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Feedback and Suggestions

Buff Dead Hard?

I've been experimenting with Dead Hard a lot lately and I'm having not a lot of success. Most of my irritation is coming from the fact that you often don't even get to use it as you have to be injured. Things like Noed, Tier 3 Myers, Billy and every other perk/addon/killer that get a 1 shot mechanic render it a dead perk often.

Sprint burst also has a negative in the fact that you waste it if you want to sprint, but comparing the one against the other its not even close how much better sprint burst is. I honestly don't think it would be too OP to be able to dead hard at full health. Why? Because it doesn't give you as much distance as sprint burst, sprint burst is almost the same thing. You can wait for the killer to get close so that not only your sprint burst activates but they also get in their attack animation for a double effect.

I want to get better with the perk as it is a lot of fun, but it just feels so very weak in these 1 shot mechanic situations.

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  • Member Posts: 46

    Look, dude, Dead Hard was a game breaking perk when it was introduced as is. Survivor is supposed to be a stealth game, meaning you're to try your best to never get that close to a killer. It's like Decisive Strike & hatch escape in that the survivor using it is being rewarded for failure in the face of a killer who is actually playing his/her game to the best of abilities. You shouldn't worry over perks that require the killer to be in your face or to have hit you to activate. Find a stealth build that helps you do gens and vanish into the shadows before the killer gets line of sight on you. Also, don't fret the hooked teammates. Do gens first. Do a rescue when the killer is obviously busy with a chase far from the hook (aura perks can help sense that). If there's one or more teammates intent on swarming the hook then let them. Get those gens done because your ultimate goal is to survive to escape (& not by the hatch, please).

  • Member Posts: 1,088

    @Onehouse, why you talikng about gens in first place?
    TS has a point, this buff wouldn't be too OP. Many killers just predict this perk and don't hit survivor immideatly anyway.

  • Member Posts: 2,959

    I did a "lol" because asking for a buff to a powerful perk is pretty hilarious.

  • Member Posts: 34
    edited July 2018

    @Onehouse said:
    Look, dude, Dead Hard was a game breaking perk when it was introduced as is. Survivor is supposed to be a stealth game, meaning you're to try your best to never get that close to a killer. It's like Decisive Strike & hatch escape in that the survivor using it is being rewarded for failure in the face of a killer who is actually playing his/her game to the best of abilities. You shouldn't worry over perks that require the killer to be in your face or to have hit you to activate. Find a stealth build that helps you do gens and vanish into the shadows before the killer gets line of sight on you. Also, don't fret the hooked teammates. Do gens first. Do a rescue when the killer is obviously busy with a chase far from the hook (aura perks can help sense that). If there's one or more teammates intent on swarming the hook then let them. Get those gens done because your ultimate goal is to survive to escape (& not by the hatch, please).

    @Wolf74 said:
    I did a "lol" because asking for a buff to a powerful perk is pretty hilarious.

    I agree its a stealth game first, but if you honestly believe you are able to hide all game every game all 4 survivors then I don't know what to tell you. The killer will find you as is the mechanics of the game... Via generator noise, perks etc etc. So once this happens you cannot out run them and an exhaustion perk not only helps, but is kind of a must in rank 1 play.

    Also to it being 'powerful' it isn't, its a B tier perk and it is more than useable. But it having so many weaknesses as I stated is a reason why 95% of people don't run it. Sprint burst I believe is better in almost every way and it is OP, therefore it is getting a nerf. But by it getting a nerf, it also nerfs other exhaustion perks which the dev's said they'll monitor closely.

    The only time dead hard is EVER op is if you bait out an extra swing from a killer that is carrying a survivor, that is it. Once they know you have the perk, its dead 'USELESS'. You might as well just use it for distance at that point and not to dodge a hit, oh and it gives you terrible distance... Its super easy to play around and even when it isn't the litany of things that one shot you therefore you can't even attempt to use it makes it almost pointless.

    All I'm saying is make it actually always useful like sprint burst, hell take away the 'invincibilty' frame it gives. Just let me actually use the ######### thing. I've done nothing but use it the past I don't know 20-40 games and its just trash tier compared to sprint burst. inb4 you say 'this is a stealth game play perkless'. You are #########, nothing needs to be said to that. Perks are there for a reason and I'm sharing my view of its current balance.

    Its not 'unuseable' its just not worth using with its current draw backs and sprint burst existing. Not many things feel more unfun than literally having a dead perk that does not get to trigger because you go from Healthy to DYING state immediately.

  • Member Posts: 2,959

    You obviously do not know how to use the perk.
    I have to agree that I myself aren't using it to it's full potential either, that's why I do not use it.
    But as a killer main I can tell you that there are a lot of people making very effective use of it, by baiting a swing every time they use it.

    This is again a YOU problem. And so you want to balance a perk around the lower end of the skillspectrum and buff it, but that's the kind of logic that already messed up DS.

  • Member Posts: 34

    @Wolf74 said:
    You obviously do not know how to use the perk.
    I have to agree that I myself aren't using it to it's full potential either, that's why I do not use it.
    But as a killer main I can tell you that there are a lot of people making very effective use of it, by baiting a swing every time they use it.

    This is again a YOU problem. And so you want to balance a perk around the lower end of the skillspectrum and buff it, but that's the kind of logic that already messed up DS.

    No. Ask any good killer and as soon as they know you have dead right it becomes down right dead. If you wait for them to swing too long the good killers won't lunge and instant attack you where you have 0 reaction time. If they don't employ this trick then they'll just wait for you to use it and make up the measly 3-5 feet of distance it creates in a second or less with a lunge afterwards. If it either A gave more distance or at least was useable in a healthy state then it would be great. But it does neither and it is absolutely sub-par.

    Literally test it for the next few days like I have and you will see the good killers catch on quick and absolutely negate and gut this perk. Also the amount of times you do not get to use it because it requires you to be injured is abnormal at times. Then again I do not know what survivor rank you play at, its not difficult to achieve but I'm at rank 1 with decent killers.

  • Member Posts: 41

    @Onehouse said:
    Look, dude, Dead Hard was a game breaking perk when it was introduced as is. Survivor is supposed to be a stealth game, meaning you're to try your best to never get that close to a killer. It's like Decisive Strike & hatch escape in that the survivor using it is being rewarded for failure in the face of a killer who is actually playing his/her game to the best of abilities. You shouldn't worry over perks that require the killer to be in your face or to have hit you to activate. Find a stealth build that helps you do gens and vanish into the shadows before the killer gets line of sight on you. Also, don't fret the hooked teammates. Do gens first. Do a rescue when the killer is obviously busy with a chase far from the hook (aura perks can help sense that). If there's one or more teammates intent on swarming the hook then let them. Get those gens done because your ultimate goal is to survive to escape (& not by the hatch, please).

    @Onehouse said:
    Look, dude, Dead Hard was a game breaking perk when it was introduced as is. Survivor is supposed to be a stealth game, meaning you're to try your best to never get that close to a killer. It's like Decisive Strike & hatch escape in that the survivor using it is being rewarded for failure in the face of a killer who is actually playing his/her game to the best of abilities. You shouldn't worry over perks that require the killer to be in your face or to have hit you to activate. Find a stealth build that helps you do gens and vanish into the shadows before the killer gets line of sight on you. Also, don't fret the hooked teammates. Do gens first. Do a rescue when the killer is obviously busy with a chase far from the hook (aura perks can help sense that). If there's one or more teammates intent on swarming the hook then let them. Get those gens done because your ultimate goal is to survive to escape (& not by the hatch, please).

    "Game-breaking". I don't wanna say anything bad, but are you okay? I'm a killer main and once I swing and they Dead Hard I know they have it for the rest of the game. I can put pressure in chases knowing they have that perk. It's not game-breaking. It's not like other exhaustion perks. Don't make it seem that way.

  • Member Posts: 2,959

    @MagV3 said:

    @Wolf74 said:
    You obviously do not know how to use the perk.
    I have to agree that I myself aren't using it to it's full potential either, that's why I do not use it.
    But as a killer main I can tell you that there are a lot of people making very effective use of it, by baiting a swing every time they use it.

    This is again a YOU problem. And so you want to balance a perk around the lower end of the skillspectrum and buff it, but that's the kind of logic that already messed up DS.

    No. Ask any good killer and as soon as they know you have dead right it becomes down right dead. If you wait for them to swing too long the good killers won't lunge and instant attack you where you have 0 reaction time. If they don't employ this trick then they'll just wait for you to use it and make up the measly 3-5 feet of distance it creates in a second or less with a lunge afterwards. If it either A gave more distance or at least was useable in a healthy state then it would be great. But it does neither and it is absolutely sub-par.

    Literally test it for the next few days like I have and you will see the good killers catch on quick and absolutely negate and gut this perk. Also the amount of times you do not get to use it because it requires you to be injured is abnormal at times. Then again I do not know what survivor rank you play at, its not difficult to achieve but I'm at rank 1 with decent killers.

    I think the state of the perk you describe sound pretty balanced to me, because it depends on the who has the higher skill to benefit.

  • Member Posts: 2,095

    You're comparing a balanced perk with a broken perk.
    Obviously, the broken perk (sprint burst) will be better.

  • Member Posts: 34

    @Runiver said:
    You're comparing a balanced perk with a broken perk.
    Obviously, the broken perk (sprint burst) will be better.

    And yet both are getting nerfed. Which will DOUBLY impact Dead Hard, because not only will it not regen while sprinting but it will still be worse in all the ways it already was to begin with. Aka barely giving you any distance and not being useable while healed, as well as being easy to counter play. Now how the ######### do you counterplay sprintburst? You don't. So sprint burst will still not only be better, it will actually all of a sudden be A LOT better because Dead Hard is getting the same exhaust nerf.

  • Member Posts: 2,095

    @MagV3 said:

    @Runiver said:
    You're comparing a balanced perk with a broken perk.
    Obviously, the broken perk (sprint burst) will be better.

    And yet both are getting nerfed. Which will DOUBLY impact Dead Hard, because not only will it not regen while sprinting but it will still be worse in all the ways it already was to begin with. Aka barely giving you any distance and not being useable while healed, as well as being easy to counter play. Now how the [BAD WORD] do you counterplay sprintburst? You don't. So sprint burst will still not only be better, it will actually all of a sudden be A LOT better because Dead Hard is getting the same exhaust nerf.

    I agree. The exhaustion nerf is not deserved for most perks.
    Tho it's not released live, yet. We'll see.

  • Member Posts: 2,959

    @MagV3 said:

    @Runiver said:
    You're comparing a balanced perk with a broken perk.
    Obviously, the broken perk (sprint burst) will be better.

    And yet both are getting nerfed. Which will DOUBLY impact Dead Hard, because not only will it not regen while sprinting but it will still be worse in all the ways it already was to begin with. Aka barely giving you any distance and not being useable while healed, as well as being easy to counter play. Now how the [BAD WORD] do you counterplay sprintburst? You don't. So sprint burst will still not only be better, it will actually all of a sudden be A LOT better because Dead Hard is getting the same exhaust nerf.

    If you really agree… speak up against a global exhaustion nerf and ask for a sprint burst nerf, instead of asking for a dead hard buff.

  • Member Posts: 672

    It is very interesting because Dead Hard as a perk doesn't need a buff, BUT they are doing an extremely harsh nerf to it with the exhaustion nerf so I don't really know why this nerf is affecting perks other than SB to be honest

  • Member Posts: 3,786
    edited July 2018

    I actually would like this change. As a killer you can be fooled once, but then it becomes extremely predictable and easy to counter (to the point it's almost pathetic watching survivors trying to dead hard a second time). This change would make it more interesting, and with the exhaustion change you still wouldn't be able to use it more than once in a chase.

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