplay advantage.

    Still, once all this is place, I could see this new category becoming a real cash cow for BHVR. It would also give forum members a lot to talk about for throwing out new animation ideas.

  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 2,007

    It's kind of shocking they haven't done this already.

  • Lametart
    Lametart Member Posts: 118

    More animations! More animations!


  • TheGameZpro3
    TheGameZpro3 Member Posts: 699
    edited July 2019

    I just want to see Ace hold a card that's an Ace in the real game.

  • Netharon
    Netharon Member Posts: 29

    They can’t just cater to one crowd though. What would be the equivalent survivor animation purchases? I doubt the middle finger or official tbag would make it into the game.

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109

    @Netharon everyone has killers. What about when survivors get cosmetics. Maybe killers don't. Although, this would be a mix up of the standard moris. Make them interesting.

  • TheShape78
    TheShape78 Member Posts: 712

    I have nothing against adding more animations, but let's be careful here and not add anything too goofy, as it would stick out like a sore thumb in an otherwise dark, gritty game. Maybe give Michael Myers his famous head tilt while looking at a hooked survivor, that would be perfect. Just nothing silly like dancing...I cringe to think back to the dancing troll squads of F13 the game.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    I couldn't agree more! The head tilt! Yes please! 

    Also, yes, I would love for all characters to have purchasable animations, just like they all (well, most) currently have purchasable cosmetics. While it is easier to come up with ideas for killers, the survivors should still have plenty to choose from. 

    Just off the top of my head, survivors could have different animations for wiggling free, struggling on the hook, vaulting, missed skill checks, general running, emotes, and so on. 

    I also agree that we should NOT go too far off-base with goofy things, though I expect there to be some light-hearted options. I mean, we already have Ash with a puppet hand, so that door has already been opened. 

    Oh and one more thing you were absolutely correct about: please BHVR, please! Do NOT introduce dances or celebratory emotes! Once you cross that line there's no going back and this game will be no different than all those others which I will not deign to name. 

  • Gcarrara
    Gcarrara Member Posts: 2,263

    I'd love to have this... More mori and animations! I only hope it won't get out of control with things that do not fit into DBD. 😁

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    That’s incredible! I love it! I agree that some animations should apply to all survivors after a single purchase, and your randomize idea is a stroke of genius! I think each survivor should still have a few unique ones also, that the others can’t use.

    We need to get some devs in here to take a look at this. @Peanits what do you think?

  • Lametart
    Lametart Member Posts: 118

    @not_Queen pleeaase consider this!

  • Slayer
    Slayer Member Posts: 1,148

    Yep very nice idea

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,523

    I've always thought that having different moris available would be interesting. It might spice up mori games a bit.

    Vaulting animations are a little bit different- I'm not sure how possible that would be. To give an example, having Tapp dive through the window and roll out of it would cause issues with other animations. You would need to regain control at the same time as a regular fast vault, so the roll would have to be incredibly fast to make it work. You'd also need to regain control in the exact same place as you normally would, so the roll would have to end about two feet away from the window (would look silly). There's also a little bit more to it than just dropping a new animation in, animators would have to go through and make sure the new animations transition into the other animations smoothly.

    There's also an issue with hitboxes in that regard. When he dives through the window and rolls, he would be very low to the ground. You'd have two choices here: Make the hitbox smaller (pay to win), or keep the hitbox the same (would cause some wonky looking hits). To give an example of the latter, the huntress would be able to throw a hatchet through the window and hit the area three feet above him.

    On a related note, being able to judge whether or not you can get a hit is important. Having different animations could make that tricky. If you dive through a window and roll, for example, the dive would likely be faster than a typical vault to give the roll some time. Even if the hitboxes are exactly the same, it would not line up visually and make it hard to judge a hit.

    That's not to say that it would be impossible, but we would have to be very careful with it.

    These, for example, are pretty safe. They could very easily line up with the original animations. The only issue I can see here though is that sooner or later (probably sooner), you're going to run out of ways to animate vaulting through a window while still following all the rules. These are different enough from the originals, but could we possibly think of dozens more to warrant making a huge change? (Genuine question, I don't do parkour, maybe one of you can fill me in on the 1001 ways to jump through a window.)

  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265

    Have Freddy yell "Welcome to prime time, #########! " Everytime he hooks someone for the 3rd time or mori's them.

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109
    edited July 2019

    @Peanits I agree with you fully on this. However, even if there were only like 2/3 animations it is different. Slight adjustments that allow some 'customization' that makes things look normal. Think of it like freddy hopping up on the window. The animation is different but the same concept. That or just put a disclaimer that the hitbox is still the same even with the animation since you don't want to encourage PTW. Maybe they could instead of an actual vault the running vault be a front flip or back flip over it. Again similar animation they are still landing in the right spot. It doesn't change that drastically. We don't need 1001 animations. a few variations would be nice. You would also have Slow, Medium, and Fast vaults which allows for slower animations like trying to turn sideways and walk over it for a slow vault.

  • slipttees
    slipttees Member Posts: 846
    edited July 2019

    add two more survivor gestures would be welcome.

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109

    @slipttees another nice suggestion maybe give like the 1-9 slots that are customizable. @Peanits this is also a good suggestion if the animations between vaults and stuff were all apart of an animation customization set. Then even though you couldn't do 1001 vault animations you make up for the 1001 emotes that you could then have.

  • Lametart
    Lametart Member Posts: 118

    @Peanits Thats true. As i came up with the vault ideas i looked up more vaults i could use for future reference but most of the "real life" vaults require more space/distance to do, or just had too much flare or "showing off" vibes.

    There were ones that made the person do a 180 spin after vaulting and that would not only be too much of a stretch already, but seeing as the survivor would end up looking back at the window, it would be like adding a new mechanic to the game and thats not what we're looking for.

    Fast vaults would be indeed difficult to calculate & handle, but maybe slow vaults are more accesible since they can just be animations of how regular people would get over a ledge slowly and they dont mess with distances?

    Then again the killer grabbing the surv off the window might have to be tweaked to fit with the new animations.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    @slipttees If they add more gestures, then they should also change that the entire emote animation needs to play before they regain control of their survivor.

    Why? Emote spamming BM'ing gonna end up being even more common, the more emotes we have.

  • Slayer
    Slayer Member Posts: 1,148

    No thats the whole point of those emotes. To use it anytyime to tease killer and being able to cancel it anytime.

  • MoonwalkMyers
    MoonwalkMyers Member Posts: 82

    i would buy more animations, thats a cool idea.