We need more sabo mechanics

Heptamasta Member Posts: 6
edited July 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hi, so, I played around 500 hours and got lately some ideas for that game we love. I'm mainly playing survivors so I don't got many ideas for killers tho, sorry bout that.

So first I think we need to bring back some perks for sabotage. I know, sabotaging a hook in front of the killer is highly considered a bad behaviour, BUT! I'm not talking about this. Let me explain.

Right now, the majority of people don't attempt the self-escape from hooks. It's a 4% chance, and you get only 3 chances before reaching stage 2 of sacrifice. People will mostly avoid to try and use this mechanic because they don't feel rewarded for it, and also because it's safer to wait for a survivor to come and save. In other words, it's a mechanic of the game that is greatly underused (even with the presence of Deliverance), just aaaaaaas... SABOTAGE ! Because YES, sabotage is underused. It's a way of playing that is only seen as a way of pissing the killer when you could use it to play in a more fairplay way, to help your friends without trying to piss off the killer. So here's an idea that could be a way of making them both more interesting.

Supportive Hand – You know how hooks work and you use that knowledge to help the ones that you care about. For each 10% sabotage you've done on a hook, survivors that are hooked on it get an increase of 0.2 / 0.35 / 0.5% (or maybe 0.25 / 0.5 / 0.75%) chance to self-escape attempts.

This way you'll be able to help other survivors, but also yourself, and this ONLY for the first hooking. It doesn't seem overpowered to me as you'll gain a luck boost similar to one of the best luck offerings, but only for self-escapes from hooks. Moreover, it increases your chances of escaping but doesn't give you a tremendous percentage. And notice that if a hook is 99% sabotaged, well the survivor will get 9 times the percentage of luck, and not ten.

Also, here's another perk idea for survivor :

Vengeful ally – Seeing people suffer gets you out of your mind. For 60 seconds after performing a safe unhook or healing a survivor for one Health State, gain a 9 / 17 / 25% speed bonus for sabotage, as well as a 5 / 7.5 / 10% bonus chance to trigger a sabotage skillcheck. (The bonus speed might be a little too much there, though. It's only an idea I had without being able to think of a good balance for speed)

And a last one because I feel like it is the way Boil Over should have been :

Wrestle – You've done enough exercise during your life to be able to destabilise anyone trying to hold you down. While being carried by the killer, the time needed to escape his grasp is 3 / 6 / 9% shorter.

Also, I thought of a killer perk, here it is :

Sadistic Mechanician – You designed those hooks yourself, and are so proud of it that you won't allow anyone to touch them. Get a visual notification everytime a survivor performs a skillcheck while sabotaging a hook within a range of 24 / 32 / 40 meters. Moreover, when you carry a survivor on your shoulder, you can see how much hooks are sabotaged by their color (from Red to Orange to Yellow to White). The whiter the hook, the higher it has been sabotaged.

Well that's it. I had some other things in mind but not very clear, thought it would be better to stick to what I thought was already planned in my head.


  • lazerlight
    lazerlight Member Posts: 353

    Those perks sound cool not gonna lie but it would require the holder to always have either a toolbox or Saboteur. So if you have neither of those things those perks will become useless and I dont think many people would want to run those perks if they'll automatically need to use a slot for Saboteur...

  • Heptamasta
    Heptamasta Member Posts: 6

    You're actually right, I didn't think this through... In that case, maybe adding the Saboteur 50% sabo speed effect on all those perks and in the same time rework Saboteur so that it still feels like a perk that could be useful ? I dunno, something like putting back the efficiency boost (but lower than it was) could possibly be interesting, or adding an effect that would make you able to sabo Basement Hooks but very difficultly (like 2 times the normal sabo time).

    But yeah, you indeed got a point with that. That's also a thing that makes people not wanna play sabotage imo, it's a very restrictive playstyle and not very rewarding

  • Lametart
    Lametart Member Posts: 118

    Yeah, it would be cool if they can do more stuff for the sabo. They can also add a perk similar to Pharmacy but instead of medkits, you get a guaranteed toolbox out of the first searched box.

  • Netharon
    Netharon Member Posts: 29

    Sabo in general needs more love. The perk itself sucks. I can’t justify using a perk slot to add 30 seconds to sabo time when there are just so many hooks everywhere. I think that full sabotage of the hook shouldn’t break it, but rather cause the survivor that’s hooked, to have a benefit.

  • Lametart
    Lametart Member Posts: 118

    Ooh yeah! Maybe when using a toolbox all you can do is break the hook, but if you're using saboteur, after reaching 50% on the sabo time, the survivors who get hooked have 2% increase in luck to get off the hook!

    50% = + 2%

    55% = + 4%

    60% = + 6%

    65% = + 8%

    85% = + 14%

    95% = + 18%

    And maybe if the bar is at more than 85% the hook breaks when they unhook themselves.

  • Heptamasta
    Heptamasta Member Posts: 6

    Well maybe the +18% might be a little too much. When you see that luck offerings give from 1 to 3%, a +18% for just using the perk will really be super strong. Tho giving it a +9% max could be interesting: this way even if everyone uses a +3% luck offering, you'll get a 25% chance of unhooking yourself. That seems kinda ok to me when you think about how it will most likely happen once every 15 games or something like that ?

    However breaking the hook when unhooking yourself would make Jeff's Breakdown perk kinda useless while it's almost its whole point...

    But yeah sabotage is really underused and could use a rework to be more interesting for survivors while getting rid of the "haha gotcha #########" feel that makes killers tilt. I thought maybe making a perk that gives you a boost for actions when around a partially or completely saboed hook, something that would litteraly be a boost because your character feels safer near saboed hooks

  • Lametart
    Lametart Member Posts: 118

    true. 9% sounds good enough.

    But breakdown also shows you the killer's aura.

    Maybe unhooking from the saboed hook will just break it for like 40 seconds. Or less even.

  • Heptamasta
    Heptamasta Member Posts: 6

    Honestly the idea of not destroying hooks when you sabo them and just giving hooked survivors a bonus is really appealing, like that would litteraly get the bad part of sabo away while giving a very good mechanic in it. Tho making it a base kit ability might force the devs to turn towards a lot of perks that would turn around hook control, for killers and survivors. Might create a complete sabo meta if not balanced.

    Also I thought about something like entity hooks. Something that would make 2 or 3 hooks around the map get randomly chosen by the entity to bring some bonuses to the killer (maybe more points? a slight movespeed bonus when someone is hooked on it? something like that?) AND to the survivors (mostly points as the entity wouldn't favour survivors in the first place).

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    Perks requiring items isn't exactly new. Plenty hinge on items in general, toolboxes, or medkits.