Detection perks vs Stealth killers

Object of obsession is an interesting perk, both killer and survivor gain the exact same benefit yet if the killer chooses not to chase you the survivor gets rewarded by getting a free aura read. when i started playing dbd for the first time i played laurie (dont ask why) then i got dark sense and i thought it was rly good, then i saw object of obsession and i was like o damn i can always see the killer this is way better than dark sense only to realize mid match that the killer can see me xd, back to the topic i just hate how object of obsession takes the majority of wraith's power, you can already see him coming when cloaked without this perk, and how it takes half of pig's power. more than half of ghost face's power, so is it ever going to be addressed? did the devs mention anything?


object of obsession takes the majority of killers power away, is it going to be addressed? did the devs mention anything about this topic?


  • Financial_Stability
    Financial_Stability Member Posts: 467

    You found out a very strong meta that is starting to evolve at the high ranks. I'm glad you see the issue as well.

    OoO is one of those perks that heavily hurts all but about 2-3 killers. Nerfing it would generally be a nerf to SWF, while solos really won't be injured by it being changed.


  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    @Financial_Stability And what would your nerf suggest? Nerfing it to where it won't work on stealth killers would just make it so that it's a 100% negative effect to the user of the perk, and there's no such perk like that for anyone, nor should there be. Also even watching rank 1 youtubers, you don't see OoO that much so I don't think it's become some meta.

  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265

    Really is a BS perk when playing as GF. Spine chills sucks too.It completely takes away his ability and SWF teams abuse the hell outta it. It's gotten to where I can barley sneak up on people anymore. By the time I round the corner, there already running from the gen. How did they know I was even there? There's zero line of sight! Stupid spine chills and ooo SWF groups with mics breaks the game 10x worse than a Omega blink nurse!

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    Counters stealth killers way too hard, who are the last killers that need a counter this hard.

    Every other detection perk is fine, OoO I do not think is in a good place balance-wise.

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109

    @Atrushan88 honestly I have been playing wraith quite frequently I am getting at least one OBO user every 4 games or so. However, if I feel there is a user that is running OBO I run nurse. Now let me tell you something I NEVER see their aura then? Coincidence I think not. Although, I agree OBO shouldn't work within a certain range to a killer. So if they are within 32 meters to whatever their max is you can't see the killer nor can the killer see you. Play wraith and try to cloak-mind game a survivor running OBO.

  • Financial_Stability
    Financial_Stability Member Posts: 467

    It in itself needs to be reworked entirely. 24/7 aura reading should not be a thing. It should have a use of course, but what it is now isn't something that should exist.

    Simply watching youtubers does not give you an understanding of R1 meta. Typically, youtubers like to show off their good games, disregarding bad ones typically. This is especially True of Monto, who is known to MLGA dodge his blocked killers (happens to me, and a variety of other R1 killers I know.)

    If you yourself haven't gone up against it, you're definitely in for a surprise.

  • JMFF_4TheGr8terGud
    JMFF_4TheGr8terGud Member Posts: 7

    well i feel as if its fair, if killers can have bbQ hex ruin and noed all at once that OoO is not that bad, it helps both sides, learn to play against instead of getting rid of it

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109
    edited July 2019

    hex ruin is useless. If you can hit greats on gens without ruin. How does ruin actually affect you? Get good at hitting skill checks. Not to mention this perk is HEAVILY RNG dependant. I have gotten games where I was 2 gens in without a skill check. Noed, please do totems there are at most currently 5 to a map. If you can't take the time to do them. You risk the chance at noed. BBQ the equivalent is WGLF with an aura reading that is countered by Hook and gen auras, Lockers, Distortion, and being in range of the perk. So please tell me how any of this compares to a perk that you are in control of for an aura reading 24/7 that completely destroys killers like Wraith, and Ghostface. @JMFF_4TheGr8terGud

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    @Jdsgames You can't. If you're running Object of Obsession, you can only see up to 72(If you're the obsession, otherwise 64 meters) meters with tier 3. Also if they're INSIDE the killer's terror radius, they can't see their aura. This means that in general(I'd say most killers have 32 m TR), they can see you within 32-40 meters with OoO, and that's outside of your terror radius.

  • Financial_Stability
    Financial_Stability Member Posts: 467

    How do you outplay OoO when you're playing Wraith? How do you outplay OoO if you're playing trapper? I don't think you understand that there is NO counterplay unless you are an entirely different killer.

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109

    @Atrushan88 see cloaked wraith has no terror radius. <3 Stealth Pig has no Terror Radius, GhostFace has no Terror Radius. So they can be seen from 0->~whatever meters. It's minimum should be distance based not terror radius based.

  • Sushi_x2099
    Sushi_x2099 Member Posts: 39

    hopefully object of obsession works on new freddy its complete bs wen u hav perk and freddy can see u but u cant see him

  • Slayer
    Slayer Member Posts: 1,148
    edited July 2019

    And so what? Doctor s power (addons) negates stealth perks.

    Myers tier 1 negates detection perks.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    @Jdsgames You ALSO see their aura from 72/64 to 0 meters if you have 0 terror radius. You realize this right? It grants the SAME bonuses to the killer as the survivor in EVERY situation. Btw as for Ruin, it does actually have a use if you can hit great skill checks. It prevents a bonus to progression even if you hit it. It's not like it's completely nullified by hitting great skill checks. Not saying what you said has no weight, but it's not completely useless even if you can hit great skill checks. Even if you have 0 terror radius, you can also look the complete opposite way to counter it and trick them.

    @Financial_Stability This would be true, if TrU3Ta1ent didn't upload his youtube videos from his streams. You can't fake that.

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109
    edited July 2019

    @Atrushan88 I don't think you have played wraith to know about how his best potential mind-game plays work. The problem is you are forced out of cloak mode as wraith then become the easiest loop-able killer. When you are in cloak mode wraith gets his power from the mind-game potential at pallets due to the speed boost. However, you can't mind-game something that can see your aura. There is no way to sneak up without walking backwards through the entire map. Even looking away you need to have some indication of where they are to use your ability. So essentially wraith is powerless in all chases against an OBO. If you would like to KYF you would see the potent damage. A perk should not nullify a killer. Similar to how one perk shouldn't guarantee a win.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited July 2019

    @Jdsgames I don't play Wraith, so I can't confirm or deny that it "destroys" Wraith, as there are ways to counter OoO(and I'm not a top tier killer), and again, you have information on that survivor as well. You see their aura even if you're right next to them just like they see yours. Either way though, there's no nerf you can give to it that wouldn't make it a useless perk, because currently, it gives the exact same information to both killer and survivor. Doing anything less to the survivor side would make it useless, doing anything to the more to the killer side would again, not warrant taking it.

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109
    edited July 2019


    No, it simply should be based on distance not TR. 32 meter minimum distance. Boom solution solved. The picture above should show you why I used nurse. That perk obliterates any no-terror radius reliant killer. Yes, I will not deny the poor dwight that was gonna bully me as wraith may or may have not been wiped from existence. He even nodded once the match began because he knew what was going down.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    @Jdsgames You realize whether it's based on distance or TR would be exactly the same for your situation with Wraith, right? You'd still be able to see stealth killers because they'd still be a set distance from you. I mean yeah, they'd be able to see you a bit less, but I don't think it'd do much difference as if you got in 32m you could still walk backwards. TrU3 does this quite well, although he's a higher tiered killer so he knows where survivors will be when, which I guess is why he can counter OoO so well when it pops up against him(despite me viewing his videos and only seeing it maybe 3 times out of 10 killer videos). I mean distance would be a fine change, not too problematic, since it wouldn't really destroy the perk. You'd still be able to see stealth killers within the range you generally should. Although making it a 32 meter distance would mess with interactions like Distressing. I suppose if the killer's terror radius is 0 they could set it to a 32m distance, but that'd mess with lower TR killers.

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109
    edited July 2019

    @Atrushan88 No, if it was distance based when I was cloaked they would still be under the 32m distance. That means when I am close enough to them I still have the capability to use wraith's uncloaking speed as a possible cut of distance in a chase. You CANNOT do this against OBO.

    Even walking backwards you have to predict which direction they are going to run blindsided. This is especially problematic at jungle gyms. You cannot cut them off while being cloaked or double back as they see you. Even trying to hide it the aura only has to show for a split fraction of a second to give away position and break any form of mind-game chance you had. This is how you play optimally Wraith is extremely strong when you know when to just disappear and go after someone else or stay on them and trap them. However, if I ignore you because you have OBO you will do gens. If I go after you I have to do it uncloaked which means wraith has baseline killer potential at max. At least with it being distance based In a tight-loop based chase it doesn't affect the killer.

    Ghost Face - Goes into shroud person knows you are coming and can see you from any distance on the map practically. Oh, they are going over there let me break them out of stealth. The perk simply counters the entire power simply by abusing the mechanic of terror radius being the minimum distance it can be used.

  • michaelrandom27
    michaelrandom27 Member Posts: 100

    So everyone in here seems to be ignoring the fact that this perk also reveals the survivor using it. Every survivor needs stealth, too, so running Object Of Obsession is going to nearly guarantee that you will die. If you're going to cry about it this much, just run a blindness add-on or perk. Every survivor perk can be destroyed by a killer perk, this one included. Get good and stop complaining.

  • starpilotsix
    starpilotsix Member Posts: 203

    No, plenty of survivors don't need stealth. Certain killers need stealth, and certain players do, but skilled players can, in many cases, run up to a killer, grab their attention, and then loop them around the map without once hiding, until all generators or nearly all generators are done, and still escape if the killer doesn't camp them. And when you're talking SWF teams - it may not matter to a SWF team if one of them dies by keeping the killer distracted enough to let the rest of them escapes, and provide detailed information about the killer's movements over coms.

    OoO reveals the survivors as well as the killer, but they're not equally dangerous... in particular, the survivor can, in many cases, decide when to activate it, spin the camera so you only flash on for a second, and you know where the killer is and he only sees you if he happened to be looking in the right direction. You can activate it while you're shielded by a generator aura - might still be seen, depending on angle, but you might be harder to see. There's basically never a time (outside of a few specific killers in a few specific instances) where the killer can see your aura without you seeing theirs, but there's plenty of times you can see theirs without them seeing yours.

    As for blindness add-ons/perks? There's only one perk that provides blindness, and that can be destroyed at any time in the match (including before the OoO is found and inflicted with blindness), with no hope of getting it back, and as for add-ons, almost all of them last for 60 seconds at most, following a hit, during which time the killer is usually still in a chase with the survivor they hit, within their terror radius, and so OoO wouldn't proc most of the time anyway. Either by the time they get away the blindness is over, or they get hooked and it's gone by the time they get unhooked. Not really an effective counter.

    I don't think it's an absolutely awful perk, but it does need reworking for stealth killers in particular. Simple rule: If there's no red stain, you shouldn't be able to see them. Maybe make it so they can't see you as well in those instances, but at least make it so you can't remove their main power.

  • Financial_Stability
    Financial_Stability Member Posts: 467

    I'd take it a step further. For people like Trapper, you aren't going to have a fun time with the survivor knowing your every trap. 24/7 aura reading shouldn't exist in this game.

  • prayer_survivor
    prayer_survivor Member Posts: 626

    MoM was nerfed to a trash perk. Now you want nerfing for OoO and adrenaline. And next? Exhaustions perks? Only 3 perks for survivors?