How do you guys deal with DS?

Clown it1
Put down gas and run enduring with flask of bleach, juggle, or just eat the strike.0
Leave the obsession for last, find something else and tunnel the ######### out of someone else.
Slugging the obsession is usually what you wanna do, if multiple ds just give up and cry until 2.13 -
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I either dribble them to the hook, or put my self in a favorable position (like near a drop or in a corner where they have to run in front of me) and take it to get it out of the way.
Abusive Strike will eventually get nerfed, it's inevitable at this point.
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It depends on the situation. If the survivor is near a hook that I can dribble (1 or 2 drops) I will do that. If I have enduring and the basement stairs are near then I will eat the DS, but have the survivor drop to the bottom of the stairs. If neither are optional then I will just slug the DS survivor.
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the good old Tunnel as punishment, if they can have a get out of jail free card but we can't have increased add-on speed then they deserve that.
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I just eat them with Enduring, i need that ######### out of my matches ASAP.
I will dribble if it's obviously doable though, mainly to just say f u.2 -
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@Hillbilly420 said:
@βLAKE said:
It depends on the situation. If the survivor is near a hook that I can dribble (1 or 2 drops) I will do that. If I have enduring and the basement stairs are near then I will eat the DS, but have the survivor drop to the bottom of the stairs. If neither are optional then I will just slug the DS survivor.It's 3 drops.
I'm talking about the amount of drops it would take me to dribble the survivor.
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Oh the dribble. Let me tell you, there is nothing so sweet as having a DS user get sacrificed without using that crutch.3
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Hillbilly420 said:
@azazer said:
Oh the dribble. Let me tell you, there is nothing so sweet as having a DS user get sacrificed without using that crutch.Even better when you hook them just as they hit the DS and waste it.
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I laugh because most of my matches they use it as soon as i grab them so then it's gone completely for rest of game.
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It would be great if a Mori would work after a DS. No doubt making DS users scared to death about every Mori match.
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@GT_Legend2 said:
just want to get input from the community on how to deal with This DS BSIgnore the ds user and tunnel other players, if there are multiple DS, then dont be afraid to camp.
If you down the obession, think twice whether you wanna pick them up, usually its better to slugg them0 -
I dribble them like an NBA professional and slam dunk them on that hook.
Doesn't work all the time but if not, I eat it and reconsider life for the 5 years it takes to recover from a whimpy Survivor stabbing you in the back with their hands. 8-)
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I run Remember Me. It punishes DS because it lets you get an extra token on the first hook, meaning if you let them heal and kill them that's 5 tokens (or 25 seconds on the gate). RM rewards you for going after the obsession, where normally that's a loss. And I've 4k'd some games purely because RM kept the gates closed just long enough for me to catch the last guy or 2. Even had one game where I hooked a guy right by a closed gate and was able to just leave because I knew that gate would take at least 40 seconds to open. In fact the guy that came for the save didn't realize I had RM, saved the guy and went for the door. I'm sure he was screaming at his TV when I came back 10 seconds later and the gate isn't even half open.
IMO it's the best counter to DS or OoO because you want to go after that person. Though I usually play with the rule that if the person does not hit me with DS and wiggle every time (meaning they don't have DS or obs perks) then I will get 4-5 tokens and 2 hooks, then give them a chance to get away and go for someone else, so long as I'm in a strong enough position to do it. If my Ruin is gone and 2 gens are left and I haven't found you yet, bet that you will get tunnelled/camped before the last gen pops.
It's also fun to chase the person not using DS. They spawn into the game and are the obsession, that means Remember Me or Dying Light, both of which mean you are gonna die if you get caught. The look of terror on their faces as I just abandon a guy mid chase and injured to go DIRECTLY for them. IDGAF what else is happening when I see my obs that is my priority.
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Depends on the situation.
Is a Hook close by enough?
Then I juggle them too.
No Hook close enough, but I have seen another survivor?
Let them Bleed.
No hook near by, no other survivors in sight?
Then just eat it. If you are in the Killer shack stand beside the stairs so when they DS they fall into the stairs, and have to run up them. That will give you time for your stun to wear off.
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Hillbilly420 said:
@azazer said:
Oh the dribble. Let me tell you, there is nothing so sweet as having a DS user get sacrificed without using that crutch.Even better when you hook them just as they hit the DS and waste it.
When that happens i hit them on the hook a couple times to add insult to injury.2 -
Play clown.
Run enduring, flask of bleach and an ether addon.
Throw down your flask , pick em up and enjoy the post match salt.2 -
The only things you can do to combat it is dribbling to a hook, dribbling to basement stairs and drop them off edge. Dribbling is countered by a single bodyblock though. Enduring and just eating the DS. Alternatively you could keep them running until they're near enough to a hook but that's a spotty choice.
Personally I prefer to just eat it and get it out of the way. The real problem I've got with DS is non obsession DS. Wastes like triple the time obsession DS does and no way to know if they have it.1