New Status hud's for Whenever a Survivor is Doing a Specific Action

RaginRendon Member Posts: 279
edited August 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

Being able to know what your teammates are exactly doing by simply looking at the bottom left corner of the screen can help players a lot (especially solo players). It'll allow players to make more wise decisions.

Post edited by RaginRendon on


  • invira_zero
    invira_zero Member Posts: 229

    I dont think its suitable for killer, cause its way too powerful. But then, disable it for SWF. Why? Cause they have all of these info, even without voice comms.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    If they already have that info, what's the point of disabling it for them?

  • Captain_Doomsday
    Captain_Doomsday Member Posts: 175

    Info like that is why SWFs have an unfair advantage. I thought you just meant making a gen progress meter appear over the gens without directly touching them, and even then, I would say only give Survivors that info if they were near it when it was last interacted with (lost on Killer kick).

  • Lametart
    Lametart Member Posts: 118

    Hmm.. maybe instead of displaying a specific icon for a specific action. They could just make it so the icons shown are the main 4 Point houses (Bold, Obj, Altr, Survl).

    If someone is doing a gen, or searching a box, they get the Objective icon shown next to their player icon. If they're cleansing a totem, they'll get the Boldness icon, healing themself-survival, healing other-Altruism

  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279

    Although I respect your idea, it's better off being specific because it'll allow teammates to make the best decisions and the killer will be able to apply the proper pressure that they should.

  • Lametart
    Lametart Member Posts: 118
    edited July 2019

    It was just a suggestion. I also like the idea of specific actions better. All I want is to know when someone's getting chased. Why does only the obssession get to have an animation on their icon :c even the icons twitching would be enough.

  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279

    It sucks I know, but let's hope that this will make it into the game.

  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279

    Not only will it benefit solo players, but it'll also allow the killer to apply better map pressure for they can also see what survivors are doing.

  • Lametart
    Lametart Member Posts: 118

    You know what???? I was thinking... maybe if they add this. They can totally give Left Behind the buff it needs!

    If you're the last survivor, and you have LB your HUD doesnt show what youre doing!.

  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279

    That sounds great but endgame collapse makes it useless unfortunately.

  • Lametart
    Lametart Member Posts: 118

    Literally if they add something like this when someone's in chase I'll be happy.

    @RaginRendon I guess.... uugh they should just make it so it shows you the aura of the hatch when you're 36 meters away (Tier 3).

  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279

    I would be happy as well.

    Left behind would be a lot more viable if they were to change it like that.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Yes, this idea would be a good, quick way to make the game a little bit more friendly and accessible.

  • Lametart
    Lametart Member Posts: 118

    @Peanits sorry to bother you again.... but what do you think about this?

  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279


    Yes, I would like to know as well :)

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    Wait? OP intended for killers to see this too?

    Thats certainly outside my expectations and honestly cant foresee how'd it affect the game.

  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279

    Buffs solo survivors (giving them information on what their teammates are doing, allowing them to make better choices for what they should be doing) and allows the killer to apply better map pressure.

  • t3hp0larbear
    t3hp0larbear Member Posts: 76

    Personally, at most I'd like to see this implemented as a training wheel for anyone between ranks 20-15, when everyone is still learning how the game works or getting back into it after not playing for a while, similarly to how the loading screen tends to give away who the killer is with a tip when you're at lower ranks. At rank 15 and higher, the status HUD shows as it does now.

    Even though SWF groups have the benefit of communication via voice chat, I really feel like knowing what your team is doing at any given moment from anywhere on the map takes away from the suspense that this game is supposed to carry with it. I think the solution should be something along the lines of letting killers opt-out of SWF matches.

  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279

    It won't take the suspense away at all because the killer will be able to see what the survivors are doing as well, making the survivors feel less safe whenever their doing a certain action.

  • Lametart
    Lametart Member Posts: 118

    Hunty... im in rank 6 & when i get downed I see the survivors running around, crouching (while being on the complete opposite side of the map) or they leave gens to come unhook me the SECOND I get hooked... mind you they're also in purple ranks/red/green ranks. WITHOUT Ruin being active/existent.


  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279


    You can even be a rank 1 but still have potato teammates.

  • t3hp0larbear
    t3hp0larbear Member Posts: 76

    I beg to differ. The suspense comes from uncertainty of knowing exactly what anyone else that you can't see is doing, and in certain contexts the detailed information can give either side an unfair edge over a situation.

    The game starts, and within the first 20 seconds, you see your teammate is already in a chase.

    Well, now you know that you can just do whatever and there's a good chance that if you hear the killer's terror radius, you don't have to worry about dropping your action and evading the killer because the odds that the killer is going to come investigate where you are are slim to none. This makes it all the more easier to gen rush, given that the chased survivor is good at routing and positioning and can survive for longer than 15 seconds, and makes perks like Spine Chill even more powerful than they currently are.

    A killer approaches a generator. The generator is partially repaired, but nobody's status indicates that they stopped working on anything. They move on to another one, this time two peoples' statuses flick off from objectives to idle, and the killer knows almost for certain that they hit a jackpot and will search the area thoroughly. This takes risk out of a killer's decision to search a generator that has progress and isn't in regression. Also, this renders Whispers and Urban Evasion almost pointless, as Whispers now relays less useful information than the status HUD does, and the odds of successfully hiding from a searching killer by matching their movements with Urban Evasion around an obstacle decreases significantly.

    Let's be real, survivors with that much lack of game sense won't benefit from a detailed status HUD.

  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279

    Well you don't know that, what if some players do find the detailed status HUD useful? Also not all players use whispers and you don't need to have urban evasion to be successful when it comes to sneaking away from the killer, simply walking and holding still while crouching behind an obstacle is good enough. This won't make generators any easier to do and even if it did gen rushing has been a problem for a long time anyways.

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  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279
    edited July 2019
  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279

    Hey @MandyTalk & @Peanits, can I get your guy's opinion on this?

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745

    if this is implemented then killers will need a speed buff or some other large buff while also having gen time be nerfed, the problem with SWF is that they currently give this info, it is one of the problems with SWF, so basically you are giving everyone who is not SWF some of the power of SWF when it is known that SWF is a problem, very bad idea

  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279
    edited July 2019

    But the difference between solo and swf is swf groups are friends meaning they'll be dedicated to both the objective and helping each other out as much as possible. It's possible for solo players to be same but it's uncommon.

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  • Bue
    Bue Member Posts: 4

    Yeah, every single game I'm in with my pals, we say who's going to save guy from the hook. (We don't talk about every detail, but this is discussed 95% of the time)

    If we have an icon that shows that 2 buddies are working on gens, I will know as a solo player, that I should go to save the player on the hook.

    Just the same, if nobody is on a gen or healing, I can deduce that they are likely trying to save the friend on the hook.

  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279

    Great example, glad your one of the people who see the good in this.

  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279

    Us solo players need this!

  • DIZ
    DIZ Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2019

    Peanits' point is valid for SWF but not for solo players. Knowledge is power in DBD.

    However, @RaginRendon, I'm not sure if I would actually like being "all-knowing." Chase indicator for non-Obsessions seems fair, but I do like the risk-reward dynamic (generally) of hoping my fellow Survivors are getting work done/en route to save me. Plus, Kindred exists.

  • SpacingLlamas
    SpacingLlamas Member Posts: 602

    I really like your idea, hope it gets added.

    Between kindred not being added into a base mechanic for survivors (also being completely shutdown from devs to not be added) and nothing else being done to close the gap with solos and swf.

    This is great and everything I've seen opposed to adding this are terrible excuses and not good reasons to not have it implemented

  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279

    Thank you for TRULY understating how useful this can be. Your right, most people just give lame excuses on how it wouldn't be useful but their not even giving it enough thought.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Regarding a generator indicator.

    It would actually have a psychological effect, specifically that "oh ######### I don't want to look useless to my fellow survivors so I should get on a generator".

    Thus having the indicator motivates you to help the other Survivors by doing gens.

    It also means if someone is hooked it's (usually) clear if someone is about to go for an unhook by the fact that they'd suddenly stop doing gens but not enter a chase.

    One thing I'd like to add, Survivors should have an indicator when a Survivor is in the Killer's terror radius (the Killer shouldn't obviously). This most importantly would include a Survivor on the hook.

    This could just be highlighting the body portion of their portrait in something like orange with it getting more intense the closer they are.

    This isn't anything SWF don't regularly communicate. "He's on me"

  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279

    Yes, it'll help a lot with decision making so players can use their time more efficiently.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    As a killer, I'd only want this when I'm against Survive with Friends groups. The killer should know what they know. It's only fair then.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    If the killer doesn't see this, then that would shift the already broken balance even further to survivor.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    Wouldnt SWF also benefit because they do not have to ask for information as much as before? freeing more time for actual strategies than just asking for status.