Community Results: What killer is in dire need of a REWORK or OVERHAUL?

Recently, I made a Straw Poll about, namely, "What KILLER is in dire need of a REWORK or OVERHAUL?"
I'll be going over the top 3 killers who are in dire need or a REWORK or OVERHAUL, and afterwards, I will let the community discuss the statistics.
The Cannibal: 30.06% of the community that voted agreed that The Cannibal should be the developer's FIRST priority.
The Legion: 21.97% of the community that voted agreed that The Legion should be the developer's SECOND priority.
Community Choice: Tie Breaker
The Nurse: 8.09% of the community that voted agreed that The Legion should be the developer's THIRD priority.
The Clown: 8.09% of the community that voted agreed that The Legion should be the developer's THIRD priority.
I'm assuming the Community wants the Nurse to be the developer's THIRD priority, but I'll let y'all decide what killer deserves the number 3 spot! :)
Leatherface. His power does nothing besides make him prime camping material.
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That's what I been thinking, his power doesn't even help him while in close range because you can bump into so much obstacles.
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yup the cannibal needs a rework, his perks are so useless
my suggestion is he has a stalking bar before using chainsaw for a period, but he can stop the cycle of the chainsaw once started in any moment
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100%. He exists for trolling.
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His perks are useless? Huh? BBQ and Franklin's are great and I even like Knockout personally.
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I don’t think LF is as useless as people think. My choice is legion since DW is useless.
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We all know why.
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@hahugow I agree he needs a rework, but he has incredible perks.
Knock Out: ok, you win there. it's only good for slug builds.
Franklin's Demise: Situational, but really helps against toxic flashlight users, it also end Ace's career.
BBQ & Chili: I don't think I need to explain.
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yup sorry I meant his add-ons
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Trapper to not have to waste time looking for his traps that are scattered around the map, be able to carry more traps at base, or have the traps reset after you set them yourself when a survivor disarms them have like a minute time for them to reset. Not saying put all those changes on Trapper at once but i think he needs help not wasting so much time looking for them and setting them.
Objectively Leatherface and Legion probably need it more cause there powers aren't very threatening imo.
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As a Bubba main comments like these hurt my soul. Leatherface is a solid killer with a legit instadown. He only needs some addon buffs or addon reworks especially his chilli addons. His ability itself is more than just fine and people who use him to camp just need to learn how the chainsaw works.
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That makes more sense haha. Very true
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Understandable, have a nice day.
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Leatherface is my immediate pick. He doesn't have a lot going for him. He has an instadown, but the chainsaw is rather sluggish without add-ons and survivors can typically outrun it. It also seems to pull towards trees and other objects. Not really given pressure on anything via his power either.
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Legion, Leatherface and Pig all need serious help
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Piggy just needs to move 115% ms while crouched.
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Leatherface needs a full on rework imo, he feels so sluggish imo, Pig and Legion need some help with their base powers along with their addons being looked at. Plague needs some small buffs, and Nurse needs her addons changed/ reworked because we all know how much fun 5-blink Nurse is (just dont nerf Nurse at base, that's where she's balanced the most)
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OberhaulOverall or rework doesn’t scream “Leatherface” to me.
Buff leatherface? Yes. Trapper is in desperate need of something, anything to make him good. At least leatherface can break pallets quickly and capitalize on survivors being out in the open. Trapper has to rely mostly on luck and has a detriment in terms of set up time.
And while I may have gotten “upvotes” if I left it at that, I also think nurse needs to be reworked to add cost to her blinks. The argument she takes “skill to use” isn’t a valid one for game balance, and suggesting that she is at the perfect balance exactly where she stands now is extremely killer bias. And killer bias is okay, as long as you recognize everything in the game should be fair for the other side. A killer that ignores game mechanics completely without any cost and the only counterplay is hoping the nurse makes a mistake is not fair for survivors
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The reason why Leatherface needs a rework is because his kit is just a bad billy.
We need to change him into a Killer that is distinct, and since billy is a relatively fun killer that means leatherface should be the one to change.
The issue here is not a matter of balance, and that's why he needs a rework. Other killers are weak sure, but they aren't inherently bad.
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Leatherface or legion
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Leatherface need a rework he truly need some fix.
First his chainsaw should have no cooldown when canceling it , when charge is at 100% the chainsaw start swinging like billy. Those would be some great changes i think.
As for overhaul/buff we can include trapper , doctor and legion.
Legion they need to rework DW effect , change his pins to apply with DW effect , reduce fatigue by 1s and do not deplete gauge when hitting with m1 attack..
As a personal note i want legion to put pressure by running on maps with frenzy for that to work they have to bring back his speed and maybe, buff his base power with more duration and bring back the cooldown to 15s. I know some of you will find that OP but it's not for three reasons. 1. You can't kill with frenzy 2. you can't exploit DW effect 3. His current pressure is weak due to survivors spreading.
Doctor have great add-ons but he's add-ons reliant due to his base kit being weak. How to solve that is quite simple first increase his shock therapy range(base kit) and increase the shock duration by 1s. I think is all he need to viable at red ranks.
Trapper well we all know the issue he lose too many time picking and placing traps. So simply allow him to start with 2 traps and remove the dead hard counterplay for a start. Reducing distance between traps could help too due to maps being way too big.
As a bonus Clown may need some changes too his power help him for chase but nothing else. Thing is his base kit is weak and are add-ons reliant to be good at chase (ether and flask i'm looking at you). So remove the slowdown when throwing a bottle and increase intoxication by 1s, reduce his reload speed to 3s from 5s.
@se05239 i think this thread is for you my friend.
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Although LF is underpowered, I don't think he needs a rework; just a buff. I picked Legion because... well... do I really need to say why?
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Leatherface and Pig need add on overhauls, LF MAYBE needs a few buffs like a little more speed while charging/chainsawing.
In terms of an actual rework/overhaul, Legion and Plague.
Legion is a glorified survivor, and Plague's power has been a mess since it was introduced. They need to sort out this "just don't cleanse" nonsense that renders her phenomenally boring to play.
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So many guys want to have a Leatherface overhoul?
Have you not learn from us poor Legions? :|
After the rework, LF will cut it self in the leg, after he has used his chainsaw. I see it already coming :(. You know... Every freaking abilitiy needs to have drawbacks. Because drawbacks are a fun experience for every player :| At least that seam some people to think.
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@xllxENIGMAxllx Thanks to for the notification. I'd love to see Clown improved but he's not the worst out of the bunch.
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Doctor cries in the corner..
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Legion. Bubba, Doc, and Pig just need number tweaks and addon passes. Legion got eviscerated to save the game, and are now just waiting to be reworked into a new, proper killer.
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Whichever killer is the least talked about/least played needs an overhaul
Leather face would appreciate a rework
Legion would also appreciate a rework
Trapper, wraith and other m1 killers would love a buff
Doctor will do anything for a rework
While people say his tracking is amazing its been exadurated. You find survivors off the bit easier but after that it's kinda weak. Illusionary doctors can just be run through and there's even a perk to counter the screaming. While his power does kinda affect looping it requires a reletively large skill ability of the player compared to what result it achieves. You have to be able to predict when the survivor is going to put the pallet down because just zapping them from the middle of the loop only makes the chase longer which gives up gen pressure etc.
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Legion for reasons already explored, needs changes. Leatherface, for sure, needs something. Buffs, rework, changes, whatever the poor leathery man can get.
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Leatherface is the most likely candidate. He would be better if he wasnt slowed down so much by using his power, or being able to cancel his power without such a big downtime. In reality, they cant buff him too much either, because then he will become (potentially) OP. Billy at least has the counter of losing chainsaw mobility, allowing dodges. Thats why I think a rework of his power would be better. I just have no idea what to make of him.
Legion is the second best candidate. They could maybe buff a few numbers, like vault speed and frenzy movement speed, as well as remove other unnecessary counters like missed hit penalty or unable to see blood. But, we all know its not happening. At this point, I have given up, and would rather they just go for a full rework. This isnt too bad for Legion though. With a rework comes possibilities to integrate the remaining three gang members to play an actual role rather than just being cosmetics.
Other killers, like Doctor, Plague and Trapper, dont need a full rework. They just need a couple of fixes and buffs. Doctor probably needing an add-on overhaul and base kit tinkering. Plague needs a penalty for not cleansing (and maybe a few buffs here and there as well). Trapper... we all know.
Im a bit biased on Clown, being my second favourite Killer, and I would like him to have a secondary ability of some kind, giving him map pressure, along with his (not-bugged up) main ability. Not a full rework, just an addition to his power.
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Legion, so they can feel like a threat once again
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Leatherface needs a rework because he is basically a 115% M1 Killer. He's the worst Killer in the game right now.
Doctor, Trapper, Plague, Pig, Legion, and the other M1 Killers need add-on and base kits buffs and bug fixes instead of a full-on rework.
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In dire need ? I would say plague because she's recent, Leatherface would be second, followed by Legion.
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Every killer that isn't the Nurse or the Hillbilly.
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Looks at the PTB
Uhm... Freddy needs a rework!
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I would like to see either an overhaul on Hag/Wraith, Hag is practically not playable at red rank as almost every game you will be against multiple flashlights (body blocked hag is a lot of fun though) and Wraith even though he is sorta viable I wanna see my spoopy bell boy up on the tier list.
But personally I wanna see either a rework or massive overhaul to all the M1 killers (obviously excluding Spirit and Nurse) to see if there is a way to get them to the same strength as the two named.
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Cannibal needs it.
But with personal bias, i just want my Wraith to go up on the tier list hard.
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Trapper for me.
He is the mascot of the game, a strategic killer but who remains ineffective against red ranks players. He needs more traps, less chance of escaping from a trap (especially alone), less time to disable traps, ability to reactivate a trap without wearing it ...
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In my opinion, not many killers actually need a complete overhaul.
Any killer whose problems could be mitigated by "just changing" a variable dont need much work to get somewhat better, in short notice.
LF: charge time, charge-movementspeed, thats it for a quick fix. Acceleration/final speed might be mportant too. Long term his charge mechanism might need to be looked at.
Doctor: quick fix: shock range, stance swapping speed, shock delay. Long term would be tweaking his illusions and madness.
Pig needs an overhaul.
Additionqlly i think they should streamline the "swap stance"-mechanic (doctor pig, GF) to be like Gf's, theres no need for an action bar for this.
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Leatherface is in the need of an overhaul
Legion is in the need of an rework.
thats my opinion, those two should be top priority
well, after looking at the poll results, i see im not the only one with this opinion xD
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Leatherface. He's just to damn loopable. His ability sucks. In the movies, he's stealthy and sneaks up on people until when he fires that beast up, then he's sprinting at you full speed like a madman. In DBD, he's so damn slow and HORRIBLE with loops, the chain saw is almost useless against smart survivors.
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Leatherface needs a number buff.
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Yes. He needs something that gives him a boost in speed but not when he's convulsing for 5 minutes. Best I can do is an anti gen build.
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Legion or Leatherface
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Bubba needs far more than just a buff or a add-on overhaul, he needs to be changed. periodt. He should have a better power that isnt worth camping with. Nobody likes sitting on the hook for 2 minutes just because a killer can go "RMB,'re dead!" in front of them.