New killers not understanding prestige

If you're a killer who dodges lobbies because a prestige 1 Nea joins it, I'm going to make this very clear. Prestige does *not* define how good someone is at the game, if you want to be worried about survivors, worry about the ones wearing bright colours. I'm currently looking for a game and I have not been able to join a single one in over an hour because whenever someone wearing prestige joins, the killer dodges (rank 3 btw).
I have never disconnected a lobby because of someone wearing bloody clothes. Especially at Rank 3.
This is just ridiculous.
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Maybe they're looking at your play time or achievements.
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Just because you haven't,doesn't mean that nobody has ever done something like that
To OP,people dodge a 2 Men SWF with no items ffs.
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More like it. Or swf friend relationships.
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I can agree but there are plenty of reasons to dodge. Swf at any form included. The game is unbalanced against 4 coordinated solo players. Not even gonna bring in free perks for swf survivors.
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Yep. Or a toxic name.
Whenever I see a name that's blatantly offensive, I don't dodge, but I slap on an Ebony.
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I slap on a shroud. Watch them dc after first hook or even sooner.
Also this thread doesn't make sense either. "New Killers: Rank 3 Killer/Survivor"
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Wearing bright colors means they are people to worry about? I just wear whatever i like on a character. Does that usually mean that?
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Prestige is meaningless. It's free and we just had a full month of double bloodpoints and double bloodpoint offerings, prestige is ######### common.
Bright or dark coloured clothes are different as they usually mean people have spent money on them. Dark often means a trash tier player that relies on never being spotted to win, and a bright survivor is usually a survivor who is confident, wants to be spotted, and wants to be chased. Most commonly these days it's these lurid Neas.
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Wearing bright colors in most cases means that you don't care if the killer sees you because you are a good player. Now?
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Okay, Thanks for saying the reason. Like i said I wear bright clothes because it looks nice. 😄
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every rank reset, when i drop myself down to yellow, I see people that are p3, and never left yellow ranks. So yeah, Blood doesn't mean skill.
Honestly, neither does rank, the scoring is dumb right now. 4k's for black pips. ugh...
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So . . . you complain about New Killers not understanding prestige, then state you're at Rank 3.
Do you even know what you're talking about?
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Tell the new survivors at rank 3 that being hooked is not tunneling
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I understand why the killer can see the survivors items. But why can they see steam profiles, cosmetic items, characters, etc. Seems like its only used for meta gaming...?
I wish the killer could only see the survivor character tile and the item below it. Or just have all characters appear in default outfits so you can wear what you want!
Also, if the killer can see IRL steam names should survivors see the killers? If the killer is dodging survivors that they dont like shouldnt survivors be able to do the same? I just hate double standards...
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New killers
Rank 3...
either you abuse the rank system to swf with rank 15 survivors or your statement makes cero to no sense.
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It's pretty easy to rank up, and even then red ranks always get matched up with purple ranks which is obviously even easier to get to.
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"Also, if the killer can see IRL steam names should survivors see the killers? If the killer is dodging survivors that they dont like shouldnt survivors be able to do the same? I just hate double standards..."
For the same reason Death Garden removed it. The scavengers would leave a match if they saw they were up against a fairly well known and skilled hunter.
I don't like that killers dodge survivors, but when survivors are given these tools, they more likely then not abuse it more then killers do. And you can't say killers do it more, since
A) They of course had more time to dodge and stuff, so it isn't a fair comparison
B) If it were really that much of a problem, the Devs would have done something about it by now.
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My point was that killers really shouldnt be able to see the steam names of the survivors either. It can only be used for dodging. I see no other reason/use for it.
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Prestige doesn't = skill but it does = game time and thus an expected level of understanding and experience (is this reason to dodge, that is up to the individual to decide).
Bright clothing = experience or simply something someone bought because they prefer the looks. Therefore bright clothing has a far larger margin of inconsistency in relation to experience/skill.
You can't reliably judge skill based on anything the person is wearing but Prestige would indicated a higher time consumption for BP farming meaning more game experience on average.
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On PS4 I get survivors who message me while waiting in the lobby so it's not just killers who are able to see profiles. At least on PS4.
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Yeah all you have to do is go to friends list, look at your "in game" session and the name that doesn't belong to the other survivors in your lobby is the killer.
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This only works on console. On PC you can see who is in the game only once the match has already begun.
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It's better to determine a survivors skill by the decisions they make in game, not what they're wearing. As mentioned earlier in the thread, prestige doesn't always mean skill. It more represents time invested.
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Unfortunately killers only see customization before the game starts and often anything other than default is seen as OP...