To DbD lovers: I am worried about playerbase numbers

Am I the only one to be worried about this:

I fear that devs say they listen to the community but they are actually not able to understand what players want.

Can anyone from BHVR confirm or confute those stats on the playerbase?

Can BHVR please release an official playerbase trend of the last 12 months for the various platforms?

As supporting players and fanbase I believe we deserve some clarity.

Thank you @Peanits @not_Queen



  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615

    Don't worry new freddy and badham rework is in 9 days then we get to wait a month and a half for anything not related to Freddy and a map to happen...

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    Is the last higher number at may 2019? Looks like that... Well what for a surprise, the Legion patch hasen't safe the day, instead make it worse^^.

    Would they just have listen to the right people :|.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047
  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Question tho. What is that spike near the end? (the date)

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    Guess that was the moment were 70k people played the game if you have followed the dbd news. They had make a free dbd weekend to that time on steam, if I remember correctly.

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744
    edited July 2019

    Funny enough heres the actual stat tracker numbers look fine to me looks actually higher then normal, normal numbers are 16k playing.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    Thanks for linking the charts.

    Yes, 29 april-6 may was the last high peak for the 70k higher peak. Aka, around the Legion patchday (that was the 5 may, I know it because that was the first time I used a mori and with it I got a mori achievment^^).

    Would they just understand as a message *sighs*.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited July 2019

    August 2016 42,268

    August 2017 27,166

    September 2018 62,756

    August 2018 36,374

    June 2019 40,782 (most recent full month, July isnt over yet)

    Those are peak players from steam charts, it goes up then comes back to where it started.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited July 2019

    The largest numbers come from free weekends and they always have which is normal for any game but they are artificial spikes in numbers and can't be taken into any consideration as it's not part of the normal player base.

    If you look at the stats it always goes up and down between the release of new dlc.

    The numbers have been steadily growing as per the graph on steamdb where the picture below comes from.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Ehh, i'll be worried once it goes below 5k on average.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    Chicken Little is at it again.

    I've been watching the numbers steadily for the past two years.

    We've been sitting between 15k to 25k most of the time. If anything, the game found it's core and just has a churnover of fairweather players like me that come back once in awhile.

  • MySpaceBarsBroken
    MySpaceBarsBroken Member Posts: 167

    The reality of it is that the player base consistently drops over time, and only gets boosted temporarily through events, and if theyre lucky permanently through new DLC and licensed killers. Most people buy this due to their favorite killer being in the game. (I know i only tried this at first because i wanted to play as jigsaw since i love the saw movies.) BHVR has a monopoly on this style game mode, since the licenses will never sell to their competitors.

    But since the tunneling camping issue is an incredibly common phenomenon for reasons like having TTV in your name, looping a killer for more than 15 seconds, crouching once in the killers peripheral view. And BHVR refuses to make borrowed time base kit for survivors before the doors are powered, which would only protect the integrity of the match, and a survivors worst case scenario of experience, giving at least a chance to control their character. Killers knowing this mechanic exists would only discourage tunneling and camping... However this mechanic does not exist, nor does any to protect the experience of worst case scenario survivor gameplay. (Which happens all too often in solo ques at any rank).

    But if that survivor is having a bad experience, then the other 3 must be escaping and having a good time right?? But what happens when the victim quits the game. Whose your scapegoat now? Someone fills the void, then they quit. Then someone else, then they quit. (or maybe they just become killer mains who knows?) (maybe thats why theres so many more killers than survivors)

    So on so forth. I know for a fact no one in this forums sits through more than 2 or 3 games back to back of being tunneled and camped, with literally no opportunities or to avoid it.So people quit. And maybe they come back for an hour or so just to see the same 1 game mode after 3 years with the same M1 mechanic.

    End of the day the game has no life span, it only slowly decreases in its player base due to lack of interest ( it just gets old) even after taking a break. Even if you dont lose lack of interest you usually get fed up with experiencing survivor gameplay pretty darn quickly since having no control over your character and fate feels very VERY bad. I didnt even mention bugs and issues.

    The reason the player base stays afloat is because they spend all their efforts on short terms marketing gains. Add a new flavorful licensed killer every 3 months and all the fans of that killer have already filled your pockets. Its not a bad business strategy but it doesnt increase quality of life for the game. They figured people eventually quit games eventually anyway so why waste their resources on quality of life? When they could be making a new killer and get more $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Why do you think they're targeting stranger things next????

  • Spicybarbecue
    Spicybarbecue Member Posts: 183

    Yeah a lot of killer players are leaving the game because of how ridiculously survivor favoured the game is

    This has been exasperated recently due to most survivor being in a SWF group (about 90 percent of games now) which makes the game unwinnable for the killer especially under the New emblem system.

    Tldr- SWF are slowly killing the game.

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    Something to remember - A lot of the big spikes in numbers, especially the newest overall highest player bases were due to free weekends, bloodpoint events and DLC releases.

    Numbers have been around the same for the past year apart from the dip a few months ago which again was followed by DLC and bloodpoint events which brought numbers back into the green.

    Overall I'd say the game is steady, not growing or dwindling

  • MySpaceBarsBroken
    MySpaceBarsBroken Member Posts: 167

    Yea once i saw that i just disregarded his entire comment

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    That's what happens when someone is desperate to push an agenda.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    September of 2018 was a free weekend. Why are you pretending it's a normal playercount?

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    Proof me wrong^^.

    And to your question. Would I see a reason in the devs actions (something I wouldn't be able to argument away), I would act differently, but the most arguments I have read that have lead to the patch, I can't support.

    You will understand me, if devs start to look at the things you like. Something that will happen for sure, sooner or later.

  • bigbeefynacho
    bigbeefynacho Member Posts: 351

    For me, it's all about queue lines. If that isn't fixed in the near future, I may quit altogether.

  • Johnny212
    Johnny212 Member Posts: 35

    Looking that so much toxic behaviors coming from both side, it isn't questionable why people leave this game. (especially new one)

    You play to have fun, not to be stressed out, offended, etc.

  • Captain_Doomsday
    Captain_Doomsday Member Posts: 175

    The length of this post is the only reason it's not getting more props. It's pretty much nailed it. DbD is the Facebook or Youtube of asymmetrical horror games: Terrible and unyielding in its ways, with a highly toxic community, but utterly unrivalled so it's them or nothing. They're using this chokehold to deny every other game licensed killers, as well, so they can pocket their DLC money on a regular basis and stop caring once the sale is made, with no hope of competition.

  • Theluckyboi
    Theluckyboi Member Posts: 1,113
    edited July 2019

    You were already told the spike in numbers in september was due to the free week

    This is mere bait

    you arent opening anybodys eyes

    Post edited by Theluckyboi on
  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    Imo, ingame I haven't meet many toxic people.

    I guess that also depends how someone approaches other players. I guess would I have facecamp, my endgame chats would have look differently.

    That said, shortly after I posted in the steam forums I needed to make my steam profile privat. I was not offended by the crap some people needed to write, but I also don't like to moderate my steam profile 24/7. So it ended privat^^.

  • Horus
    Horus Member Posts: 850

    Have you seen deathgarden that game needs to come to console and be free to play in order to stay alive

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    On a positive note, the continuing drop should be lessened as the devs have got rid of some of the worst things that were in the game: poor framerate, DS, MoM, hatch standoff, blendettes and The Legion.

    Although I am still bitter about The Legion as I was playing him fairly.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    Why does everyone look at PEAK players? Why not look at AVERAGE players instead. It better reflects how many people play the game on a REGULAR basis.

    The game is slowly, but steadily growing since summer 2017.

  • OpenYoureyes
    OpenYoureyes Member Posts: 111

    At this point I would like someone from BHVR to say something and release Official Charts that take into conaideration all the platforms.

    We can just speculate - we all have valuable hypothesis - but after the 3y celebration I believe is time for a bit of clarity from our beloved devs (not sarcastic).

    I dont feel they are going in a totally wrong direction so I would like a lot to hear from them.

    @Peanits @not_Queen can you please turn in the light on the past 12 months playerbase trends?

  • thedevalex
    thedevalex Member Posts: 283

    You should have seen in March/April 2017 the game was genuinely bleeding players and everyone was preparing for its death with only 8k players average. They really managed to pull it back on its feet.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Oh god, it's this guy again.

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    The numbers are fine, there's been a solid 20k average on steam alone for nearly a year now

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    Looking at average players is what intelligent people who understand how statistics truly work do. There's no place in this thread for logic!

  • MySpaceBarsBroken
    MySpaceBarsBroken Member Posts: 167

    The reality of playing killer is that the integrity of the match and your experience is entirely protected in your favor. Killers control the game, even the worst killers have tools and mechanics built in where they can have control and still enjoy their experience even in the the most brutal scenario (hardcore SWF).

    I wish i could say a survivors experience was just as protected. However, tunneling and camping is something that exists. If the killer decides to chose you for any reason what-so-ever (maybe you looped good or maybe just have TTV in your name, maybe the killer just doesnt like bills.) what is the result? Tunneling and camping of course.

    Any survivor main can agree that they feel like they have literally no control over their experience in the former situation especially in a solo que, if someone gets you off the hook without borrowed and the killer just waits and goes for you, guess what, youre dead! Not a thing you can do to prevent it in the slightest, not even ping message to your team to NOT farm you. You just die. And is a major turn off for any gamer. Who would choose to play a game of david vs goliath except youre on a hook with no functioning controls. you are at a massive disadvantage in a more common than not, 1v1 situation.

    Im not suggesting buff survivors. But if there was base kit borrowed time before the doors were powered, killers would know about it and choose not to tunnel, and even if they did they know theyre dealing with borrowed. Regardless, it protects the integrity of the match. Protects the experience of the survivor being tunnelled, actually giving them a CHANCE to control their character and make a play.

    Moving on with this understanding and back to the topic of player base. BHVRs mindset is "Well if one players being tunneled and camped then the other 3 survivors must be having a good time and progressing towards the objective, ensuring that at least 4/5 players in the match are having a good time" At the expense of 1 minority player getting the ######### end of the stick. But what happens next BHVR? You expect that player to continue being your scapegoat? No. After repeated experiences THEY QUIT!! So who takes their place when the next tunneling killer comes along??????? REPEAT THE CYCLE.

    What we have here is a steadily decreasing player base. And I think BHVR fully understands this, and is choosing to solute the problem by different means. rather than make the game fun for all 5 players, they accept that people quit games eventually and think If they keep attracting a steady income of new players, the player base should equalize, also riding on the coattails of their licenses and therefor monopoly of this flavor of game, should be enough to keep them afloat for a few more years. New killer every 3 months, licensed killer every 6 months. Just think about how many people bought this game just because they were fans of the scream movies. I know I only bought this because i was attracted to the idea of playing jigsaw. Why do you think theyre targetting stranger things next??

    With still just 1 game mode after 3 years, you have to just accept that BHVR doesnt see their own work as having a long lifespan. They focus on immediate payout rather than long term quality.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    I honestly think I dont have ever read this much nonsense in a post on this forum before. And the worst thing is, its not even a bait!

    Like, holy #########, how can you even think that the killer is in control of the game?

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    Sometimes people are so far deluded you just can't try to rationalize with them. It's really not worth the effort.

  • OpenYoureyes
    OpenYoureyes Member Posts: 111

    1 day has passed and no official answer about this topic that - obviously - is a common concern.

    Today is monday, so I think we will receive some official answer by BHVR and let's hope we receive good news.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    I have yet to find non toxic multiplayer game so I disagree that toxicness is not the issue. People who love pvp are not going to drop this game forever because of said reason.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    Is the issue*

    Forum is still not fixed I see... Can't edit posts.

  • tehshadowman33
    tehshadowman33 Member Posts: 939


    Wait what.

    Did you mean Springwood?

    I'll gladly take both at the same time, though. LOL!