Suggestion: Perk Changes

Although, this list will grow to contain all the current perks. Here are changes I would personally make.
Ace In The Hole: Balanced concept leave it be
Adrenaline: Needs to be slightly nerfed.
- - Instant Heal One State
- - Sprint at 150% speed for 5 seconds
- - Adrenaline is on hold and disable until you can use it.
- - Wakes you up when triggered
- - Ignores Current Exhaustion
- - Applies Exhaustion
- - Instant Heal One State
- - Ignores Exhaustion
- - Applies Exhaustion
- - Does not Wait until you can use it.
- - Wakes you up when triggered
- - Remove speed bonus: See HOPE(Not Finished)
Aftercare: Slightly weak give it a buff
- - See aura when rescued or rescue from the hook.
- - See aura when healing or healed completed.
- - This occurs for up to 1/2/3 survivors.
- - Reset on Hook
- - See aura when rescued or rescue from the hook.
- - See aura when healing or healed completed.
- - This occurs for 3 survivors
- - After aftercare is applied healing speed is boosted by 3/6/9%
- - Reset on Hook
Alert: Slightly weak give it a buff.
- - When a killer performs a break action, their aura is revealed to you for 3/4/5 seconds.
- - When a killer performs a break action, their aura is revealed to you for 3/4/5 seconds.
- - When a killer injures a survivor or puts them in the dying state, their aura is revealed to you for 3/4/5 seconds.
Autodidact: After @PigNRun made me aware that med-kits didn't affect this. (This is a buff at its potential)
- - Start the trial with -25% skill checks for healing survivors.
- - For every successful skill check add up to a token maximum of 3/4/5 tokens.
- - Each token grants you +15% bonus progression for a successful skill check while healing survivors.
- - Great skill checks cannot be performed.
- - Autodidact is not active while using a med kit.
- - Start the trial with -30% skill checks for healing survivors.
- - For every successful skill check add up to a token maximum of 5/6/7 tokens.
- - Each token grants you +15% bonus progression for a successful skill check while healing survivors.
- - Great skill checks cannot be performed.
- - Autodidact is not active while using a med kit.
- - Autodidact skill checks zones are reduced. (They are harder to hit)
- - Autodidact skill checks appear more often. (In exchange for them being harder)
Balanced Landing: Needs to be slightly changed.
- - Reduce stagger duration from falls by 75%
- - If not exhausted sprint at 150% speed for 3 seconds.
- - Causes Exhaustion.
- - Reduce stagger duration from falls by 75% when not exhausted.
- - Reduce stagger duration from falls by 50% when exhausted.
- - Sprint at 150% speed for 3 seconds
3/4/5 seconds. - - Causes Exhaustion.
Boil Over: Slightly weak needs a buff.
- - Your struggling effects on the killer are increased by 25/50/75%
- - You obscure the killer's ability to see Hook auras within 10/12/14 meters.
- - Your struggling effects on the killer are increased by 50/75/100%
- - You obscure the killer's ability to see Hook auras within 12/14/16 meters.
Bond: Slightly weak needs a buff
- - Alies' auras are revealed to you when they are within 20/28/36 meters.
- - Alies' auras are revealed to you when they are within 32/48/64 meters.
Borrowed Time: Balanced if anything needs a buff.
Botany Knowledge: Needs a buff considering autodidact.
- - Healing speed and Healing Item Efficiency is increased by 11/22/33%
- - Healing speed is increased by 12/24/36% (Healing Speed is quite fast as it is)
- - Healing Item Efficiency is increased by 10/30/50% (Your understanding of medical equipment serves you well)
- - Healing skill checks are slightly easier.
Breakdown: Needs a buff
- - Hooks breaks upon being rescued or getting off the hook.
- - See killer's aura for 4/5/6 seconds.
- - Hook breaks after being rescued
- - See killer's aura for 4/5/6 seconds.
- - Sprint at 150% speed for 3 seconds. (Starts when you can move again)
- - Causes Exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds.
- - Does not stack with Adrenaline.
Buckle Up: Balanced good for solo survivors.
Calm Spirit: Slightly weak needs a buff.
- - Reduces chance of alerting crows by 80/90/100%
- - Do not scream
- - Reduces chance of alerting crows by 80/90/100%
- - Do no scream
- - Within an 8 meter range reduce other survivors chance at screaming by 25/30/35%
Dance With Me: Slightly weak needs a buff.
- - Fast vault or leaving locker leaves no scratch marks for 3 seconds
- - Cooldown 60/50/40 seconds
- - Fast vault or leaving locker leaves no scratch marks for 5 seconds.
- - Cooldown 50/40/30 seconds.
40/30/20 seconds.
Dark Sense: Slightly weak needs a buff.
- - Each time a generator is completed the killer's aura is revealed for 5 seconds.
- - Once the last generator is powered the killer's aura is revealed to you for 5/7/10 seconds.
- - Each time a generator is completed the killer's aura is revealed for 5/6/7 seconds.
- - Once the last generator is powered the killer's aura is revealed to you for 7/10/15 seconds.
- - Does not need to be on the generator when it is completed.
Dead Hard: Balanced
- - Only buff I would give it is that it lasts at least as long as the killer's lunge. (Even slightly longer)
Decisive Strike: Needs Changes to make it better fit. (Nerfs and Buffs)
- - After being unhooked it will be active for 40/50/60 seconds if picked up and you succeed a skill check get out of jail free and stun the killer for 5 seconds.
- - After you have been unhooked your timer of 40/50/60 seconds begins.
- - If you are slugged within this time frame your DS becomes active on next pickup.
- - Healing either from slugged or to full cancels ds.
- - Another survivor being hooked cancels your ds if you were not slugged.
- - If DS is active, you are picked up and you succeed a skill check get out of jail free and stun the killer for 5 seconds.
Post edited by Jdsgames on0 -
Alert is one of the stronger aura perks, leave it be
Autodidact is straight garbage, it's initially a penalty to healing, which, IF you manage to get enough tokens, then relies on people not healing themselves and actually getting a skillcheck during that time, as well as having diminishing rewards after the first quarter of healing.
Balanced definitely doesn't need a buff
Boil over suggestion still has it in a trash position
Bond being 64m seems excessive given how powerful auras are, perhaps to 48m on par with the key addon
Botany is weak when considered in the scope of perks like We'll Make It, but is otherwise not a bad perk. Perhaps if it granted immunity to mangled on yourself and anyone you heal, it would become a more meta perk given sloppy butcher is in the meta.
Breakdown suggestion seems decent, but it's still just a weaker sprint burst really that won't help during an initial chase
Calm Spirit still trash
DWM change seems like a get out of jail free card on a 20 second timer, because by the time the chase resumes (if it does) you will be able to use it again
Dead Hard is a mini sprint burst on demand it doesn't need any kind of buff
DS change is a straight buff which gives you effective godmode until someone else gets hooked, and by blocking the killer you can force them to down you.
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Balanced Landing does not need a buff, if it gets 5 seconds, all perks end up getting 5 seconds.
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I changed it for a reduced balanced stun reduction when exhausted. This helps mitigate several loop areas that are nasty. Although, maybe 3 seconds is still alright.
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Alert is RARELY used in any of high rank games. I am simply trying to make more of the top tier perks slightly worse and increase variety. Because that is what the game needs.
If you buff Autodidact swf will abuse it.
Balanced I am trying to go for the reduction on the stun reduction. Although, maybe it would need a different change. Balanced on certain maps due to the reduction can create infinites all over haddonfield and some other maps.
Boil Over: Buffed but shouldn't get a free getaway just for having the perk.
Bond: You might be right, however, I kinda look at this with a swf has UNLIMITED range knowledge of where anyone is at. So solos having an extended range isn't that bad.
Botany with a medkit is quite stong healing someone at any time. It's counterpart is simply for when you unhook you get a boost.
Breakdown I want them to possible get away from the hook again going for the anti-tunnel idea.
Calm Spirit: Not doing a full rework on the perk just a neat extra maybe extend the range a bit for the other survivors.
Dance WIth Me: Looking to allow more stealth plays maybe increase the timer as you are right with the it is possibly too quick to come back.
Dead Hard is a very time oriented perk. It really does not provide the same advantages as sprint burst or other exhaustion perks give. That dash is a straight line and you can be hit towards the end of it. This is due to it being shorter than the lunge of a killer.
DS If you are truly an anti-tunnel killer this will not be an issue. You can ignore them and void their ds. Them healing voids ds. It simply makes it truly anti-tunnel. I can understand them trying to block you but it won't work out in their favor most of the time.
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BT doesnt need a buff. If anything, it needs a nerf, such as reverting it back to the Endurance status effect, before Deep Wounds.
Dark Sense doesnt need to last longer. It needs to trigger like Poised does. It activates regardless of whether you are on the completed generator or not.
Dead Hard is perfectly fine as it is.
Autodidact should increase skillcheck chances.
Decisive Strike... no.
Other than those, I agree on these changes.
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BT prevents camping the hooked survivor and that is it and doesn't even do a good job at it.
Dark Sense - I didn't specify in the new change you had to be on a generator. I simply said when one is completed.
Dead Hard: Even at high rank this perk fails frequently. It my get you a bit of umph to a pallet but that is it. Almost not worthy of it being on exhaustion type level. (SB, Adrenaline etc)
Autodidact: Use a medkit with healing addons that increase skillcheck chances. If you buff it swf will abuse.
DS: I added two nullifiers to the perk. It prevents tunneling them to the ground it is a QOL change on both sides. Killers that are actively getting hooks and not tunneling will almost never be hit by it. That sitting on a gen after someone got hooked because your 60 seconds is still live is gone. It simply gives them the chance to get away. You can also choose to eat it like now at any time.
The buffs to weaker perks are to mix up meta. Give more variety which at the same time lowers the functionality of the current meta. While giving buffs to other perks to make them viable but not god tier. With the balance inclusion of can swf really abuse this.
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BT encourages lazy thought out and unsafe unhooks. Thats the problem I have with it. There is little you can do about the perk's core problem, but at least they can revert the stupid decision of changing it into Deep Wounds, and leaving that status effect exclusive for Legion.
For Dark Sense, you should have specified it. The current version doesnt specify the requirement either, even though its there.
Have you never used Autodidact? The perk description literally states it doesnt work with medkits.
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Actually for Autodidact no I even read it and didn't think about it when doing them. Hmm. let me think about that. Maybe it would need more tokens but yeah more skill checks needed. Knowing RNG of skill checks I can see the issue. I generally take botany over autodidact lol.
Post edited by Jdsgames on0 -
The amount of times I've seen/used Dead Hard to make it to a pallet or vault that I otherwise wouldn't have is ridiculous, happens around once every couple games. It's in a good spot for an exhaustion perk, and is readily counterable by killers by not going for a long lunge.
With DS, if you have time to heal, unless the killer has instadowns or you have brain damage, you'll outlast the 60s timer. The proposed nerf will have negligible impact, leaving only the effective godmode if you get downed during that 60s period.
BT is fine if not strong, tbh it's always satisfying seeing a killer go for the tunnel only to have that deep wound timer pop up.
SWF in theory does have knowledge on locations of players when they need to, but when not running a main building it becomes a lot more challenging to accurately explain where one is, especially when in a chase. For example, 'looping shack' is fairly specific, whereas 'in the middle' for a map such as azarov's resting place is ambiguous. Which pallets have been used? Which direction is the chased person running? 'In the middle' consists of a quarter to a third of the map, and then individual definitions would be hazy on the boundaries. These are not all questions which get asked when people are in a SWF. They COULD be, and I'm sure in at least one SWF they have been, but in the overwhelming majority it's too tedious. Compare this with an aura perk such as Alert - you get to know exactly which pallets get broken (unless Spirit Fury), more often than not whenever someone is in a chase and where they are. Auras are invaluable, and making them unnecessarily abundant is an immense buff.
Even if Autodidact is buffed, how, really, is swf going to abuse it? Perhaps if it was instantly completing a 120 second heal animation it might be viable, but having the one injured person run across the map to the one dude with 5 tokens on their autodidact will waste more time than them self caring, or using a medkit.
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Ds is fine. Any buff too Dead Hard is a bad idea if you actually know how to use it hell it's so good currently that it is always in slot and there is a reason when I am playing with friends in SWF we always meme and say if the killer is going to catch you on a loop hit E to win.
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Adrenaline might become useless after that?
Aftercare ... why resilence %? It wouldn't matter that much in the end -.-
Alert is already a really strong perk and adding this would just mean we have another Knock Out counter.
Autodidact go for it.
BL (this is to reduce the infinite at the haddonfield house?)
Boil Over - 2 meters .... Still too weak.
Bond i don't feel like it needs a buff. Maybe the max metera could be 40 but i see it as a balanced perk.
BT why do you think it needs a buff? And how would you buff it?
Botany.. i would just buff it to 40% .
Breakdown why does it give you exhaustion for 40 seconds?
Buckle Up isn't balanced tho. It is super weak.
Calm Spirit stilll weould be weak.
DWM i really like the other side of the coin (3 seconds but 20 sec cd) because it would synergise with Windows of Opportunity
Dark Sense go for it
I think Dead Hard's Dash is already the range of the lunge? Maybe a little bit less
I stil feel like DS is balanced. Maybe only reduce its stun to 4 seconds seeing as we lost Enduring but yeah.
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Adrenaline has simply too many good aspects to the perk.
Aftercare buffed healing for healing someone. So if they are injured again you can use aftercare to see them and get rewarded with quicker healing. I also buffed the number of survivors it can apply to and to be max at all times.
Alert I never see run yes it is a stronger aura perk but compared to other perks in the meta this is garbage and needs a buff. I am also looking to adjust all killer perks.
BL - In certain maps there are areas even when exhausted balanced landing can make areas into almost infinites which is not a fair balance. I am hoping a slight reduction is all it would need.
Boil Over I also buffed the effects by 25% and the distance which makes it overall better but not op.
Bond: Again swf has map wide knowledge it is mainly a solo survivor perk and can be buffed maybe the range I chose is a bit too much.
BT if the killer is close enough for it to proc they will 95% of the time down the unhooker. If the killer is camping similar concept. I would revert it to the old BT where it covered both survivors... However, it can only be used once per trial. If you can't get out with 4x BT then the killer made the right move.
Botany I just don't want overkill healing ability.
Breakdown it is an exhaustion perk because I gave it a sprint burst effect. This allows the unhooked to get away with some distance.
Buckle Up as solo is a good perk. Again I am keeping in mind the power of SWF vs SOLO. These perks should be balanced at the solo level in a way SWF cannot abuse.
Calm Spirit I am looking to boost some counter play to some of the perks that give away survivors locations. Again keeping in mind your calm spirit. It doesn't need op status just balance any buff would be nice maybe increase it to 12/16 meters.
DWM - I don't think there are enough perks that let you hide/get away from a chase. I would prefer tactical play vs let's spin around in circles. Again either situation or how you stated would work. (Although, with more tactical play loops would need their nerfs) Which I think if survivors had more capability of disappearing from a chase it would be a balanced buff/nerf situation.
Dark Sense - I agree :)
Dead Hard rarely impacts me as even Wraith/Huntress so I don't find it near comparable to adrenaline or balanced landing as far as ability. Some swear by it but those people are the ones that complain "I HIT E I HIT E"
DS I just have a hard time dealing with bad plays were both have DS. I wasn't tunneling but the 'anti-tunnel' perk gave immunity. Needs change to really distinguish killer being effective vs tunneling.
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Well it is aperk that only activates during endgame. Is it a bit too strong? Absolutely. But this would be weaker than freaking Hope/Wake Up
I know why you wanted to give the increased healing. Just saying that 9% is almost not noticeable.
Still what would this buff give you? Because again, it would only slihgtly counter Knock Out
I would rather they change the map layout so those situations cannot happen because of a 1 perk.
Trust me those 25% wouldn't change crap. It would still be really really bad.
(skipping bond)
I dissagree. It shouldnt become the braindead facerush the hook and get a free escape for both of you. (with the DW it would be even better)
Dude its 7%
Okay You get a free SB "everytime you get unhooked" and have to stay put for 40 seconds. Why not 20 seconds atleast?
If you think Buckle Up is a good perk idk what to say to you.
Okay cool. Still don't see how giving everyone around you a CHANCE to not scream would be good?
Yeah that's why i wanted to give it 20 seconds instead of 5 second stealthy. More opportunities to become hidden.
"Dead Hard rarely impacts me as even Wraith/Huntress so I don't find it near comparable to adrenaline or balanced landing as far as ability. Some swear by it but those people are the ones that complain "I HIT E I HIT E"" - i dont get why you wrote that? It isn't on topic like at all. Also it shouldn't be comparable with Adrenaline. As foir "I HIT E" thing... its bevcause latency. You can get exhausted and still get downed using Dead Hard sometimes.
Reminder, They're wasting a max of 60 seconds to get their ds to work. The only unfair aspect of this is the "locker grab" tech.