Do Something About Gen Times

Zagrid Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000

I am sick of straight up not being able to play certain characters because I don't have ruin on them or I know since ruin got destroyed within the first 30 seconds of the game starting that I will lose. Its a really bad feeling and I am sure everyone that plays is sick of it too. Maybe even some survivors that feel bad since if they see there isn't ruin it is basically a free win.

And im not talking about like spirit hill billy or nurse so people that were about to comment that go think of something else. I just want to play a different killer like Clown or leather face or plague, but I know since I don't have ruin on them it is almost a guarentee that I will just get gen rushed and lose. Especially with the amount of SWF teams I have been seeing recently.

So you guys that tell the devs what to program, after you guys get dedicated servers going better think and actually do something so that Ruin isn't a 100% necessary perk.


  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744

    It's not as simple as changing gen times people dont understand the impact that it would have the last time they did this they lowered exit gate times i dont want 16 second exit gates back id rather they come up with a solution that actually helps through out the game i honestly liked the little sucker plants that the blight event had bonus bloodpoints and you got a cool skin it was nice imo or even the lanturn event that was the bees knees.

    Its things like that i would like to see return because they have potential to be secondary objectives.

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    If you want to punish "genrush", use NOED. PGTW also got a buff and now lasts 60 seconds after hooking someone, you could try using that. Thrilling Tremors is also good as it tells exactly which gens are being worked on.

  • Deadbyblake
    Deadbyblake Member Posts: 27

    I'm sick of ruin lol 😂

  • MJ_Out
    MJ_Out Member Posts: 184

    I'm a violet rank killer, with Pig, Spirit and Legion.

    I wasn't use Ruin for 1 or 2 years now and I don't miss it. And it still works. Yeah, I have to be caution about the gens, so I need to have always an eye on the gen progress. Kicking the gens gens, remember the gens which are almost ready, don't chase a survivor in a gen dead zone or chase a good survivor for to long either.

    Yeah, the first two gens are nearly always rushed, but after that I have the chance of momentum, if I use a little bit the the gen startegy.

    What helps me a lot is a perk combination with a specific way to work. In that moment I use a slugging build and if I make it to slug 2 survs and I hook them, than I gain the momentum.

    Of course, if I get looped, nothing will helps me.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    Yes, gens are done too fast. But repairing gens is not exciting, give the survivors a second objective instead.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @andreyu44 could you please show us a match of you applying map pressure with for example the Trapper against rank 1 survivors?

    I´m eager to learn, and you seem so confident! I´m sure there are more people that want to learn from you.

  • Andreyu44
    Andreyu44 Member Posts: 1,527
  • Wubsyy__
    Wubsyy__ Member Posts: 116

    You could have used wraith or legion as an example, but you decided to use one of the top killers that applies map pressure through stationary map pressure.

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    It's not the time to finish a gen that's the problem. It's the time to finish a chase.

    Guess which has had the most change?

  • PandapocalypzexX
    PandapocalypzexX Member Posts: 25

    I don't understand. I've been playing dbd since PS4 launch and Ruin being used by everybody has only started up in the last month or so. It's never been necessary and honestly should've stayed exclusive to the Hag. I don't think every killer should have access to it as it kind of undermines the hag and makes everybody special.

    Every killer has a good way to play without resorting to ruin.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    okay... how about the Clown? Legion? Freddy? Plague? Wraith? Ghost Face? Myers? Pig? Leatherface?

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    I know. But as you said "skilled hands".

    I want to see those skilled hands on rank 1.

    Gens get done to fast. Only 2 or 3 killers can apply map pressure. None of the mentioned killers can apply enough map pressure against skilled survivors.

  • Andreyu44
    Andreyu44 Member Posts: 1,527

    rank 1 Legion main here.

    The majority of my matches go just fine because Legion is one of the best to apply a 3 gens strat with.

  • Farlan
    Farlan Member Posts: 11

    Your problem is simple. Learn to win without Ruin. I’m a killer main and haven’t ran it in almost a year and I pretty much only ever lose to good swf groups who ruin wouldn’t have stopped anyway.

    Ruin is training wheels for survivor mains who wanna play killer more, same with noed

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    So your advice to the problem is to ignore it and just accept defeat if actually good survivors come by.


    @OP Best advice I can give you is to drop "nice" killer moves when it benefits you.

    Tunnel a survivor if you are not pressured by them rushing gens, Slug to gain more time, Use mori if you think survivors you will go against will try to rush, use your best addons if possible.

    Sadly, if you use weaker killers there isn't much to say other then know when to leave the chase, when to stay around the hook and when to slug.

    General level of survivors at red ranks fell a lot since last year but it does not mean all of them are mediocre.

    Out of 3 games I played with Huntress 1 shot addons I got 2 4man swf teams that played like crap and died quickly (even with insta heals and purple flashlights) and 1 team of actual great survivors out of which I barely got 3, with third one downed with long range shot.

    Devs are pretty much bound on just releasing new killers and trying to fix the game lenght by using perks which won't work and I don't have any hopes of it improving any time soon.

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    I mean hey we don't have to hate each other just bc there's one thing we can't agree on @DudeDelicious.

  • Farlan
    Farlan Member Posts: 11

    my advice to the "problem" is that there is no problem. Gen times are fine. Learn to win without ruin

  • Captain_Doomsday
    Captain_Doomsday Member Posts: 175

    I agree and have said so myself. I suggested needing to scavenge parts for some (but not all) gens, to some backlash. Consider also: Toolboxes not boosting gen speed.

    They can have something else instead, like making closets not squeak or making hooks into fakes that will fall apart, but seeing two or more people with toolboxes almost guarantees a bad game before you even start.

  • Creepytaco
    Creepytaco Member Posts: 36

    I don't use hex ruin on a good couple of my killer loadouts because I don't necessarily subscribe to the stigma that you need it in order to win. For example, my Legion, Pig, Doctor, and Freddy don't have it equipped and most of my games everyone is sacrificed. I think people need to learn to come up with their own ways of playing and strategies to counter some things. I believe that was the intent for killers specifically when DBD was conceived. NOED might help you. Beyond that just experiment. You'll figure it out

  • Krustykerbz
    Krustykerbz Member Posts: 47

    What ranks are you guys who are saying “ Learn to win without ruin.” Seriously!? Have you ever been to rank 1-4 in your life !? It’s high level games we’re talking about here. Try playing a game with wraith or anyone else who can’t traverse the entire map within 10 seconds, see how much it’s about “ just being good with the killer without ruin”. Ruin unfortunately is incredibly necessary and slows the game down which is essential to gain at least some momentum at these ranks because if you don’t you lose. This problem is especially apparent with swf. In my opinion, and I would like to hear other suggestions as well, the time it takes for a gen to be completed when more than one survivor is on a gen needs to be reduced. That’s where gen rushing happens, or at least make skill checks a lot harder with more than one person on a gen. I’m also not opposed to the secondary objective idea.

  • Luigifan64
    Luigifan64 Member Posts: 1,123

    "Ruin is incredibly necessary" now that's a funny joke. Here are three streamers that play at high ranks who don't need to use Ruin because they're actually good at killer: Scorpianz, Unumz, and Sverkeren. They think that the game is far too easy even without ruin and they prove that Ruin is far from a necessity.

  • Zagrid
    Zagrid Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000

    Do they play Clown, Wraith, or Trapper on a regular basis without ruin? If they do I might need to learn me a thing or 2 about how they survive against those groups using those killers.

    If they just play Spirit, Nurse, and Billy without ruin at those ranks thats pretty normal. I just want to be able to play a different killer than those 3 without ruin.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    I liked scott suggestion increase gen time and hook time. I dont know about you but holding m1 is more fun to me then spending more time in lobbies waiting for another game. Certain killers make this worse because they spend half the game setting up and end up losing sp hard i get no hook rescues or chases which can lead to a depip at reds.

    Some killers need ruin others dont. If you have a mobile killer who can instadown or cover large distances effectively in chase you can function without ruin, otherwise you need ruin or get a favourable smaller map and play a near perfect game.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    It's not the gen speeds it's poor map design in general to be honest but on a smaller sized map without any super big loops and you lose then it's 100% your fault. Also learn when to give up chase. Some people are too prideful and when they lose because of it they blame gen rushing.

  • YubelTheWitch
    YubelTheWitch Member Posts: 33

    have you ever tried sloppy butcher and save the best for last? (in my case on legion) i don't need ruin even at high ranks

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911


    Legion red ranks sure.

    A. Your killer is mobile so no he isn't the doctor traversing mount ormund or yamokas.

    B. Its legion that killer is terrible. I don't buy for a second you can consistently win with legion in high ranks.

    C. If you face survivours who spread out and do gens your screwed without ruin unless you have a crazy mobile killer.

  • Zagrid
    Zagrid Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000

    My point exactly. Ruin is too core for too many killers. People who don’t have it as a teachable will basically never be able to play any killers at high rank besides Nurse Billy and Spirit. Or if they don’t buy DLC just Billy Nurse and maybe Huntress.

    Its a serious problem, and whether they change the actual gen times or add something to prevent the gen rush then this will never be fixed. A second objective, better reasons to sabotage or cleanse.

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    The only solution to enjoy more for both sides its to make another objective for survivors so instead of just doing gens directly they need to find parts for the gens this means more time to find a survivor and gen rush wont be a problem

  • prayer_survivor
    prayer_survivor Member Posts: 626

    I see killers crying because they don't want to use Ruin to slow the game, but they don't say anything about DS and BT, which are meta for survivors to avoid campers and tunnelers. I don't want to use 2 perks (or 3 for slugging) only to avoid killers abusing the game.

  • Just_Playing
    Just_Playing Member Posts: 156

    it should exist a second objektiv so that the killer had more time for the chases.

  • CookieBaws
    CookieBaws Member Posts: 619

    Just add secondary objective which gives good amount of BP and fills one of the emblem.


  • Shivadeathkiss
    Shivadeathkiss Member Posts: 94

    I would suggest getting on YouTube, twitch, mixer etc and watching some killers in action. It's the easiest way to learn map control techniques. There are several streamers and YouTubers who make outstanding plays at red ranks with ALL killers. Watch and practice until you find the right combination that works best for you. Also several of the Devs stream on twitch and are full of useful information when they play. Plus the killer section in the forums has excellent builds and strategies in it. All easily accessible to you.