Limitless killer ability

Is someone can tell why developers do one power limited and other is not?
For example, we have legion - he's feral frenzy limited in 3 ways - timer and cooldown, pellet stun him and miss hit by him will totally stop FF. After this - he become M1 killer for a short time. In Q&A 2.7.0(49:03) thay said "we want any decision we make while in FF to have possible serious consequences".
Okay. Undestandeble position. And if u see on killers - almost all have some kind of power limit: new freddy (only 8/10 pellets + cooldown on teleport), Ghost face (cooldown on ability+possible to break while looking on him), plague (time period on her corrupt power + need take this corruption + pellet stun stop corruption), legion, spirit (duration limit + cooldown + blindness), clown (only 4-7 bottles + need reload) and so-so. I guess its called game idea.
But not all killers have this limit. Only 4 killers dont have it. Wraith, Billy, Nurse, Doctor. Why?
I love play legion and mayers, but i dont like their limits. Why dont do them stronger and more comfortable.
OR make limits for ALL killers.
Both idea i like. I dont like what we have now, cause on killers i play - i have this stupid limits, and when i play survivior - i must suffer from limitless power from bunch of "chosen ones".
I hope it wont be a complaining discussion, but more of understand developers vision on game)
The problem is BHVR wants all Killers to seem the same so that if you switch around you wont feel so bad, it's just that they are turning all killers into M1 Killers, which is really boring. None of the "serious consequences" are fun for the Killer, but BHVR does it anyway.
Ghostface is must the same way too, make one mistake and you are M1 Killer for a min.
As Killer you are literally walking on Eggshells, because one mistake is way more detrimental to Killers than Survivors.
They seem to see the Killer Power as sprinkling on the dessert, not AS the dessert.
Things won't change until they get this.
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That's pretty much it. The game is designed in such a way that Killers are almost identical besides their M2 and movespeed, and that basic template is basically incapable of taking initiative. Nurse, Spirit, and Billy are the top Killers because they can step out of the base role's restrictions, but there's so much complaining about them from players who want looping to be the be-all end-all of pretending they're good at the game that BHVR is more likely to nerf them than raise their standards and flexibility for Killer design.
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All those killers "without limitations" were made in a time with another design philosophy. Then survs found out they dont have to git gud but can get killers nerfed before they even release.
Killers need those long cooldowns in which theyre "trapless trapper" ("M1") -killers so sirvivors dont get pressured by constant special abilities that need attention or reflexes.
Killermain btw.
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Because all those killers were made before the Legion backlash implemented the #counterplay philosophy of development.
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Killers with those limits are designed to be Fun™ for survivors. The last thing that Behavior would like to do is to create another Nurse, Spirit or Hillbilly. They're too.. oppressive to play again.
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First of all you missed cannibal
Second of all those Killers have limitations of their own, just not in the same way that other Killers do.
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Because if you don't get a 100% chance no matter how good the killer is to eliminate their power for the entire chase then it's not "fun"