Maybe Rework Nurse?



  • Gardenia
    Gardenia Member Posts: 1,143

    Why would I do that when all you would do is criticize every bit of it, especially when you don't seem open to the possibility of a rework?

  • Gardenia
    Gardenia Member Posts: 1,143
    edited July 2019

    1) how often can you get a pallet stun on nurse? Seriously, when it says she get stunned she barely does and still blinks after a 2-3 sec cooldown

    2) I said stop defending her because it seems you came from a place of bias rather than an actual discussion. You come off condescending just because I suggested there be a rework, your first assumption was that I don't know how to play against her (which I do).

    3) It still isn't, because the optimization on Console is way worse than PC. Inexcusable frame rate drops happens frequently for a game that can't reach 60fps already on console. I also play console so I know what it's like.

    The bad fps, and frame drops significantly affect the nurse ability to blink accurately and there's some lag. That is not comparable to some slightly bad optimization on PC.

    And I mention GF because it was an agreeance to another comment to how people overreact when they don't want a killer to be touched.

    Post edited by Gardenia on
  • Maj33y
    Maj33y Member Posts: 236

    No , Stop ReWorking killers .. like Freddy now he lost his identity .. he is like a Clown/Doctor/trapper Hybrid killer .

    His Dream World is meaningless .

    All that Nurse needs is some Tweaks to her add-ons ... Nurse is alright the problem is her Add-ons ... the ones that reduce accuracy do not Really do that ... and The Lunge after landing from a blink should be reduced (it's zone) or removed .

    Stop reWorking killers.

  • xXNurseXx
    xXNurseXx Member Posts: 261

    Another day another thread complaining about how OP nurse is ..

    Yes youre right, Nurse is ridiculous in terms of balance and she is OP but she is meant to be OP! Devs want it this way so your threads arent helping for a nurse nerf.

    She will get an addon rework and after the addon rework she will ofc stay OP but thats never gonna to change

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Nurse is fun to play against and there are plenty of perks and methods to face her.

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    Would you like that if you stare at her she won't be able to blink? Something like that? Or when a generator is completed she can't blink for 60 seconds, how about that?

    I don't like to be the one who says it, but it must be said: Get better at the game. Nurse is fine as she is: hard, so a skilled killer can kill even skilled survivors.

  • Zertix
    Zertix Member Posts: 122


    Yes, 4 efficient and coordinated SWF are very difficult to beat. Infinities, Instaheals, DS and MoM (pre nerf) are/were broken. But If you are sincere about balancing the game, then it should be done for both sides (killers and survivors) because omega blink, 5 blinks, prayer beads, iridescent head, eboni mori ... etc are ridicules as well. Let us be objective and not focus on balancing one side and overlook the other. 


    I never said I want him to beat a god tier nurse 1v1 and escape. I just want him to show me the "counter play". 


    It is funny how at one point you admit that you are trash at the game (sorry, these are your words and not mine) and then later you would want to go against a god tier nurse and show everyone that she is not broken.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,152

    They ain't lying bout that tho. I'm pretty sure she allow one or two blinks at base and with add ons she can increase her max distance or increases her blinks to remove mistakes she carelessly make. She can decrease fatigue or increase the charge speed.

  • cobra0
    cobra0 Member Posts: 11

    Nurse isnt balanced sorry. I have never lost to the nurse and using her is a load of bull crap. The only time it's fine to use her ability is when your traveling across map or through a wall. Using it to catch someone is almost a guarantee theyll get away or extend the chase longer due to the massive stun she gets. Then they end up further then before you teleported.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    You need to find a good nurse. I’m assuming you’re a console player and in my experience good nurses are rare. She is balanced at base.

  • Kabu
    Kabu Member Posts: 926

    I wonder how many of the people here arguing in favor of Nurse argued against the Legion. The complaints are quite similar such as "game breaking" and "unhealthy for the game." Also, someone here posted that a dev stated that base Nurse won't be touched when it's also been said by a dev that she be reworked to the point she won't be recognized.

    Overall, if Legion was unhealthy then so is the Nurse for the same reasons.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117

    Stealth for the vast majority of experienced players in the game is boring. Looping is what keeps players playing the game. Looping is what made this game into what it is today.

  • neonsensei
    neonsensei Member Posts: 4

    In my opinion the nurse is fine just the way she is. I do not believe that she is broken in any way or that she is needed for a rework.

    However with that being said it doesnt mean she is grouped up with the other killers. As a nurse user I acknowledge the fact that she ignores vaults and pallets and yes she can go from one side to the other in a quick fashion with the right add ons.

    As a survivor however I've noticed the general playerbase get better at beating her. Before my team would go down one by one but now they are able to run her around for a substantial amount of time. (I'm in the purple ranks btw)

    Probably like others have mentioned, a tweak to her add ons? But I believe she is fine for now.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    This right here. 3 guys did all 5 gens against a good player.

    A lot of people are asking for evidence, well here it is. And I'm sure there's more like it.

    Just because some people say stealth is boring doesn't mean it isn't effective.

  • CaptainCastle
    CaptainCastle Member Posts: 536

    So this is literally just "but i don't find that fun, so it should be changed" isn't it? What if i hated flashlights despite there being ample counterplay?

  • xXNurseXx
    xXNurseXx Member Posts: 261
    edited July 2019

    "his blinks are on point, chases are quick" .. lol no, atleast not in this game. thats average nurse gameplay and ofc he only gets 2 kills in a 3vs1 if hes searching for minutes in an area without survivors just because the gen is ~70% and also missing a couple of blinks in the chase

    edit: i can show you good nurse gameplay if you like to

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    Yes, searching for minutes. Meaning survivors were actually good at hiding, and they were definitely around. Those gens didn't get done on their own.

    But this is exactly what happens whenever a video is put out as evidence for survivors countering the nurse.

    "He didn't play well" "That's just average gameplay" etc etc

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    This is pretty obvious...Because stealth makes them feel weaker than the killer. Survivors are the "power role" with all the other killers except for nurse and maybe two more (sometimes).

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117

    My point is that you shouldn't be forced into one specific playstyle to counter her. A killer should be able to be loopable but at the same time, give the player an option to stealth. You can't run a good Nurse if they play reactionary. You just hope they mess up and that's it. Breaking LOS only works to a certain extent. The player playing Nurse has to guess what the player is going to do for it to work. If they play reactionary, you're screwed.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117

    Stealth can just become a snooze fest. That's why, for the majority, it falls out of favour so quickly the more you play the game. Outplaying your opponent in a chase is what keeps players coming back. This is why survivors tend to dislike the Nurse. They get forced into playing a boring style if they want to have a good chance at winning.

  • KaoMinerva
    KaoMinerva Member Posts: 451

    Dude it's been explain before. People like to complain about 1 version of Nurse. There are 4 tiers of nurse players!

    1. Baby Nurse

    2. Nurse

    3. Good Nurse

    4. God Nurse

    The god nurse legends are mostly dinosaurs now. They don't even really play anymore unless you're in Korea. Seems like those dudes have all the never lose nurse players lol.

  • fluffymareep
    fluffymareep Member Posts: 634

    People are talking about "playing against her differently," but a lot of people do. A lot of people adapt and there's still issues with the nurse. A lot of it has to do with her add-ons and her ability to blink (fail) multiple times. Twice is enough.

    A pallet shouldn't be a safe thing to blink into. The fact that she can get a pallet thrown on her while blinking (and the survivor can get the score event) and she can still proceed to blink again regardless is ridiculous. Even if you're mid chain, a stun should matter. Stuns matter with literally everyone else and "sHe'S dIfFeReNt" isn't a valid excuse in this case.

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519

    "no counterplay in chase is fine because ######### what makes the game fun, just hide"

    fell asleep halfway through the vid btw

  • HexThrill
    HexThrill Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2019

    All I know is people keep pointing a finger at and about Spirit and I can't wrap my head around that as Nurse continues to be the absolute best in the game. It's absurd. Fix nurse and fix maps then they should talk about nerfing killers. Either way the fact that people keep talking about anyone other than nurse when it comes to killer nerfs blows my mind.

  • Slayer
    Slayer Member Posts: 1,148

    And god nurse can see you when you break the LOS? No she s just predicted your pathing and thus she deserves to get you downed.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    I don't think we're going to see a fundamental change to Nurse's power.

    At the most, the devs will rework her add ons. That's about it.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    On the other hand, have you played the game for thousands of hours just to run around stuff like in an old timey cartoon?

    Granted is, if you run 3 loops around every pallet and then drop it, the game will be over before dropping all of them. What skill are you talking about?

    Using stealth is the way to not get slaughtered with this killer. Thankfully at least there's an alternative to looping stuff like a mindless drone.

    Not getting killed and surviving the trial is actually countering a killer and preventing him/her of doing their job.

    All that said, it's a general opinion that her addons need a rework.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    Feel free to throw a tantrum, won't change a thing.

  • Captain_Doomsday
    Captain_Doomsday Member Posts: 175

    Nurse has the slowest Killer movespeed in the game. She is shackled to her blinks to move, and her blinks have inherent weaknesses players need skill to compensate for. Even once a player can blink to where they want to be, there's still counterplay in reading their actions, just as with regular movement.

    Nurse is an outlier in being the only Killer who isn't bound to a strict punishment role by the movement system in the game, but that really just means other Killers have gameplay that's too shallow.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    i didn't realize pointing out that stealth doesn't work constituted throwing a tantrum

  • fluffymareep
    fluffymareep Member Posts: 634

    Are you talking about the bug where she sometimes ignores stuns or how people need to change up how they play against her and not pallet loop @ArecBalrin?

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    They literally just posted a video where stealth works well against an experienced nurse. Did you watch it?

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117

    I don't see why a killer should force you into playing a specific style such as stealth.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    Well, you've made up your mind already, even in the face of evidence.

    No point discussing any further.