Now that Survivors Might be Getting a BP Rework, can we Talk About WGLF Getting a Buff?

There is some talk about survivors getting a BP rework. And while I'm not entirely sure if this is a good thing or not in the grand scheme of things, it does make me happy that I might be able to still play survivor and get a good handful of bloodpoints regardless. But on top of the already planned changes (which, at least after reading the Dev logs, seem a little uneventful), I think a buff to We're Gonna Live Forever would be another great one to add to the list. If we're trying to balance Survivor/Killer BP gains, making WGLF and BBQ a little more comparable would be a good step, even if I don't think we should make WGLF a top tier perk like BBQ is.
I think an interesting idea would be to increase exhaustion recovery for each token gained on WGLF. Similar to vigil. Maybe something like decreasing exhaustion recovery time by 2/3/4 seconds per token. This is a pretty basic idea, and I don't know if it's the one that should be implemented (with vigil, this could make exhaustion last 16 seconds after using an exhaustion perk at full stacks. Not exactly phenomenal, but usable.), but you get the picture.
Feel free to leave your thoughts, specifically on whether or not WGLF should even be buffed to begin with, and what buffs you think should be applied.
The buff that gets asked for time and time again is for healing other players to give you tokens since protection hits and safe unhooks are difficult, bugged, and/or require competing with other survivors.
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Pipe dream, but I think BBQC and WGLF BP bonuses should be passive and both perks adjusted to be viable.
BBQC is a near mandatory DLC payment and WGLF is a handicap. Buffing WGLF would solve WGLF's problem, but not BBQC's.
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I think the way you GET tokens right now is fine. I think what you DO with them needs to be buffed.
If this were to happen (BBQ getting a nerf and WGLF getting a buff), I think that another perk should come later to take BBQ's spot. All assuming that this is what you're implying.
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I am suggesting that every survivor gets +25% bonus BP for safe-rescuing or taking hits for other survivors up to 100%, and every killer gets +25% bonus BP for every fresh hook up to 100%. Less pressure to reduce the BP grind for new players, and bonus BP isn't gated behind purchase of Leatherface for killers.
BBQC's aura reading gets buffed in some way or another effect added, while WGLF is free to be its own perk, just like the exhaustion recovery iteration you suggested.
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I'm not sure if that's a great idea. Getting saves and hooking survivors are already built in mechanics to the game that players are expected to complete. Just to give them a massive BP boost (even bigger than the BP boosts given now) regardless of whether or not they sacrificed a perk slot for it would make BP grinding a bit too easy.
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That doesn't really fix the issue that it would still be easier to get post trial multipliers with killer than survivor.
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I see your reasoning, but I'd like it in perspective.
If you don't me asking, do you play with friends or alone? And at what rank?
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They can add more ways as they see fit. Maybe they can add/adjust stacks for based on number of survivors escaped.
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(Referring to the first half)
And thats wrong. Getting tokens isnt reliable enough. A second effect for this perk doesnt matter at all as long as getting tokens isnt limited by the amount of possible hooks and a faulty protection system.
If you believe the perk has reliable ways to get tokens, then how many tokens, on average, do you usually end up with during a match? As someone who uses WGLF on every single Survivor that has it every time, I can say mine is maybe 2 tokens. And this is both considering matches I get literally no tokens and those were my team mates are downeed left and right for me to get tokens.
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As a survivor, I solo queue. I usually average out at high purple ranks, but I've gotten to red ranks. I'm just starting out as killer, and usually lurk around mid green ranks.
Let's look from a killer's perspective first. Let's also assume that as of right now, killers get ~26k base BP per game. If a killer does decent and manages to get 4 fresh hooks, that 26k base BP is increased to 52k, enough to clear out a bloodweb and most of a second one (maybe even more if you're better at clearing webs than I am.). Right now, this isn't a big deal, because BBQ is a really good perk anyways, and one that people would use regardless of its BP gain. But this takes a nosedive once survivors' perspectives are taken into account, because WGLF, in its current state, is a worthless perk without the BP gain. In order for your change to take place, WGLF would need to be more than buffed, it would need to be changed entirely. Now, suddenly, new ideas need to be made to influence the meta, how it fits in with David's adept build, and more. And applying this change to killers and not survivors wouldn't solve the problem either, because that would make survivor/killer BP unbalanced.
At the end of the day, I think it would make more sense for BP gains in this sense to be based off of perks. If a player wants more BP, they should run these perks. If they don't care, they are more than welcome to run a separate perk in its place.
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On average, I usually get about 2-3. If I play more riskily, I can usually get 4 by taking protection hits (which I usually don't find buggy at all.).
I do get what you mean, though. If we're trying to balance BP between killers and survivors, getting 4 stacks should be just as easy with survivor as it is with killer. I think the best approach to take with this would be to fix protection hits entirely (specifically ones not on survivors in dying state [like survivors in killers' grasps].).
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It does exactly what its supposed to do I use it all the time I dont think it needs a buff. Sounds like you just need to be quicker to altruism
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I´d be okay with an aura reading buff for WGLF. Similar to BBQ.
If a survivor gets hooked, it shows survivors that have it, all other survivors for 4 seconds. Exactly like BBQ does. With the same restrictions. If someone is hiding in a locker, he wouldn´t show up.
That way, survivors could save a lot of time, by determining if other survivors are closer to the hook.
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I also use it all the time. And in its current state it's fine. But that's the thing, it's just fine. It's nothing like BBQ where it is probably the best perk in the game AND gives you extra BP. The only reason I'm suggesting a buff is because of the recent dev update (and because I kind of have the mindset of "buff everything until it's undeniably usable".).
I actually really like this idea!
I threw around ideas like the survivor unhooking seeing the killer's aura after the unhook (similar to Breakdown, but for the savior, not the saved.), but that was a little unexciting. I thought about adding more people to that idea, like all survivors or both savior and saved, but the former seemed too broken, and the latter still seemed too unexciting. This ONLY affecting other people with the perk is a really good middle ground, and I could definitely see it being used.