The Update Size: It's Getting Ridiculous!

The update size is getting ridiculous because what you see below:
Is worth 6.2GB of memory on my XB1. Like that doesn't even seem like it should take that much space in my opinion, so what gives?
Also, I actually wouldn't mind if this if my download speed wasn't a slow crawl. It takes me roughly a day to download every update, and it's getting to the point where I just can't play the game due to the update size. Developers, I love your game, but please use some lossless compression techniques to shorten your update size. This has been happening for quite a while now, but I haven't said anything because I thought there was more to the update.
Edit: It's still updating, sadly. 😭
i second this!
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There may be content for future work being added that is not active or in use yet, Freddy rework, map design or even dedicated server code. Not everything is actually in the patch notes.
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Ton of fixes and they bugged the EGC timer
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Then they should mention something about it, so I know to expect a huge update. They don't have to be specific, just something like, "There are other classified things within this update that will prepare future updates."
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Yeah, on PC the gamefiles are 23,5 GB large. Thats too much for a game with maps that small, and subpar (at best) graphics.
Seriously, where does all this space come from? Are they just dumping in files with nonsense code, or what?
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It should be in mb not gb for updates this small
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It was about 200 MB for me. You must've had some corrupted files.
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Isn't that just how they do updates on Xbox? On PS4 it was 324 MB or so.
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101,4 MB for me.
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That's just asking for data miners to spoil potential content. Any developer with half a brain would avoid that, especially after the early Ghost Face leak issues.
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Leaks create hype. Any developer with half a brain would create the opportunity for leaks of minor stuff.
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Imagine thinking the GhostFace "leak" wasn't an extremely smart publicity stunt
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I'd like them to add like 20 more maps =p
I mean if they add more maps it could be 50 gig and I would not care
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Mine as well was 101.4 mb exactly as someone else mentioned and it took only 2 minutes to update it. I just know when changing between PTB and normal mode it used to take me like 30 mins to update the game files even on SSD but normal updates are fine I think you have a slow hdd or I am not sure but does CPU speed affect this type of installation update speed ? maybe your CPU is crap no offense lol. But it seems your files were messed up cause we only got 101 not 6gb.
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Isnt it always vastly over sized for the Xbox? Normally it gets fixed but never initially.
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??? Really?
PS4 download size was like 350 megs or something
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The real question is why is it so different across platforms?
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Vigil didn't even get fixed. Just tested the exhaustion duration. It's still 40 seconds even though Vigil is supposed to reduce it by 20% which means 32 seconds.
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Chances are it's more to do with laying some grounds to make future updates much smaller; other games have it happen every year or so, such as Overwatch in my experience.
If the game is installed onto your console you can also end up with corrupted files for definite; just because you don't mess with them doesn't mean nothing can happen, sadly. Save files are known to do this a lot even if unchanged for months sometimes.
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If so, why would Microsoft make oversized updates?
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This is a problem with every game on Xbox wish I understood why tho
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Yes, I'm not alone, but I wished we knew why 200MB updates = 6.2GB updates for Microsoft.
Also, @Doc_W__HOLLIDAY have you experienced this? I sent you a message on XB1 if you don't get this.
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Yes 4 real I mean I download with in a hr but 6 GB for nothing much but fixes and More cosmetics I'm ok as mini times as I've done it I could've downloaded 3 or 4 games at a good size
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I think it's just something to do with Xbox live and the process everything goes through to 'go live'. Checks and stuff, updates seem to be unpacked and forgotten to be compressed again before they go live.
Don't think the Devs can actually do anything about it.