What were your misconceptions about the game when you were new?

I thought obsession was called thanatophobia and I didn't had a clue what it meant lol.
I thought hag was teleporting to me whenever I stepped on her trap. I still have ptsd from that.
That throwing down pallets before doing gens was a "Defense". This was rank 20, okay? XD
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That is adorable lol.
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i thought nurse was balanced
in fact, go into any thread about the nurse and read someone's post in which they attempt to convince others (and themselves) that nurse is fine because "use stealth". that was me about 2 weeks into playing this game
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I thought survivors holding keys were knives for Decisive Strike.🗝️
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I thought that you need to actually escape to get the extra bloodpoints from the Escape! Cake. I was new tbh, and very stupid
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I didn't understand much about the basic game flow, or why it was a bad idea to attempt to unhook myself (and I still think that's an awful, awful trap for new players). I also didn't understand quite what the hell was going on, broadly, against Doctor or Freddy. I initially felt that the gameplay was too thin (I came from Friday the 13th), and only after giving it a couple chances did I understand more of the nuance.
From a killer POV, as a newbie, I didn't understand why I could not find a single survivor for an entire match, and why I didn't have built-in detection powers (to be fair, I STILL don't understand this, and I think the perk grind makes this way too oppressive for new players and creates a bad experience).
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"Alright, the first generator popped. Now I can start putting active RBTs on Survivors."
several minutes later and a whole lot of tunneling later
"Boy these traps sure are taking a while to explode."
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That i was supposed to try and attempt too pull myself off the hook. My friend quickly told me not to do that XD.
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I thought killer would be easier than survivor, because power role and all that
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Looping is necessary. I never tried it all through the first time I hit green ranks :P
To be fair, I never really had to. These days I'm a bit appalled at what I apparently used to get away with.
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Same, did this on my first few games until I figured out it just makes you die faster.
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That I should attempt to escape whenever I'm hooked, didnt help that I was able to unhook myself in my first game. luckily my friend was there to continuously scream at me when I played with him.
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One of my friends that was also new told me ranking up increases how many times you can be on the hook and getting a totem got rid of a perk always.
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I didn’t know what the claws around my character were at the bottom of the screen. Thought the doctors clone that appears when you’ve been shocked too many times was the doctor teleporting to me everywhere and then just playing with my by standing there watching me and hitting his weapon on his hands. Thought I was supposed to keep trying to pull myself off the hook and then thought it was bad to try to struggle because it would make it worse. Thought myers was just standing there far away or sometimes on the other side of a fence to joke around and creep me out
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Obviously quickly suicided on hook in my first survivor game.
And considering that in my second game as survivor ever there was a mori that was used on me I just thought killers were just showing mercy on me by not killing me off with one for a while.
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Everybody knew where all the gens were. I didn't know the maps were procedurally generated.
Nurse's lunge is the same before and just after a blink.
2 people on a gen would repair it twice as fast.
I thought Wraith was totally invisible while cloaked (no shimmer).
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I thought that crawling would bleed me out faster so I never crawled anywhere when I was in the dying state. Even when I was fully recovered.
I thought that after you got hit you couldn't be healed.
And that I could only get more perks slots if I ranked up. (rather than level related)
Being new isnt easy
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I thought that Sloppy Butcher would reduce the amount of time Survivors have in the Dying Health State.
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When I first started, I thought flashlight was useless cause it could never blind the killer before he got to you. It was over a month before somebody used it on me while I was animation locked and then I finally understood how it was supposed to be used.
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i thought that escape cakes were for every survivor and not just for the person who brought it.
i also thought people who prestiged, even just to P1, were actual gods at the game. i used to lobby-dodge anyone who was prestiged.
i thought DH was better than sprint burst (this is before exhaustion was changed and SB was OP)
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I thought "Exposed" status effect revealed your position. I was extremely terrified when I saw that and tried to run in a map's corner to avoid being chased.
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I thought Nurse was the worst killer ever when she was first released. I've since learned not to jump to conclusions.
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I use to think totems messed with the killers controls XD
On Ps4 you can press the touch pad to invert your camera and my friend pressed it one day during a KYF and we were cleansing totems at the same time. He said "why is my camera so weird?" and we came up with the dumbest connection possible. "It must have been the totems" Lmao. It was late at night every time we played so we never had a clear mind XD
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That survivors would be a friendlier bunch over killers. My thinking was that, because they would need to work together, teamwork and camaraderie would be a thing. Man, was I wrong.
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that killers posed a threat
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That escaping would be fun and exciting because killers were dangerous and "OP" Then when a Sabo Jake used an infinite to run me for 5 minutes after all the gens were already popped i knew i made a terrible assumption.
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I thought people used lockers often and that Billy was terrible.
Billy still feels terrible, but I only use the common addons and I assume steering is mandatory.
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When I read the perk Botany Knowledge I thought I had to find plants and a campfire to slow the bleeding down.
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I thought green keys open hatches and the We are going live forever is never dying. When i first got this game i never read the perks description only the name. 😣 I was so stupid!
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So you were the baby David running no mither wondering why you died so fast? 🤣
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That killers would instantly knew where you were if you scared a crow
That killers would be more powerful than survivors
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I mained killer for a long time, never touching survivor. I was quick to rank up and never understood how easily you can get confused as a survivor. I'm a Red Rank killer and a yellow rank survivor, and I confuse myself sometimes and imagine the killer thinking how dumb I am. Low rank killers rarely mind game, and half the time I mind game myself. Not exactly a misconception but I don't really remember having many. I did a lot of "research" on DBD so I wouldn't have one.
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It took me quite long to realize that Freddy sees your aura in dream world. I was always confused how I got found and thought they have all wallhacks lol
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I thought Wraith was completely invisible and that you couldn't see a shimmer of him. I also though teachable perks...couldn't be teached to other characters, that they were exclusive to one character. I also thought base perks (unrelenting, monstrous shrine, spine chill ect.) Were exclusive to the survivor/ killer I had them unlocked on XD
I was a dummy back when I started
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Bit of a weird one, but I played this game a bit before my PC died. Now with a new PC, I'm back into playing it (was, still trying to get my ban appealed), and the first thing that caught me off guard was
- I thought Legion was Jeff the Killer or something
- I came from when you could tell the killer by looking at the hook. That made me expect traps when it was stabby boi.
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I thought the game was relatively balanced.
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I thought that exhaustion would slow you down xD
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I thought killers would be in power role and escaping would be rare which usually is all horror game never would I thought that you can bully a killer and devs are thinking it's "balanced"
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I thought that Feng's technician reduced wll sounds from a generator being repaired
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I thought killers were to be feared.
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I thought you had to cleanse all totems to escape
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When I started playing the game, Freddy's Chapter just came out.
I thought that survivors could only use medkits to heal themselves.
Because of that, I thought that Quentin's perk Pharmacy was a great perk until someone asked why I didn't use Self Care instead.
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I thought walking left half as many scratches as running, and that crouching left half that again.
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Tooooxic lol
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I thought charges on items was another word for how many seconds the item would last, so 1 charge = 1 second.
Because of that, I thought using speed addons would make my toolbox and medkit last longer.
I also played F13 before I switched to DbD. In F13 you can close and lock doors to keep Jason out, so I assumed you had to throw down every pallet you saw as a kind of defense mechanic.
My last one wasn't actually me but a Meg I saw once when playing killer. We were playing on Crotus Penn Asylum, she had a flashlight and I spotted her but she didn't see me. As she entered the building, she used her flashlight while looking around. I couldn't get myself to kill her, so I killed her friends and gave her hatch. She told me in end game chat that flashlights were useless since the maps aren't dark at all. She was rank 19 and I was rank 6.
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I thought you could only be healed if the other person had a medkit so I never stuck around after I was hurt.
A friend told me flashlights were meant to be used to go into the basement because it was dark and that you could find something to defeat the killer there. So when I saw flashlights I thought "man, these are the brave guys in the team"
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Oh, two days ago I learned that I could escape with a rbt on my head after the doors had been powered/open without dying.
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i thought the Diamond Stone would immediately kill a survivor when they step into a Beartrap.
no, not downing, killing them.
that was quite some time ago... xD
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I thought hitting skillchecks meant pressing the key the moment the sound trigger went off. I didn’t understand why there was a circle on the screen or why my gen would blow up.