Can we please give some drawbacks yo the survivors?

It's gating old to make a new killer with a new mechanic that's literally do nothing.
Plague makes you broken so just run form one loop to the next and don't heal.
Legion oh no they hit you and now they left press M1 to mend your self and repeat the same with the Plague.
New Freddy you don't want to sleep only if the killer plays well. That makes no sense.
Please, can you give some drawbacks? ( if you say no i wan the reason ).
reason bad steam reviews
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No good reason try again
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But that'd make the killers unfun? What, do you want another Nurse or something?
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How this make them unfun ?
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Legion gives himself drawbacks.
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Im tired of these kinds of killers too. Every Killer since clown including new Freddy has had a power gauge and every Killer since Plauge has had survivors heavily impact their power level.
I just want a simple M2 killer like Huntress, Nurse, BIlly or Wraith with no gimmicks and where the power is in the killers hands completely.
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Legion is the drawback in they kit
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That's what they planned with Legion. Deep wounds was a way to balance their pallet vaults. They were going to tweak him over time, but they were impulsive and took a complete rework. Nurse wasn't nerfed all this time because red ranks are made for Nurse.
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If something/someone is really good (and youre stomping everyone) with said thing it can make it unfun.
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That person put more time in the game yes i ok by that.
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It's a good reason for the devs
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huh? ok, lets go over this, a little bit at a time. I tend to be rather outspoken about the flaws of this game, but this arguement doesn't seem well thought out.
Plague: Plague has a normal movement speed, the ability to hatchet with puke, and prevents insta-heals. She can be used to great effect, and has drawbacks for the survivors. I do wish they would give her more status effects (same with clown) but that's mostly thematic.
Legion: he's strong. stronger then he was. I might not like his feel anymore (man going from 110 ms to 140 felt FAST and good) But that doesn't make him less effective. His tracking it top notch, if you know how to use him. He also has the ability to pressure the map with good movement speed.
Freddy: This is the one that made me stop and go "ok he's not thinking this out" In the freddy rework, all players fall asleep, period. freddy doesn't have to put you to sleep. The more people asleep, the more map pressure he gets. In the arguement the OP said "New Freddy you don't want to sleep only if the killer plays well. That makes no sense."
This makes 0 sense. NO KILLER SHOULD BE OP IF THE KILLER DOESN'T PLAY WELL. Freddy is literally giving survivors a status effect that he has to do nothing to inflict, just exist. But somehow, you don't think this is a dentrament? Sorry man, there's no add-on to burn that makes you good at the game.
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Literally every single time I see you post all you want is survivors to be nerfed in EVERY aspect of the game. The devs are going to balance what they see fit and aren't going to nerf/buff every little thing you complain about. Maybe instead of resorting to complaining to the devs straight away, try a different playstyle or switch up perks, just do ANYTHING but complain about every slight inconvenience.
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Plague if you have a status effects will be better for her and will be thematic sense you are sick and you have same debuff.
Legion ones you get hit by the FF and leave just mend and go do gens.
Freddy in order to use your powers you need them to put them in sleep and you need to set up your limited power before the chase.
Never look a killer what was but see what you can do with them
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But not locking their pitiful excuses for powers behind 30 sec power gauges that can get reset even by something as common as a stun would make them an actual threat! We can't allow that, survivors would review-bomb the game, and that's not good for business! Who would then buy the newest pricy flashy skins for MegHead/Kekdette/Neo?
Seriously, though, I wouldn't expect a new power gauge-free killer anytime soon. They found a way to saw off both feet to every new potentially interesting killer, and survivors are still not happy -just look at how many "ZPiriTina tU oOp, pLiz nUrf!11!!" threads there are.
To be honest, I'm quite surprised they didn't announce that they would rework every other killer to have their powers crippled by a power gauge. I'm guessing it's probably because of time costraints, seeing as Horvath (I think it was him) said multiple times that he's all in for neutering Nurse and Billy.
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I'd literally stop playing if nurse & Billy were ruined
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Then you definitely need to think about your lack of skill.
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I dont play billy or nurse because they are broken. Clown freddy pig spirit is who i usually use at rank 1. The game is always intense and when i 4k i feel good and not bad as a billy /nurse main
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Doesn't matter there no penalty to being in the dream world. He needed a few tweaks not the run down. Although I do like the survivors going straight to sleep once you hit them as freddy