Add more in-game items


I want to get more in-game items for the shops. It's not alot for us to buy there to create a unique character. Also i want to add more slots to the players to make it even more unique such as rings, tattoos, hair, glasses, weapons ect. Also to add more slots to the character, so that you can wear more items instead of getting like one hairstyle with a pair of glasses as the "head" slot. Make this into two slots instead.

Another point i want to state is that i think the prestige "blood" should be an overlay on ANY clothes. So you can buy new clothes and still have the blood on you instead of using the vanilla ones.

This would generate more money for the company to earn and the same time more satisfaction for the players who cares about the in-game purchase system to get more items.



  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    The prestige overlay for any clothing would take a lot of time and effort, there is other things to focus on, Devs said so themselves.

    Would be cool to get skins for items though.

  • gustenterling
    gustenterling Member Posts: 4

    True, but adding more things to the store would generate more money which means they can spend more time on everything.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    We got those charms coming.

    Adding more slots, though, seems kinda silly. I'd pay for prestige on more clothes, but rings/tattoos/weapons, they're boring and counterproductive notions in a game where the idea is not to be noticed - if I've had a bad run, I'm gonna duck most Nea/Feng teammates as survivor as quickly as I would someone announcing No Mither pre-game. Liability isn't fun

  • gustenterling
    gustenterling Member Posts: 4

    Yea but not like glowing ######### 2800 century neon clothing. Just regular rings and tattoos like Kate has.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599
    edited July 2019

    If they're small and innocuous, there's no point to them. If they're visually loud, there's a point but it's one I wish would be discouraged by the community.

    I maintain that rings, tattoos, and glasses separate from the established slots wouldn't add anything useful, interesting, or fun to the game despite the effort that would be put into them. This isn't IMVU or FashionFrame, if you're just admiring yourself or others you're literally doing something wrong here.

    I'll agree with Shrek though, skins for items would be nifty.