ULTIMATE WISH LIST. Please BHVR notice it.

Seasonal-Rewards aka Exclusive Outfit for reaching Rank One
New Gamemode - because old one is boring and new Content is not changing it.
New Seasonal Events (like Easter)
Emotes for Survivor/Killer in Store
Flashlight colours in Store
New Mori Animations in Store
Custom, Sandbox, Uncaped KYF Mode (https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/43836/kyf-as-a-permanent-and-universal-experimental-laboratory)
Colorblind Support
Advanced Graphics Settings
Old Pallet Breaking Animation
All Animation Rework
Special Maps for events
free maps, chase musics, offerings and Add-ons like a long time ago
,,Play Again'' Button for SWF
Rework Legion
Rework Bubba
Translations from Players like 2 years ago
New, better Totem Spawn Locations
Skins for Items
Interactions with the World
New Textures
Bonus BP for unhooking/hooking in THE BASEMENT
Gen Rush fix (rushing when injured penalty, gen time increase)
Hex spawn after 1 minute
Secondary Objectives
Reconnect Option after DC (30 seconds)
Reward for 1 year playing the Game
Plague Buff (penalty for rushing when Sick like -50% for actions)
Addon Rework (Nurse)
Maps Rework (all map rework)
Account Linking (PC with Consoles and Mobile, Consoles to Mobile, Consoles to Consoles)
Selling Items, Add-Ons, Offering to get BP
Bot Matches (Training)
BP Cap gets higher with every Devotion level (1 Devotion)
Limited Auric Cells Packs or Offers like (buy 500 Auric Cells and get Santa Clown knife or Buy Santa Clown Outfiit and get 300 Auric Cells for free)
Categories for Characters - I love, I like, I hate
DbD Friend System (in progress)
End-Game-Collapse after gens done
Generator skins (Killer choose)
Seasons of the Year in the Entity Realm
Rework green key
Rank 1 should be gold colour
Official BETA 2v6
For IIIp50lvl in Character we should get a reward
Daily Rituals Rework (more BP, harder, maybe some Shards)
After 50 lvl we should have 3 perks in Bloodweb (we can buy 2 from 3 perks, less grind)
Seasonal Gamemoddes
Gamemode where killer and Survivors receive random perks, addons, character, items, power
Eliminate Mid-Chapters and Chapter Updates and do small, balance Hotfixes like 2 years ago <3
What are you think about it, Community?
What rework would Bubba and the Legion need??
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I disagree about crosshairs and the Bubba and Legion rework, they just need number buffs. Very cool ideas.
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Thank you!
Legion rework is my friend idea.
Bubba needs a Ultimate buff or a rework but I recommend the Buff
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Hm you don't want much
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I just want some voice lines for Ashy Slashy /;-;/
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That's the best thing I saw Dwight.
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But most importantly Detective Hoffman as either a killer on its own or as an outfit for the pig.
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I agree with those things on the list and stuff like that
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All of these ideas are really good with exception of the Bubba Buff that he should not be reworked, but buffed instead. Other than that they are all GUCCI.
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GUCCI? It's so 2016!
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New Mori Animations is coming
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leaksbydaylight boy?
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Seriously though the older fast vaults were so much smoother and better looking
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I'm in love with most of your ideas, even though some of them would probably be quite hard to do for the devs... Still I hope that they will actually see this :D
Ffs I want to choose my generator-skins xD
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Thank you = )
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@Chaddad2169 True. Also Medium Vault hitbox = )
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Im against cross hairs feels like it will break the immersion
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Like I'm being serious.
BHVR if you're reading this... revert the damn fast vaults.
Also yeah, the medium vault hitbox 😑