The Idea of built in "Counterplay" is crippling new killers.



  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583
    edited June 2019

    @Blueberry Loops are not infinite, otherwise the game would be broken: an extra hit means an extra loop, and precious time. If you really believe having one health state more or less it's irrelevant, why don't all people run No Mither? Why do all killers hate Mettle of Man? I'm in red ranks, even without Adrenaline and META builds. Many playstyles can lead to high ranks.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    They’ve said that billy is fine, although, some devs may think otherwise.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    Well good news is GF should get some work into him hopefully a LOT of work into him because even the most biased killers and survivors agree he needs a lot of work.

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378

    That and/or a timer that if you stay in sickness for a LONG time, that you get downed. Because Survivors should not ignore being sick and the cleansing mechanic for half or an entire match.

    When I play Survivor and get matched against the Plague it's pretty much a guaranteed escape as long as teammates don't potato. I once looped a Plague for about 3 Gens and only gave up because I got bored so I could do stuff other than looping and not once was her puke an issue. Also what's up with her Mori animation, feels ungodly long VS other Killers xD

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    A "look like a Survivor" Killer is out of the window now, btw.

    That clone would definitely have something like a glowing orb above their head to indicate they're not a real Survivor.

    And you only have to look at the orb to undo their disguise, whoop-dee-doo!

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358
    edited June 2019

    Theres alot of killers that needs some buffs i do agree that some of them theyre just m1 killer but i believe that devs right now they are going to the right track for the new things that are coming

    1. Map rework: less safe pallets but also there will be unsafe pallets so killers will enjoy and survivor will require skill on looping

    2.freddy rework im just shock that they did a good job on freddy most ppl dont like him cuz he dosent have aura reading but for me its ok he can tp gen to gen he can put fake pallets and put traps but also he dosent have any tr

    3.ghostface now in the last stream they said that they are doing something to make ghostface valid now i dont know but i hope hes good that you can play against hight ranks

    Now those are great some perks also was buffed and we will see it soon so they need to think of buffing some killers example plague everyone agrees that shes just an m1 killer, clown hes a good at making the survivors go slow but thats it Lf now they said that are going to buff him a similar way of billy so that you cannot hold anymore the m2 for me thats great

  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583

    @Blueberry You said No Mither hinders survivors and Mettle of Man is broken, then you agree an extra health state makes the difference (for example, it gives you an extra loop), so you should agree that playing an entire trial in Broken status against the Plague is a high risk playstyle, which not all players consider optimal. She's not fast: you must use fountains in dead zones of the map, where the gens have been repaired and there are no hex totems. You can easily waste her time, while your mates work.

  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583

    No fallacy. You assume being Broken all the trial it's the best way to face the Plague, but you have not given any evidence: it's just your opinion. An opinion, not the truth. I think the opposite: an extra health state is almost always useful, because you don't emit grunts of pain, because you don't risk to be seen by the puking-related aura reading add-on, because you remove the penalty of Thanatophobia, because you can keep the killer for an extra loop, while your mates do gens. An extra health state becomes irrelevant in exceptional circumstances, like the infinite EW3, especially if you run Iron Will. The Plague is not such an exceptional case: you can stay Broken, but don't pretend it's the only way to win against her.

    "Everyone does.. except you". Who are you to speak on behalf of the whole community? Speak for yourself. I survive against the Plague, and I'm not alone. You have your playstyle, I have mine. Accept it. You are not entitled to give lessons to anybody nor to judge other players' strategies. Good trials, dear @Blueberry .

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited June 2019

    "You assume being Broken all the trial it's the best way to face the Plague, but you have not given any evidence: it's just your opinion. An opinion, not the truth."

    There is no proof anyone could give. It's also not "my" opinion. It's all other red ranks except for you. The community of high ranks disagree with you and that's as close as you're going to get to proof.

    "I think the opposite: an extra health state is almost always useful, because you don't emit grunts of pain, because you don't risk to be seen by the puking-related aura reading add-on, because you remove the penalty of Thanatophobia, because you can keep the killer for an extra loop, while your mates do gens"

    You are misunderstanding. No one is saying an extra health state isn't useful. We are saying that it isn't enough to change the outcome of the game against Plague in "most" cases. Those are not the same things.

    "The Plague is not such an exceptional case: you can stay Broken, but don't pretend it's the only way to win against her."

    Once again you are conflating 2 different things. We are NOT saying it's the only way to win against her. We are saying it's the smartest and most efficient way to win. Those are NOT the same things. It's also not "pretending", it's you not reading carefully at the specific words that I wrote and interpreting it incorrectly.

    "Who are you to speak on behalf of the whole community?"

    I'm not speaking for the whole community. It was the community that figured this out, not me.

    "I survive against the Plague, and I'm not alone."

    No one has said you don't, you're just doing it the least efficient way and the way that screws over the rest of your team.

    "and I'm not alone"

    You're not alone, you're joined by the other potatoes as well.

    "You have your play style, I have mine. Accept it. You are not entitled to give lessons to anybody nor to judge other players' strategies."

    I never said you didn't and I never didn't "accept it". All I told you was that you're doing it the least logical way, not that you couldn't do it. This is you once again not properly reading what was written and interpreting it your own way. I never gave lessons, those aren't free. You're the one that came in here and started disagreeing with the community and trying to give "lessons".

    Hopefully after you've played the game more you'll realize how mistaken you were here or at least read people's words more carefully next time and not allow yourself to be influenced so easily by your preconceived notions.

  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583

    @Blueberry I'm not misunderstanding anything: I'm speaking of the Plague, and I simply don't agree the Broken state is (ALWAYS) THE (BEST) solution against her. I'm not giving lessons: I'm just explaining my experience, my reasons, my doubts about this "Broken doctrine". You, instead, insult people by calling them "potatoes", because they offer a different point of view. Maybe I lack some skill in chases, but you, for sure, lack respect. Aside this, if I survive with what you consider a bad strategy, maybe my overall skill is greater than yours (I reach the same goal with less or worse tools) or, maybe, my stealth strategy is not as bad as you think. And no, I don't survive by sacrificing or letting die my mates: your assumption that "I screw over the rest of my team" is arbitrary.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    100% spot on

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    "I simply don't agree the Broken state is (ALWAYS) THE (BEST) solution against her."

    Neither do I. That's the point, you aren't reading carefully what I wrote.

    "You, instead, insult people by calling them "potatoes", because they offer a different point of view"

    If they are quite literally playing as a potato then that isn't insulting, it's just descriptive of their nature. Finding that insulting is subjective, not objective. It also isn't "because they offer a different point of view". That is you missing the point.

    "Maybe I lack some skill in chases, but you, for sure, lack respect"

    I have respect for people who earn respect. Respect isn't something to be given freely.

    "Aside this, if I survive with what you consider a bad strategy, maybe my overall skill is greater than yours"

    You can think and do whatever you want as I've said from the beginning. I just don't think throwing your teammates under the bus by using fountains and then hiding in corners while they suffer the consequences is any evidence of higher "skill".

    "And no, I don't survive by sacrificing or letting die my mates: your assumption that "I screw over the rest of my team" is arbitrary."

    Using fountains and then hiding while your teammates suffer for that decision is exactly that.

    I just think you're wrong and you disagree. You do you bro.

  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583

    @Blueberry "I have respect for people who earn respect. Respect isn't something to be given freely." you wrote... Mistaken! Respect is due to every human being, as such. Instead, esteem, affection and friendship must be earned. If everyone could decide to whom to show respect, according to their own arbitrary concept of who "deserves" respect, hostility would spread with serious prejudice for civilization: we have small examples in this forum, where fanatics of both factions fight in an endless toxic war, sometimes insulting in awful manners the developers themselves (some threads about Ghost Face are a very good example of this).

    "I just don't think throwing your teammates under the bus by using fountains and then hiding in corners while they suffer the consequences is any evidence of higher "skill"." Which corners are you talking about? When it is unwise to repair the gens or save someone from the hook, I look for totems to cleanse or allies to help; otherwise, I search in the chests: there is not a single moment in which I stand and contemplate the view in a corner. Like me, they too can hide, devoting themselves to secondary objectives. If the killer uses Corrupt Intervention, the survivors simply hide until the Entity frees the gens: not surprisingly, it's a weak perk. They can do the same, waiting for the Corrupt Purge to run out, or make sure to work at the most distant gens. It's not difficult... you said it yourself that "You could run zero perks on survivor and still dominate in red ranks quite easily as survivor. The skill floor is quite low.".

    It makes no sense to continue this ideological diatribe: our respective positions are now clear to the community. Bye bye.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    "Mistaken! Respect is due to every human being"


    "If everyone could decide to whom to show respect, according to their own arbitrary concept of who "deserves" respect, hostility would spread with serious prejudice for civilization"

    Wrong. Just because someone hasn't earned respect doesn't imply there would be hostility.

    "we have small examples in this forum, where fanatics of both factions fight in an endless toxic war, sometimes insulting in awful manners the developers themselves (some threads about Ghost Face are a very good example of this)."

    That isn't because of a lack of respect.

    ""You could run zero perks on survivor and still dominate in red ranks quite easily as survivor. The skill floor is quite low."."

    Which is very true. Nothing you've said would speak to that being contradicted.

    "It makes no sense to continue this ideological diatribe: our respective positions are now clear to the community. Bye bye."

    That's why I said, "you do you bro". I can't rationalize with someone that is irrational.

    It's just a game, relax.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    @Eninya They should buff most killers to be in the same tier as Hillbilly. Nerfing ######### is the wrong way to go.

  • sorrowen
    sorrowen Member Posts: 742

    Well their nerfing of pig was unneeded and way too harsh also remember me didn't need that nerf.

  • Morfedel
    Morfedel Member Posts: 231
    edited July 2019

    If you guys complaining about the plague are all red rank, remember, not everyone IS in red rank and don't play your way.

    I play Plague a lot; she isn't my top killer but she is near there. I hover around rank 11; best I've ever got was rank 6, but haven't been able to get there since the emblem rework for killer, best I've gotten now is rank 10.

    When I play plague, I almost always run Thanatophobia. When I run into survivors that don't cleanse, I get that 4 man slowdown of the game. And once they are all broken, they are one hit wonders for me. Sure, they can try to avoid me by looping, but survivors aren't all expert at running the killer ragged, some can do it and some can't.

    And then some of them WILL cleanse.

    So, this whole "plague is bad because no one cleanses" thing isn't always accurate, and if its all about red ranks, well, not everyone PLAYS at red ranks; you have to consider the viability of a killer across the entire spectrum of ranks, not just at the top tier.

    And I've NEVER had a game where someone hasn't cleansed. But even then I've not always needed to go for the corrupt plague because just having them broken was good enough in a lot of cases.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    "If you guys complaining about the plague are all red rank, remember, not everyone IS in red rank and don't play your way"

    The issue with this comes that at lower ranks if the killer was stronger, they CAN win, they just have to learn and improve. Currently with having killers like Plague balanced for low ranks, we CAN'T win at high ranks unless the survivors play really dumb and just mess up a lot which is something that can be said for A LOT of the killers.

    Now I am not saying they can't 4k a lot at rank 1. What I am saying is that if they do, it's because the survivors were bad. For the majority of killers like Plague that are balanced for low rank, if both sides are equally skilled the killer will lose every single time. You rely on survivor mistakes.

    "you have to consider the viability of a killer across the entire spectrum of ranks, not just at the top tier."

    Almost no game balances like that.

  • Morfedel
    Morfedel Member Posts: 231

    No, you don't, you balance around the entire spectrum of the game. Because not everyone will ever get to red rank. Some people are great and others are terrible but still want to play.

    So if you balance around the top ranks only, you are screwing over those who will never get to those ranks, and thats bad for business. In the end, video games are created by companies that are businesses, and want to make money, and, ergo, want to keep their entire player base, not just their top ranked ones.

    So, you balance the game in such a way that you keep everyone as happy as you can; otherwise you risk losing a segment of your player base, and that's just bad for business.

    And as a side note, want to guess what segment of the population is red rank? I don't have the numbers, but I'll bed the mid and low ranked players easily outnumber the high ranked ones; after all, its a constant complaint how long the wait times are at red rank. And you want Behaviour to alienated a significant population level? Not a clever way of doing business.

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    Balancing for the majority of players, who are in lower ranks, for business considerations: that's morally and artistically bankrupt.

    When you balance for the top-ranks, you balance for everybody. Anybody who is not playing optimally can always improve, but there is less margin for that at the top-ranks where consistency matters more and also the most accurate picture of the state of the game can be taken.

    If balance is done according to the noisy, messy chaos of lower-ranks, then no one can improve because no one knows what improvement actually looks like. We can watch top-rank streamers play and they seem to win no matter what they do, what meta they employ and it's impossible for lower-ranked players to copy them. This is because the game design completely misleads them about the fundamentals of the game. Lower-rank play misleads them about how strong killers are, it misleads them about hook-camping, it misleads them about the use of stealth Versus looping, even about when the right time is to get off the gen when the killer is approaching or when you can trust another survivor.

    Balance for top-ranks though and it becomes clear what it takes to win and everyone can imitate it.

  • Morfedel
    Morfedel Member Posts: 231

    Quit with the histrionics. You want to disagree, fine, but veiled insults gets you nowhere.

    Yes, balancing over the entire section is a good idea, because in the end the MINORITY of high rank players aren't the ones who make the company money, except in one instance I'll explain below.

    I've been playing at rank 10-12 for some time now, and plague works just fine for me. She works fine at lower ranks as well. You're comments about high tier balance is good for everyone is thus just not true: if a good number of people have success with her, it doesn't matter if a minority don't.

    Your elitism is rather insulting. And any business, in the end, has to appeal to the majority to stay in business.

    Now, the one exception I referred to earlier is about influencers who are really good at the game. They create videos that talk about how bad something is, and their viewers might well buy into it, thus shifting the view of the majority.

    So with that in mind, when I play plague I usually get 3k; if they buffed her I'd start demolishing my opponents.

    And she isn't my best. Trapper and spirit are my top two. I'd probably be higher rank if I stuck to those two killers, but I like variety.

    Lower ranked people's opinions matter too, and this entire sense of elite entitlement where only high ranked people's opinions matter is just that, elitism.

  • Tzeentchling9
    Tzeentchling9 Member Posts: 1,796

    @Morfedel So what happens when low rank people inevitably become higher rank people?

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100

    Organically developed counterplay is completely fine. Enforced counterplay through design that requires no thought or innovation is bad. That's just me, though.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911
    edited July 2019

    plague isn't weak, just boring. i agree with the idea of a killer's power being completely predicated on survivors' decision making being mediocre design, but this has nothing to do with built-in counterplay. the problem isn't really that survivors have the ability to deny her corrupt purge (considering how powerful it currently is, it sort of has to be that way), but more that being injured isn't really reason enough to cleanse and give her that power. if survivors had more incentive to cleanse, this wouldn't be an issue. we'd need a nerf to corrupt purge if that were done though

    ghostface's power isn't really in the hands of survivors and is way too inconsistent to really fit into this thread's narrative. ghostface also isn't weak at all

    it's like saying myers' power is in the hands of survivors because they're able to simply break line of sight and prevent its use

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    Forced-counterplay is bad.

    The devs realised this at one point when they started removing self-nerfs from some perks and addons; the balance to equipping something should be that the limited slot space is used up.

    There can be exceptions, which is how Hex perks exist, but without some consistency and explanations it's all a recipe for the devs dictating how we play rather than giving us tools and letting us get on with it.

  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    Every character should have built in counterplay. This isn't an issue with new killers. It's an issue with older ones and the core design of the game. The devs were clueless when designing the game and are still working to fix the problems

  • DaS_only
    DaS_only Member Posts: 656

    Cuz it's boring af to play M1 for the entire match when survivors decide to stay broken. And good survivors will just play safer beeing broke and don't risk to squeeze out every single loop. And it works, I escape against Plague really often.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299
    edited July 2019

    Come on nurse is Hardly played on console due to well using a controller issue.

    Also never bring the likes of dota into the conversation when talking about DBD balance they aren't comparable.

    In a sense the person us right when it comes to DBD balance since the large majority of players aren't in or goid enough to be in red ranks

    While balancing around the top players is how most games to it they also seperate the playerbase.

    DBD puts a 5k hour god player versus a 20 hour new player once a month and that's not even talking about the matchmaking where the ranks are all over the place.

    So for DBD to truly balance they would need to make is so the above can never happen as no one want to die every single game. You also have to take into account if it did happen how many killers would there be compared to survivors in the different brackets?

    It's not as easy when you think when a game need a 4:1 ration where as with other games of equal sides it doesn't matter.

    This is why instead if a one for all balancing they should add good rewards for ranking up to make it really worth it and then balance it within certain brackets split into may be 5 tiers. At least that way people want to get better and at red ranks the killer players can get buffed while the new 20-16 ranks stay as they are or the killer is weaker so its fairer as let's be honest killer seemed simple at those ranks even when new.

    Each rank bracket killers can become stronger and red ranks then become the place it's balanced for the best on both sides.

  • Captain_Doomsday
    Captain_Doomsday Member Posts: 175

    Yeah, this is what I always thought was meant by "Power Role." If the Survivors initiate every action and have immense influence over what the Killer can and cannot do, THEY would be the "Power Role."

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    Survivors need to be able to get away or somehow avoid getting downed, counterplay is their only option besides pallets and loops.

    The only time built-in counter-play is bad when Survivors DIRECTLY control your ability like Ghostface or Plague, Plague has no map pressure so she completely loses her 2nd ability because no one wants to Cleanse. Now not cleansing is a good and bad thing but it still cripples Plague because she is denied her power.

    Ghostface's Spotting is too much, he was fine and they tweaked him for no reason, I understand that Ghostface having complete stealth and an instadown is a lot for Survivors to handle and that's why he has a counter but the counter in itself is too powerful against Ghostface.

    Balance is difficult in this game but efficiency should be the prority and THEN balance. Is Ghostface efficient with his ability given the balance, no. Is Plague efficient with her ability because of the balance, no. When a Survivor has direct control over a Killer's ability it is crippling, period, and their ability is not nor will it ever be efficient and therefore NOT BALANCED.

  • I don't think BHVR wants to make Killer's Fun to play, Killers are now designed to be fun for Survivors to play against, not for the Killers to Kill as.

    It seems, the only fun you are allowed as Killer is being a M1 Killer, other than that all new Killer's Powers function detrimental to the Idea of Killing them.

    Legion - 'Ah I hit you, Now I must run away from you so I can hit others'

    Plague - 'Ah I infected you, but it does almost nothing and nobody cleanses so I can Kill'

    Ghostface - 'Ah I stalked you, but you saw me so now I can't attack or ill undo all the starking I did, so I'm gonna leave and hope that I find you again and stalk you again'

    Please BHVR, just design Killer Powers so they are organic and don't contradict the Idea of being a Killer.

  • TKTK
    TKTK Member Posts: 943

    I don't think counter play is a bad thing but i think they give too many options to survivors like with new freddy you have 3 ways to wake up and he wakes you up still by hooking you. I thought they'd atleast get rid of self care skill checks waking you up but nope guess not. Ghostface detection is super finicky he can be broken out of shroud by survivors pointing the camera at him but they can hide behind cover which doesnt seem fair to Ghostface as he can't stalk back and be on th verge of getting detected but find cover and get taken out anyway, seems really inconsistent.

  • MySpaceBarsBroken
    MySpaceBarsBroken Member Posts: 167

    I disagree completely.

    I think the counterplay of both plague and ghost are extremely good ideas. I just wish ghostface detection worked properly. I wish they would add slenderman and his power would basically work opposite of ghostface, so the counterplay is to not look at him, makes chases more interesting.

    Legions problem was chasing you while not being in a chase (i.e. backwards chasing). If you wanna talk about no counterplay talk nurse and spirit. They are the killers where you're on a clock once the game begins.