Who's your killer main?

I want to know who plays who, I myself live playing the clown. What's you main. Comment below.
Spirit First , Huntress Second, and Nurse was my main till Spirit dropped
Though I have been playing a lot more Hag.
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Legion first, Wraith second. c: Haven't tried GF yet and the Freddy changes make him look like more fun, so I might give him a try.
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Piggy because oink survivors heads. 😎
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Pig because she's fun and a meme. 🐷🐷🐷
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Pig first, second used to be Legion but not playing them anymore after the changes, it just feels awful.
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Started with Wraith at the very beginning (got NOED 3 on him on LVL 8, lol), then moved over to the more difficult Hillbilly.
Played him for a good 1500 hours, eventually got sick of him. Honestly can't tell you why.
Went back to Wraith and i'm having a BLAST!
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I was a Freddy main, but with the rework I think I'm going to go back to having Doc as my main and throwing in more Ghostface and Plague.
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Michael’s my main and pain’s my game.
I’m sorry that was the first thing that came to mind I’m going to go now...😂I consider him my main because he has nearly all perks and the highest playtime and level of experience but I rotate playing all killers, I can’t just play one it get too tedious so that’s why people may not see me play as my “main” as often as I once did.
Currently having fun with clown, bubba and ghostface though, my old “actually trying to rank” rotation was Freddy, wraith, hag and Myers. I’m thinking of starting a new one though with Myers, clown, plague and ghostface because that will be a fun combo at high ranks...😅 Nice to know there’s a few clown mains out there, I’ve never had a dull match with him.
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I used to main Wraith, but now I main Doctor with a side of Basement Trapper.
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Legion, Pig, Doctor and Ghost Face atm... But once I get more Perks unlocked on Trapper, I intend to play way more of Trapper, esp with better add-ons.
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I would consider myself a Nurse main, but as of lately, I've been doing killer rotation.
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I play alot of Piggy, and Doctor. Once I played some matches and get sick of loops, I switch to Nurse.
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- Hag
- Pig
- Ghostface
- Myers
- Huntress
- Plague
- Freddy (Although, that may be changing soon.)
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Rotating, and if i get annoyed of it, i usuallyswitch to Nurse or Spirit.
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Only leveled 3 killers, Wraith, Doctor, and Freddy. Freddy being the big boy with near P3.
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Clown mainly, followed by Doctor and Trapper.
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It was Trapper, but if I keep getting toxic SWF groups I'm going to have to switch to Nurse.
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Michael Myers, the whole reason I got the game. At the moment, I'm giving Ghostface a go as I rank him up, and plan to try out Freddy's rework upon release.
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Legion thug life <3
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Spirit, Ghost Face, and now possibly Freddy
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Legion -> Doc -> Freddy -> Myers
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The entire reason I got the game was because of Michael Myers but he has fallen on my list of most played killers.
Spirit > Plague > Hag > Myers > Huntress
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Nurse , hillbilly , clown are my mains, but since a few days i play a lot of myers and doctor.
Some game of speed wraith here and there if you want a fun killer build try wraith with PWYF.
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I main Doctor, not because he's good (because he's not), but because he's fun.
I'm also one of the few people here who actually likes Legion.
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Our lord and savior Herman Carter, also known as the Doctor.
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1-Freddy(Unsure now)
2-Pig---I like being sneaky and playing games with Survivors
3-Spirit---she's very tricky and just generally fun to zoom around and scare people
4-Ghostface---sneaky, fashionable, and preferable over Myers
5-Clown---He's very jolly and in your face brutal
6-Legion---used to be my number 4 before the rework. I still love them but my reasons for loving them are basically gone.
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Hag and GhostFace are among my favorites. I also enjoy Freddy and Nurse, even though I'm not amazing with her at all.
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My killer main is myself. I'm in the game you just haven't seen me yet. When you see the burnt spot in the grass near a hermits house you gotta use the ice gun and I'll appear.
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My two favourite killers to play are Wraith & Freddy, I enjoy the mechanics of both of these.
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I would never have guessed 😃
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Hag, Myers and Freddy
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Myers was my first main killer and the only one on P3 right now. But I felt a disturbance in the Force, and begun to play Freddy. He started to become my new main and now with the rework (I really LOVE the palettes) I'm having more and more fun with him. I won't stop playing Myers but I just love Freddy's play style.
I also play Spirit, Wraith and Legion but not as much. Except Nurse, Billy, Bubba and Clown, I play the others for the rituals.
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1.- Ghost boi
2.- Wraith
3.- Nurse
Legion is on my waiting list, i dont play him much anymore
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Don't have one, i'm currently working my way through all of them. I'm on 6 of 16... i need to pick up the pace.
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Michael Myers with Bamboozle, Fire Up, Brutal Strength and Barbecue and Chili, the Chad killer.
My next ups are Leatherface, Ghostface, Legion and Hillbilly I rarely play Nuse because it's boring to get kills with her. People are bad enough on PS4.
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I wonder if people don't remember or don't care. Hint is my account name - Kabu
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A little bit of the latter, but mostly neither: I have no idea what you're talking about.
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It's from a game called Chrono Cross. One of the characters that can be unlocked is named Kabu who is a turnip knight that speaks in old English.
I've used his name or a variation of it as usernames and such pretty much since I started using the internet.
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I got you to give it away to a person who can't even begin to guess! 😜
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Chrono cross is my favorite game ever and I didn't know that turnip is also called kabu.
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- Spirit
- Huntress
- Hillbilly
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Who do you main?
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Billy, the main reason why i still play this game. Rev it up, make some noise, watch them dance,... Splash! He feels like a real killer, not just in power but also in presence. I've put him on the sideline for a whole year in favor of all other killers, but they're just not the same. Vroom vroom
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Bubba, wraith, and doctor.
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Legion, man. Even with how garbage he is now, he's still so much fun.
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I try to rotate my killer, but Spirit will always be my main. Spirit body pillow when?