Trapper Buff Idea

MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744
edited May 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

Okay so my idea is trappers setting time will be lower so he can place them faster while not wasting time of course behavior shared this same interest so here is my twist to it.

So my idea is If a survivor gets in a bear trap the trap will instantly down the survivor unless another survivor saves the survivor in the trap now a lot of people are gonna say what is the point of struggling. Struggling will delay you going into the dying state allowing time for a team mate or the trapper to get to you it encourages team work in order to deal with the trapper while giving trapper a buff he could make use off.

Thank you guys for reading id love to get some feedback maybe some thoughts on this ideas you guys have for trapper yourself!


  • TheSkreechingDeath
    TheSkreechingDeath Member Posts: 36
    edited May 2018

    Or how about simply having him spawn with all his traps as Huntress spawns with all her hatchets; as well as making it so that you can struggle out of the traps but much like the Hook struggle, you can only do it 3 times, then you get downed. And make the traps black -- hard to find, easy to disarm.

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744

    @not_Queen Hexyl Stone when all jokes aside im glad that you guys did an idea like this one with honing stone i can forever call it Hexyl Stone in my heart xd

  • holywhitetrash
    holywhitetrash Member Posts: 289

    i liked all the changes they mentioned for trapper
    i would change the name of the "iridescent stone" to "clock work mechanism"
    and honestly i just want the ability to rearm traps while i am carrying max traps, so that when i happen on one of the traps i already placed in the spot i want i would not need to go place a trap, then walk back to good trap , pick it up , and replace it, then walk back to trap i didnt want to place and pick it up