People that complain about NOED (Myself included), how would you change it?



  • fluffymareep
    fluffymareep Member Posts: 634

    I'm curious. Would people think it'd be an appropriate change to stop the movement speed and just have the one-shot? Adrenaline could have the SB removed, too, or keep the movement boost, but remove the heal.

  • venom12784
    venom12784 Member Posts: 666

    Really no reason to call people names . I was simply pointing why this would be a bad idea

  • venom12784
    venom12784 Member Posts: 666

    If a totem counter was added how many people would suddenly start doing totems that weren't before ?

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    edited July 2019

    even though i am mostly happy with the perk as it is, here's my suggestion to change it in a way that i believe is better:

    when the last generator is activated, all dull totems remaining on the map are lit up.

    the killer can now immediately kill any survivor ramaining in the trial (working similar to the Shapes tombstone add ons - the animation for killers having a mori animation with grounded survivors would include a simple hit from the killer, sending the survivor to the dying state and then performing their kill animation (e.g. Trapper, Wraith or Hillbilly) (it is one animation! the killer can not leave the downed survivor and the survivor can not escape through the gate, if they happen to fall through!) other killers, that dont require the survivor to be grounded, will just perform their kill animation from the stand (e.g. Freddy, Shape or Spirit)). However, doing so will break one of the remaining NOED totems on the map.

    once all affected totems are destroyed, the perk will deactivate.

    "oh, but that sounds like a buff!"

    and it is! at least parts of it. its also a nerf in some aspects. let me explain, why i think this would be better:

    NOED, right now, serves as a punishment for survivors who did not cleanse totems during the game and instead focus on generators. i REALLY want the perk to keep that aspect of punishment, while also giving it a little buff (that would also not completely break the perk). so basically, what it does now is giving the killer kills in the end game, if the survivors didnt do totems. since there are 5 totems, the killer would get 5 insta kills, IF no totem has been used for other Hex perks or been cleansed. however, the better survivors do at the cleansing, the worse the killers NOED will turn out to be. while it does give him an instakill when one totem lights up, it also keeps it at said kill. the totem will break once the killer used it and then the perk is gone, the other survivors are safe. the current NOED doesnt take it into count how many totems were cleansed, it always punishes the same way, no matter how well you did in the secondary objective as survivor, as long as a single totem remains. this aspect of the current NOED would be gone, aswell as the killers ability to slug the entire team with his insta down, since he only gets to insta kill survivors, he wont be getting that anymore. simple attacks from the killer will NOT inflict dying state with one hit anymore, so if the killer does not go for the insta kill and instead lunges (the insta kill does have the same range as Myers tombstone), he wont be able to slug healthy survivors. on top of that, survivors can still break Hex totems, therefore removing kills from the killers possible kill count or deactivating the perk completely.

    i thought NOED should not be restricted to one totem alone (therefore being RNG weather the right is found or not), but also reward teams that took the time and cleansed 3 or 4 totems during the game. it would also be more fitting to its name "No One Escapes Death", since it would literally mean certain death for cought survivors.

    again: the efficiency of this perk would change with killers perk choices (e.g. Ruin will take away a possible NOED totem) and by survivors doing their secondary objective. currently NOED only rewards team that cleansed 5 totems, otherwise it will strike in its full strength - this would also not work anymore. also, it would not carry bad killers by giving them a 4k anymore. they would only be able to kill as many survivors as there are totems - on top of that, the killer can no longer play around the perk as easily, since he cant just go and slug everyone with his instadown anymore. so you see, this would not be a straight buff to the perk, it does come with quite some downsides aswell.

    you dont have to like my idea, but i dont think just nerfing the perk would be the right way to go.

    also, @Peanits i would love to hear your thoughts on this (since, ya know your an official dev and could, IF you happen to like the idea more than the current version of the perk, share it with the design team)

    if there are any questions, if there is anything unclear or you didnt understand something, feel free to ask me. (dont forget to @ me, so i get a notification)

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    No-ED doesn't need fixing it's absolutely fine as it is...stop being a lazy ass and clear totems. Absolute scrubs out there these days

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261


  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599
    edited July 2019

    NOED is balanced as is, but dang if I don't love @Mister_xD 's idea.

    Thing is, I think it will absolutely massacre at mid-low ranks, even if only one or two totems aren't found, which is where NOED sees the most play in the first place. A lot of us who resent NOED do so because we rose through the ranks through a gauntlet of people getting what amounted to free kills despite not being all that good at the game - which makes sense, given that we're talking about those low/mid ranks, they haven't learned the killers that well yet - people earn the kills in purple/red, but by that point most killers are skilled enough not to need NOED in the first place.

    This wouldn't be as much of a problem, but with totem spawns getting buffed even good survivors are having harder times finding hexes, much less dulls.

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    It's almost like most jokes have an origin. Calling them bones is funny so I'm going to continue doing it

  • purebalance7
    purebalance7 Member Posts: 90

    NOED should have always been like Haunting Grounds. All totems become hex totems at the end and cleansing one cleanses all.

  • Casm
    Casm Member Posts: 61
    edited July 2019

    I mentioned this suggestion in a different thread, but I think a 'whispers' style perk for survivors that let them know when they're close to a lit totem could be a good idea. I personally don't think it would be a big deal for survivors to know when they're within 32ish meters of a hex totem and I think it would help alleviate the complaints about hex perks in general (IE: Ruin/Noed etc).

    Alerts you when within 32 meters of a hex totem and you cleanse totems 5/10/15% faster. Increase the amount of Bloodpoints gained from cleansing totems by 100%.

    Something like that.

  • DaS_only
    DaS_only Member Posts: 656

    people who defend noed always claim it's a counter to genrush. Yet, the only people who really genrush hardcore are swf groups but at the end if the day it's the solo survivors who are getting hitted by noed the hardest. It's a bad designed perk. At least a totem counter in the HUD should be there.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    NOED is not a skillful perk, you can be good or bad to get it to activate.

    You should need a requirement to hook everyone at least once to get it to activate.

    To compensate, they can buff the perk, or even add back the attack recovery cool-down.

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669

    Or only survivors who’ve been hooked once become exposed. This would definitely hurt NOED campers (a good thing), and encourage the killer to try to hook everyone if they want the full power.

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    Lol here

  • PalletOrWhat
    PalletOrWhat Member Posts: 265

    A totem counter makes sense if it comes as a perk. If you want to implement it directly into the game then noed should not be a perk either. So every killer would have NOED, but every survivor would know that and they would cleanse all totems. Time is gold in this game.

  • MySpaceBarsBroken
    MySpaceBarsBroken Member Posts: 167

    When the last gen finishes, a sound notification let's everyone know the killer has noed. Now its fair

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    Or dont get cocky thinking you can tank a hit when you cant?

  • Ravean
    Ravean Member Posts: 98

    No changes needed for NOED... you´re scared of NOED ? Kill the Totems

  • MySpaceBarsBroken
    MySpaceBarsBroken Member Posts: 167

    No. The movement speed increase is too much of an issue for that. Begin the game with all gens done against a nurse with noed. She'll probably get a 3k.

  • gamerscrybecauseofme
    gamerscrybecauseofme Member Posts: 366

    Why is this a community manager post?? NOED is not overpowered. It is on an undefended random totem that activates ONLY if survivors haven't cleared all the totems. If survivors want to get in game and gen rush or waste time looping killers around and not clear totems, then it's 100% their fault they get hit with it at the end. Even at the end, when everyone knows it's there, it can still be cleared before any rescue attempt is made, so again, not overpowered. Where is the overpowered aspect of this??

    If we are talking about tweaking things a little, then I will stick to my stance of having small game show how many totems are left.

    I play both sides of the game, I use NOED sometimes when the killer and have been hit by it too, even after clearing 4 totems myself (yes, when that happens my crybaby survivor side wishes that noed was nurfed)

  • DCh4rlie
    DCh4rlie Member Posts: 66

    Delete it, along with all other late game Perks on both sides.

    I heavily dislike the way how some perks are inactive for the entire trial up to the endgame, when they kick in and can possibly turn around an entire game for one side's favour.

  • BastardKing
    BastardKing Member Posts: 784

    I actually like NOED, and think more things like that should exist. I can loop a killer for 2-3 gens easily at purple ranks. (~1-2 at Red) I don't normally feel scared until the later part of the game, 3rd hook left, and injured. (Assuming I am with my team. If with randoms, I feel scared hitting the button to play as Survivor)

    NOED isn't as good as people say, but it gives a thrill factor this game is often missing. I want to be scared of a killer. Only two killers who actually scare me at all are Myers and Ghostface.

  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    Totems arent a objective for survivors. Survivor have main objective doing gens. If they cant do that theyre probably in a chase. So their second objective is looping. Then you have optional unhooking. No objective but pretty near an objective cause you need your teammates in order to Do efficiently your main objective. After gens are done your Main objective is opening an exit. If you cant do that your probably in a chase. Totems are just optional. And most time if you go for them you go alone and that costs too much time and will mostly end in defeat. Thats what happens in reality.

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    So Xs are objectives and Ys are not, but you give no singular broad reason for how you distinguish between them. It's almost as if objectives are things you personally want to do and non-objectives are the things you don't.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    Don't take it personally - His post history is actually of the funniest I've seen in a while...

    I gotta go get an insta-heal for all those sharp edges ;(

  • Jonathanskilz
    Jonathanskilz Member Posts: 403

    I think they should make it so that

    the disappointment of your failures gives you extreme strength that you can down 1-2 survivors with a juan tab.

    dont work if its only 1 or 2 survivors left in the trial

  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    As a survivor, I personally try to do totems as much as I can, and expect my team to do then as well.

    If I do 4 totems during the match, and the killer STILL has NoED, I ain't a happy camper.

    Wanna nerf NOED? Make cleansing dull totems important.

  • Maj33y
    Maj33y Member Posts: 236


    I don't have a Problem With Hex Perks they are Weak , it's Survivors fault not to cleanse totems

    a Solution to this would be to make a Survivor Perk that grants a token up to 5 tokens for each totem cleansed that grant somewhat of a Buff .

    or Having an accumlative daily that encourage players to cleanse totems . Say a total of 30 totems or so .

    Easy peasy but most survivors are lazy even in Red Ranks .

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    Add a totem counter.

  • GoddamnBananas
    GoddamnBananas Member Posts: 54

    Personally, I'd gladly give up Adrenaline if it meant giving up NOED.

  • GoddamnBananas
    GoddamnBananas Member Posts: 54

    How do those anything to do with the topic at hand? Nice Strawman though.

  • Sushi_x2099
    Sushi_x2099 Member Posts: 39

    nerf noed its only fair since whiny killers got mettle of man and decisive strike nerfed

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    I see survivors still "don't wanna do the bones".

    Once again, we killers do a community service and give you an optional objective and you refuse to do it. Then complain when failure to do so hurts you.

    FFS guys, the totems are laughably easy to find. Just do the damn bones.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    This, a thousand times this.

    People who play a lot of killer understand and are better survivors as a result.


    FFS, playerbase in this game needs a big steaming cup of GIT GUD

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669
    edited July 2019


    Do you do the bones when the killer is standing in front of a hook camping? Do you expect and root for teammates doing the bones when you are that person on the hook with the killer staring at you, and not gens?

  • bendermac
    bendermac Member Posts: 772

    YES! Ever played Killer and have all 4 SV get healed up at once when the 5th gen popped? It's freaking annoying. Also many players consider NOED to be the counter to Adrenaline.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600
    edited July 2019

    Actually, if I'm being camped but my teammates doing the bones, I'm ecstatic because they've demonstrated to me they have more than 2 brain cells to rub together.

    Because literally doing ANYTHING productive is better than feeding a camping killer.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    With Adrenaline being used as rampantly as it is what else do you suggest I use to counter it?