A Survivor that's committed murder

We have plenty of killers with sad backstories. The "Did nothing wrong club" covering Wraith, Spirit, Hag, etc.

Why not a survivor whose killed before? And I don't mean like Bill, a soldier, but a murderer. Someone who could have piqued the Entity's interest through an extremely violent crime but wasn't good enough in its eyes to earn a killer role but with a strong enough sense of self preservation (Or whatever quality the Entity looks for) that they were selected as a survivor.

Their perks could (and should) revolve around a more selfish playstyle. Similar to Laurie's but maybe with a more aggressive attitude and playstyle towards different actions (Laurie's perks are mostly passives).


  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814

    Cool concept.

    But there is one problem: how will you explain Legion overpowering such guy :p

  • Ark_the_Bonsai
    Ark_the_Bonsai Member Posts: 867

    @HazeHound The same way we argue that they can beat up someone like David or a trained military professional like Bill. The Entity said so lol

  • CoffengMin
    CoffengMin Member Posts: 862

    im down, tho im thinking that nea may have done something like that...

  • Ark_the_Bonsai
    Ark_the_Bonsai Member Posts: 867
    edited July 2019

    @CoffengMin I wouldn't be shocked if we got some Nea Massacres in the new Archives feature lol

    Edit: I like your Username man. Creative

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    I like the idea and wonder if we could take it a step further. Say, some sort of split personality. This character is released and can be used as either a survivor OR a killer! Of course there would be different perks and skills depending on role, but imagine the hilarity when this killer hooks his counterpart survivor!

    Also, one of his scary qualities could be that he looks similar regardless of role (size, clothing, etc.) where the main difference is that the killer version carries a weapon. There could be a lot of cases of mistaken identity that lead to some intense jump scares!

  • Ark_the_Bonsai
    Ark_the_Bonsai Member Posts: 867

    @yobuddd I like your idea too but it'd defeat the idea I'm going for here. I'm wanting an opposition to the "They did nothing wrong but ended up as killers anyway" A parallel for survivors. Someone who did something horrendous but wasn't worthy of killer.

    A dual survivor and killer would be cool (hell that would've been the perfect way to utilize the fact that there are 4 members of legion) but it's not quite what I was going for. You should totally make that a separate wish though. I'd vote for it!

  • Onionthing
    Onionthing Member Posts: 469
    edited July 2019

    Silent Hill was great for this as well as various stories about Soldiers or Convicts trying to escape a terrible past, only to get sucked into a nightmare senario. I think a ExCon would be a awesome addition to the game.

    As for how would you explain Legion overpowering a Adult who has killed before? Easy ... Entity gave them powers, they really aren't 100% human anymore.

    As a "kind of joke but still would be awesome if handled right" one of the survivors offering themselves to the entity to become a killer and betray their friends would be an interesting twist. To end their torment they offer their soul and humanity to become a twisted version of themselves. I vote Nea or David.

    Post edited by Onionthing on
  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669

    So kinda like the movie The Running Man....disregarding the fact Ben Richards was actually innocent and was framed. I like it.

    And on that note.... I now officially want a The Running Man chapter lol.

  • Ark_the_Bonsai
    Ark_the_Bonsai Member Posts: 867

    @Karl_Childers I haven't seen that movie in so long, holy #########. That'd be a cool chapter but honestly... I can't imagine King allowing it. He tends to be pretty strict about his stuff and if he caught one whiff of what happened with Freddy he wouldn't let DBD touch his stuff with a 100 foot pole. If they can pull it off I'd be all for it though! that was a fantastic story and a pretty good movie.

  • Ark_the_Bonsai
    Ark_the_Bonsai Member Posts: 867

    @Onionthing I hadn't thought of it but you're absolutely right! Silent Hill would be the perfect candidate. It'd also allow DBD to go back into game crossovers since their only one was Bill.

    It'd also be hilarious having someone actually manage to escape Silent Hill only to end up in the Entities little nightmare realm. (IMO it'd still be a step up. Out of the fire and back to the frying pan instead of the usual phrase.)

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669

    I love that movie! I never thought about it being in the game till you mentioned a criminal survivor. You are right though, it would never happen in a million years, but ######### so much potential. In my dream world, we could have Ben Richards (could you imagine getting Arnold to voice his scream lmao), and a killer like Sub zero with the map being a huge ice rink lol. Buzzsaw would obviously be redundant with his chainsaw, but even though I don’t like him Dynamo would be something different with his electricity thing.

    please for the love of god BHVR, allow my dreams to come true!

  • Ark_the_Bonsai
    Ark_the_Bonsai Member Posts: 867

    @Karl_Childers Sorry I took so long to get back to you, but I thought you were meaning more of just Ben as a survivor (Arnold's scream would be glorious but with him being a politician now there's no chance in hell of getting it). With the hunters being killers I feel it'd need to be a multi killer chapter to really do it justice. An all or nothing scenario ya know?

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    And Kate, people (myself included) really hate Kate, I'm friends with this one person who has anger issues and he literally smashed his headset with a hammer because a random Kate sandbagged him, he hates Kate, I hate Kate, I wish we all hate Kate

  • hahmraro
    hahmraro Member Posts: 96

    I mean, Ash killed reality-bending demons, armies, superpowered monsters, and a skyscraper sized titan. Still is defenseless agains teenagers with lung cancer and enhanced strenght who can't attack in group.

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    I love Ash too man, but unfortunately it's the entity's realm so everyone has to play by his rules, even Ash.

    Same goes for Bill, Bill kicked ass against the zombie hordes and now he's having to run away.

    But I feel like Ash will get his groovy back from the Archives

    "That's right, that's me baby"

  • LancerCain
    LancerCain Member Posts: 72

    I had a fan concept for a survivor like that. He was a grave robber/Mafia kind of guy, in his story he shoots the killer when he was still human.

    His perks were mostly about being egoistical and leave others survivors by themselves.

  • Ark_the_Bonsai
    Ark_the_Bonsai Member Posts: 867

    @LancerCain Really? You should write it up and post it here in the fan creation section.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    Back to the less-than-pure survivor idea, I just had an idea for a possible perk!

    Touch of Evil

    Within a 10m/20m/unlimited range, you can see scratch marks (even your own) as the killer would see them, with all perk effects applied.

  • Ark_the_Bonsai
    Ark_the_Bonsai Member Posts: 867

    I love that idea! Though the range won't really matter all that much as most people would use it for their own marks. What would you say if, instead, it was something along the lines of "Scratchmarks are visible for X seconds" for each tier?

    This would be even cooler if it was effected by the killers perks to showcase the link. Like if the killer runs predator, you see your scratchmarks condensed in the same way the killer does so you know they have that perk.

    I'd actually love if all of their perks were like this, a sort of direct relationship with the killer! Thanks for posting dude, just the idea of that perk has me giddy

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    I’m glad you liked it! Yes, I want the scratch marks to be affected by all perks, including those used by the killer. It could also help you figure out if he’s using such a perk.

    I thought about using a time limits, but then that would mess up combinations with Lightweight and other duration perks.

    You’re right in the fact that most people would use this for their own scratch marks, so I’m thinking it should be more like Breakdown (where you break a hook after coming down) where it has 1 general purpose and the tiers don’t really matter.

    I like the range idea because it can double as a buddy-detection perk when you get to tier 3 with unlimited range. See scratch marks on the wall in the distance and run that way to get some healing and such. Also useful for helping newbies understand how to track, killer-style!

  • Ark_the_Bonsai
    Ark_the_Bonsai Member Posts: 867

    Alright, now that you've explained how a timer would be a problem I get it. I was too busy thinking of how it'd interract with killer perks to think of how it'd work with survivor perks. And the buddy detection is a really neat use. Kinda like how people use Bond for sandbagging, thinking outside the box ^-^

  • fluffymareep
    fluffymareep Member Posts: 634

    I think the difference is what the entity is looking for in the roles. Killers, for instance, needs to follow the entity's bidding, while survivors need to have the hope the entity can feed off of. The only way we could get a murderer is if they were a very hopeful sort, I think.

  • Ismellgasonmyhands
    Ismellgasonmyhands Member Posts: 2

    I think a murderer with selfish reasons, maybe for monetary gain or to keep a secret, would make a lot of sense in that respect, maybe someone who escaped conviction as well. A perk that makes the hatch spawn and openable when everyone else is dead OR hooked might be a good fit but that would probably just be frustrating for killers and survivors.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    I made a new chapter idea based on this thread yesterday, and your ideas were actually incorporated! There is a character who escaped conviction as well as a perk involving changes to the hatch. If you want to check it out and tell me what you think, you can find it here:


  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    I mean, we have Nea... but we can't count the Entity itself, could we? XD