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General Discussions

The Update Size: It's Getting Ridiculous!

Member Posts: 8,243
edited July 2019 in General Discussions

The update size is getting ridiculous because what you see below:

Is worth 6.2GB of memory on my XB1. Like that doesn't even seem like it should take that much space in my opinion, so what gives?

Also, I actually wouldn't mind if this if my download speed wasn't a slow crawl. It takes me roughly a day to download every update, and it's getting to the point where I just can't play the game due to the update size. Developers, I love your game, but please use some lossless compression techniques to shorten your update size. This has been happening for quite a while now, but I haven't said anything because I thought there was more to the update.

Edit: It's still updating, sadly. 😭

@Peanits @Patricia @not_Queen

Post edited by NMCKE on

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