For the love of god !

PLEASE fix killer lobbies @not_Queen , @Peanits or anyone at Behaviour . These lobby wait times can range fro me 5 minutes to almost 45. Please revert matchmaking or something. Not everyone wants to play survivor . Thank you and I hope you are aware
It is the opposite on console. I wait forever to get a game as survivor and play games as killers almost instantly.
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I’m on Xbox and I can get in survivor match instantly but killer lobbies take forever
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This is not a matchmaking issue, so to speak. There is still a large amount of people playing killer and there simply are not enough survivors to fill the lobbies. It is filling your lobby as fast as you can.
There are a few edge cases with the matchmaking that we are still ironing out, but waiting a few minutes for a killer match is to be expected at the moment. If you are waiting a long time (like you said, 45 mintues), this is not normal.
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We need to bring the old DS back, instant Flashlights, white blinding Flashlights, pallet teleports, increase number of pallets, reduce SC heal time and increase the WGLF BP bonus to 200%.
Then killer lobbies will be instant and survivor lobbies will take around 45+ minutes.
And yes, this is sarcasm.
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Except for the white blinding flashlights; I could dig it.
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You keep saying that, but those words would be a heck of a long stronger if you just proved it. Revert to the old matchmaking system for 2 weeks and show us that it's merely a coincidence that the new matchmaking system's introduction came with an extra 5 minute waiting time for killers. Either the matches still take forever and nobody can deny it anymore, or it proves there's a problem and the team can actually fix it instead of pretending it doesn't exist.
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i was actually thinking the same
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you could start with giving suvivors more bloodpoints for playing. thats a big reason why ppl dont want to play survivor atm.
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Oh wait, but killers are underpowered right now according to this forum. Lmao. A lot of players want to play killers.. Such underpower, much in need of a buff, wow.
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I am on ps4.
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couple patches ago was able to instantly get into killer lobby (before update to matchmaking) and yes , i been in lobby for 45 minutes.
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Yeah , soon as they changed matchmaking this began happening . When they reverted it for a day it worked again then back too this . Changes to matchmaking were supposed to fix the issues not make them worse. Either revert or give survivors more BP
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Playing killer less stressful? Maybe at rank 20.
Both can be equally stressful.
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First of all, I play both sides. I play survivor to relax and killer when I just want to try some crazy combo. Killer is by no means relaxing and up until recently, I would shiver whenever I saw a lobby getting filled up due to how bad and stressful some of my past experiences were. My mindset towards the game changed and that helped me a lot.
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I agree fully. I'll be in the waiting lobby at most 5 minutes which is rare for survivor while the most common wait time for survivor for me is like 30 seconds avg. While I'll play killer and can wait from 10 minutes to an hour. The hour for killer happened a few times while the common wait time for me is 20 minutes.
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And yet, the devs won’t consider reverting when obviously it’s an issue . They’ve said lack of survivors, give survivors more incentive to play IE: more BP
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You are describing rank 20 killer gameplay tho.
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@LordGlint that would be OP :p
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It's slow for me, too, and I had quicker lobbies recently, too. I wouldn't be surprised to hear it's because there isn't as many survivors as before. GF is still rather new and I've heard and seen a lot of people quit the game.
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Weird, I get a lot of rank "20s" when I'm up there if you catch my drift.
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lol the amount of rubbish in this post ..... lol @ less stress go to red ranks then say that .... killer is alot different. let me guess you havent been to red ranks or you dont even play killer
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Yeah I'm getting ghostface like crazy still... almost every other match is him....
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I laugh every time someone says they play survivor to relax. If you can relax then you are not playing at the proper rank. Survivor definitely isn't as stressful as killer because you need to keep track of 4 other players, but to call it relaxing is a stretch. Even when I'm repairing gens I'm still spinning my camera around, looking to see if the survivor icons are doing anything, searching for and counting totems, figuring out what perks the killer is running, listening for any sounds, counting other survivors' hooks, etc. That's not including chases. Also dealing with poor teammates is anything but relaxing.
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I play killer, my son plays almost exclusively survivor. BP for survivors almost always are more than for killers. It depends on how you play.. .also wait times for both are minimum 5 to 10 minutes in our region, sometimes longer.
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No one can dispute this fact: If the survivor/killer (1:4) balance is disproportionate, the smaller side will have virtually no wait time, while the larger side will have a larger wait time. That's just simple math.
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Red rank killer is soooo stressful..
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Same thing, but for me, it has been for my survivor que times, and I'm on PC too. Matchmaking has just been a mess lately. :(
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@Vancold Most of the killers are underpowered. I'm saying this as a survivor main. My biggest motivation to play killer at the moment is the higher amount of bloodpoints.
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@Peanits how many killers players are in the game vs how many survivors are in the game?
And if you say, there is a lack of survivors, what is your personal opinion on why there is less survivors and how would you change it if you had free reign and no restrictions?
I would give survivors something else to do than just play m1 simulator and because SWFs can play cross ranks, I would open up the ranks so there would be faster matches.
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@Cymer that isn’t a question that can be answered and have any useful meaning. Matchmaking is broken down by region and rank, all of which have their own unique populations and distributions. While playing across regions is possible, the latency would make the game unplayable, thus the reason we have these issues.
The current system has already opened up ranks where it needs to. In some regions it doesn't need to, while in others, it does. Wondering why you see a rank 15 playing against a rank 4, and they aren't in a SWF? This is the reason why, it already exists.