The Emblem System Serves Absolutely No Purpose



  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    What does Myers' deviousness have to do with anything? Bloodpoints aren't connected to rank.

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    this has happened to me too, literally ######### and survivors get rewarded for this and that

  • Leatherbilly
    Leatherbilly Member Posts: 384
    edited June 2019

    4k safety again lmao. No NOED, just my traps.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599
    edited June 2019

    Then their role shouldn't be called 'killer' - it should be 'staller'

  • Leatherbilly
    Leatherbilly Member Posts: 384

    4k safety, nearly depipped.

  • Paladin_Goo
    Paladin_Goo Member Posts: 287

    A few days ago, Tru3talent got a 31.5k bloodpoint game as nurse. Killed everyone, and didn't pip. That is a problem.

  • AsmodeusJones
    AsmodeusJones Member Posts: 13

    You must have never played a ranked multiplayer game in your life. If the enemy team throws the game and you win, you rank up. It doesn't matter if your opponent is a monkey throwing ######### at its mouse - you beat the monkey because you're not also a shitflinging ape and didn't fail to capitalize. As you rank up, you face people who won't make the same mistakes, and if you can't beat them, then you are stuck at that rank.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    This game shouldn't even have a ranking system.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    @gantes I feel like getting squashed by an experienced player on their very first game might drive ppl away...

  • Leatherbilly
    Leatherbilly Member Posts: 384

    MFW even the survivor agrees I deserved a pip.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    The absence of a ranking system doesn't mean there isn't a decent matchmaking system on the works.

    In games like LoL your normal game matchmaking isn't determined by your ranked elo, it's determined by your hidden matchmaking in the normal queue.

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    Why do you people care about the emblem system anyway? It is rigged in favor of survivors. I just try to kill every survivor in whatever way I can (tunnel, camp, slugg, etc). Their salty tears are all the reward I need.

  • MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky
    MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky Member Posts: 571

    All in all you guys, if you do too go, you fail....apparently

  • Leatherbilly
    Leatherbilly Member Posts: 384

    Second survivor agreeing I should've pipped.

  • Leatherbilly
    Leatherbilly Member Posts: 384

    3k depip.

  • Leatherbilly
    Leatherbilly Member Posts: 384
    edited July 2019

    4k 4 gens left, safety. Lmao.

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    My only problem with killer emblems is that using killer powers that are instadowns punishes you, whereas it should just give double points instead of counting as 1 normal hit. Also I've found Trapper's Chaser to be kinda bad too, catching someone in a trap should count as a chase won imo.

    I really haven't found many other problems with it, it feels pretty accurate to me. If you crush a team with no resistance it doesn't mean you played amazing, it means they played like #########. And if you only win because of something like NOED, then I mean... I don't think you deserve to rank up lol.

  • Leatherbilly
    Leatherbilly Member Posts: 384

    4k safety

  • Leatherbilly
    Leatherbilly Member Posts: 384

    4k 4 gens left safety

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    Playing vs a bad killer makes you depip... for some reason, just because he cant get hooks.

    Playing vs survivors who do gens in 4 minutes while outplaying them at every single loop also ######### the killer .... for some reason

  • Frozenscum
    Frozenscum Member Posts: 393


    Saying that Killer does not deserve pip with 4k is such survivor-biased I cant even describe.

    Sadly current emblem system is build to force players run trial in the way devs want them to play, not in the way game logically should be played.

    Victory Cube for Killer's points and pips is just perfect judgement of Killer skill compared to survivors he faced. He is alone, he can't be everywhere and he has literally 0 control on Gatekeeper emblem. I had once game with 0 Gatekeeper points, 4k, and all other Iridescent (or maybe one of them Gold, was month ago), guess what? Black pip. How that even fair? I did my best to end chases asap, had all hooks in the world, but they were SWF and were rushing gen during each chase in 3 ppl with Prove Thyself. I had no Ruin, so gens were flying like birds, I couldn't even reach gen they were working at after hook before it pops.

    4k should be auto-pip despite of numbers of hooks, it is not even a matter of argue. 4k with 3-3-2-2 hooks should be auto-double-pip.

    Currently both systems build around team of 4, but Killer is alone, it is simply wrong, you can't build system for one man based on actions that other 4 should do.

    Survivors emblem system is much better suited for 4-man team, survivor performs certain number of actions towards emblem and can pip even if he dies.

    Survivor does some repairs, 1-2 unhooks, some chase and he has enough for a pip.

    Compare efforts survivor do for a pip and Killer should do for a pip - it is literally the abyss in between.

    Furthermore, Killer who gets easy 4k in lower ranks will rank up fast and face survivors with higher skill and wont abuse ppl with less experience.

    Also, ranks resets each month have no sense to me, red rank Killers should stay in red ranks, green ones in green. There is no reward for your achieved rank during reset, so there is not a single point in doing it and even less in doing it so often.

    If rank reset is so much needed by some secret and unobvious reasons it can be done at new Chapters and completely, i.e. everyone is down to rank 20, with some rewards, like cosmetics unique for this Chapter and which can be acquired only by reaching red ranks, without possibility to buy it. Let say one of Killers and one of Survivors, not DLC ones obviously, but basekit ones.


    Killer pip system should be based on Victory Cube, counting only number of hooks and kills.

    Survivor system is fine as it is now.

    Rank reset only at new Chapters with unique cosmetics for 1 Killer and 1 Survivor from basekit granted to red ranked players.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    "Saying that Killer does not deserve pip with 4k is such survivor-biased I cant even describe."

    nope, stopped reading there

  • Frozenscum
    Frozenscum Member Posts: 393
    edited July 2019


    Well, all your posts I've read so far contain so much survivor-biased nonsense, that they are not worth reading at all, which I will do from now on. And I recommend others to do same and stop argue with you, cause it has no point.

    Additionally to Emblem system flaws.

    Game against SWF, 3 gens left, rank 2 and 8 died on 2nd hook, rank 3 and 18 on 3rd hook.

    Guess what? Ruthless...

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547

    I'm playing a lot as killer recently and I'm really pissed off because I want to reach rank 1 as killer because I just reached as survivor, and I can't even reach rank 3 I'm stuck in 4

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911
    edited July 2019

    yeah dude all those posts where i've talked about how map design screws weaker killers over and how pseudo infinites need to be removed are such survivor-sided viewpoints, i should really stop doing that

    not thinking killers should be rewarded for swamping bad survivors is the same as not thinking survivors should be rewarded for escaping vs a new killer, so i don't see a survivor bias. thanks for playing

  • Frozenscum
    Frozenscum Member Posts: 393

    You dont grasp whole point in Killer ranking up based on Victory Cube. I feel pity for you.

    Not thinking Killers will rank up to good survivors and sink back to where they belong.

    Not thinking survivors will rank up to experienced Killers and sink back to where they belong.

    It is simple logic, and if you dont grasp it... Well, sigh..

    There should not be judgement upon terms like "new Killer", "bad survivors", etc.

    Judgement should be based on actions made to achieve your goal.

    Killers goal - kill all survivors, no matter when, at 5 gens, at 3 gens, or during EGC.

    Survivors goal - escape trial working together and helping each other as team, no matter how quick or long it takes.

    All escaped fast, no teamwork actions, just gen rush - here is your black pip, here is depip for Killer.

    All died fast - pip for Killer, depip/black pip for survivors.

    All escaped slowly, a lot of teamwork actions - double pip for survivors, depip/black for Killer according to number of hooks he made.

    All died slowly, a lot of teamwork - here is double pip for Killer according to number of hooks and kills, and depip/black/pip for survivors depending on number of teamwork actions they individually made.

    Mixed match - black/pip/double for Killer according to number of hooks and kills, black/pip/double pip for survivors depending on number of teamwork actions they made.

    It is healthy judgement of made work by both sides. There should NOT be difference on pips across the ranks, double pip in yellow should take same amount of actions as in red.

    Whoever will rank up into ranks he doesnt not belong will drop down very fast.

    Nowdays it is MUCH easier to rank up as survivor, cause emblem system for BOTH build around actions that ONE side should make.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Can we please just kill this discussion already

    The devs already stated the ranked system is gonna change to compare killers to themselves and not killers in general. You can either wait or keep whining about a bad ranking system in a game where ranks mean very little AND said system is getting an overhaul soon which is even more important

    This whole thread is just a big pity party

  • Frozenscum
    Frozenscum Member Posts: 393

    Seeing how devs constantly fck up things, without testing and consulting with ppl who actually know their game, to rework them, and pretty unsuccessfully, short after release, we need to build critical mass of opinions about system to not have another crap implemented again.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    If killer rank score was determined chiefly by hooks/kills, and survivor rank score was determined chiefly by gen repairs and escapes, the whole game would make a lot more intuitive sense to everyone. You need a frigging spreadsheet to explain the pipping system to someone right now, and it IS positively ridiculous that a killer could conceivably get 4k and still just safety pip. It does not make intuitive sense.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    It was a LF so I had to escape through the gate, he camped my mates so I couldn’t save ‘em.

  • Leatherbilly
    Leatherbilly Member Posts: 384

    Yet another survivor agrees I should've pipped and didn't on a 4k.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    This would promote genrush even more and show the balance flaws in this game.

    The emblem system is an attempt to mask the rotten core of this game and stop everyone playing like the depip squad and force them to waste time and play with the killer.

  • AsheruSwiftwind
    AsheruSwiftwind Member Posts: 156

    The thing is killers are currently punished for doing their job too well and punished for taking too long. To pip up you have to play the perfect game at all ranks. You need 8+ hooks, you need X amount of time chasing, you need to protect 2+ gens for over 9 mins, you have to kill 3-4 players, you have to stay away from hooked survivors, you have to prevent survivors from healing. The last two things on that list give you a penalty and short of following the poor survivor who just got off a hook that you were far enough from to see (Tunneling mind you) something like an instant heal, were going to make it, players killing themselves on hooks, DCing, and so on can ruin what your trying to do.

    The system is flawed because it requires so much stuff while trying to play the perfect game. What is the killers goal in this game... prevent gens from being done and killing all 4 survivors. So why are killers punished for it? Yes it can turn out to be a very short game if the killer runs a 1 hook Mori game and catches the survivors early on but why the penalty of depiping when you just did exactly what your goal of game is? And it is the same for survivors why are they depiping when they do gens and get out alive isn't that the goal of the game for them too? If a killer walks over and finds a corner of the map they will depip but so will the survivors. This shows that the system is flawed. It seriously needs to be looked at.

  • Leatherbilly
    Leatherbilly Member Posts: 384
    edited July 2019

    I know they hate to hear this suggestion but they need to just delete it and accept it was a bad idea to even attempt.

  • gaymer504
    gaymer504 Member Posts: 40

    I feel your pain buddy, I really do. However, what are you missing out on by not being rank one? It’s not like we get some sort of reward for ranking up. The bragging rights are cool for a bit I guess, but it gets old fast. My real problem with the system is the lack of incentive to actually rank up.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited July 2019

    @Leatherbilly The problem is, they need something in place, or else DBD matches become the absolute free-for-all that a majority of Battle Royale games suffer: new players tossed in against long-term Vets. Which works in those games well enough because you're talking 50-100 players in a match. In a 4v1 like DBD, not so much.

    Then again, thanks to how one can abuse the rank system by SWF rank disparity and de-ranking, it isn't doing its job any better than a Battle Royale as it is.

    I would have suggest they drop rank and use a hidden MMR system for DBD, much like other PvP games use for their non-ranked modes. But that requires BHVR to be able to design and code such a system, and after seeing their attempts at the "rank system," I'm not confident they can. I don't know the people on the Dev team, but from the outside it feels like they need to hire some people with experience in rank and MMR systems.

  • Leatherbilly
    Leatherbilly Member Posts: 384

    I can post these all day. A majority of my 4ks safety.

  • Leatherbilly
    Leatherbilly Member Posts: 384

    3k depip

  • Leatherbilly
    Leatherbilly Member Posts: 384

    Another 3k depip

  • Leatherbilly
    Leatherbilly Member Posts: 384


  • Leatherbilly
    Leatherbilly Member Posts: 384

    Killers can control Gatekeeper lmao.

  • Redd
    Redd Member Posts: 833

    If you are playing against 4 survivors capable of hitting Great Skill Checks consistently, capable of looping, and capable of splitting up to work on 4 separate generators; then the only control you have over Gatekeeper is whether or not you brought Hex: Ruin and/or Corrupt Intervention.

    You get 500 points per second for 5 gens left, 320 per second for 4 left, 180 per second for 3 left, 90 per second for 2 left, and 35 per second for 1 left. The survivors should be able to do 2 or 3 generators very fast at the beginning of the game; so right then and there you would will lose 60+% of your potential Gatekeeper with no real way to prevent it as the vast majority of killers.

    Gatekeeper should be the inverse of Unbroken, where it's based on how long you kept the survivors in the trial, not how fast they do generators.


    Killers are also severely harmed in their Devout and Malicious if someone DC's. Even the new Husk DC system won't fully fix this for either of those emblems. Both of these need to give you full emblem points for that survivor (so counts as a minimum of 3 hooks for Devout and a minimum of 5 hits towards Malicious and Chaser) if they DC.


    Finally, everyone knows that Chaser has a problem where it arbitrarily punishes certain killers for using their powers effectively. Honestly this needs to reward double points for insta-downs at a minimum; and it needs some unique point events that reward things like Bear Traps that involve catching survivors without chasing them.

  • Redd
    Redd Member Posts: 833

    On the survivor side of things, Lightbringer and Evader basically need to be a combined category. This would stop the issue where someone can't do gens because they are running the killer all game; and it would stop the issue where someone can't get evader because they are escaping chases too quickly.

    The Altruism category should also at a minimum reward all survivors within a certain distance of the hook for a safe unhook; so that people will work together to get safe unhooks more instead of some of the more .... interesting events that occur. Any damage (i.e. Borrowed Time) should also count as an unsafe unhook to prevent the fire and forget mentality some people have right now.

  • Leatherbilly
    Leatherbilly Member Posts: 384

    4k safety

  • Leatherbilly
    Leatherbilly Member Posts: 384

    4k safety

  • Frozenscum
    Frozenscum Member Posts: 393

    5 gens left, 4k, safety, and I didnt camp anyone, I just teleported back when they triggered traps. Emblem system is such a bullshit, I literally need to let them go to earn points, it is stupid and against any logic and common sense as Killer. And there were 2 OoO ppl, so they could even see where I place my traps.

  • Murph203
    Murph203 Member Posts: 27

    The generator emblem is completely busted by itself because it's not about what you do, it's about what survivors do. It only ever works out well on nurse and hillbilly for me.

  • Frozenscum
    Frozenscum Member Posts: 393

    There is a lot of flaws in system on Killer's side.

    If guy dies on 1st hook, you lose 2 hooks towards emblem.

    If they gen rush you, you lose emblem. (but lightbringer is not depending on time, only at amount done, so to say)

    If you're Trapper or Hag you can say goodbye to Chaser at most games. If you're Plague things are even worse.

    You literally need to let them go to earn points, it is illogical.

    Devs are just forcing Killers to play unoptimally cause of "fun" of survivors.

  • CoffengMin
    CoffengMin Member Posts: 862

    if i were to blame something for this it would be not letting the game last , which is fair with the genrush everyone talks about , tho if survivors got less than 10k bp you must have bullshiited them or they are potatoes and so far ive seen red and purple ranks so i doubt the last option happening