Does the hatch just spawn randomly now?

It doesn’t really seem to matter the situation. 1, 2, 3 gens left, 1-3 survivors left. Hatch doesn’t spawn. I had a game where the hatch was no where to be found with 2 people left and 1 gen. The 2nd person died and the hatch spawned right next to me. Another game there were 3 of us with 2 gens left, no hatch to be found, 3rd person dies, the hatch spawned in an area that I circled like 50 times to be sure. Like I don’t understand I thought the hatch automatically spawned either when all the gens are done or if there are 3 gens left and 3 survivors. Is it bugged or did they change it or something?
Hatch spawn if more gens are completed than survivors. It also spawn if only one survivor remains regardless if no gens are completed
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It doesn’t seem to matter in these games tho. Like I said above with the examples it just randomly decides to spawn when it should already be spawned to begin with in the certain situations.
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Sounds like one of those bug thingies.
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The general rule is.
The hatch spawns closed when there is one more gen needed to be completed than the amount of survivors still in the trial.
The hatch spawns open when there is only one remaining survivor in the trial.
4 survs - 5 gens needed
3 survs - 4 gens needed
2 survs - 3 gens needed
1 surv - 0 gens needed
Any other hatch spawns are most likely a bug. Report in the bug section.
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The same spawning rules as before still apply, the only thing that changed with the EGC is that the hatch will spawn regardless of how many generators are completed when there's only one survivor remaining.
Basically, the number of generators completed needs to be one higher than the number of survivors alive for it to spawn. (4 survivors: 5 generators, 3 survivors: 4 generators, etc.)
You may have just missed the hatch, since it spawns closed and doesn't make any noise until it opens.