They should make an entire circus map

Behavior should do the clown justice and make a full circus map. It's quite disappointing that my favorite killer doesn't have a themed map. Now I know that there are others who don't have one either but they should make one for them too (Leatherface, Ghostface etc.)


  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,340

    I thought father campbells chapel WAS the clown's map. If you remember, the Clown wasnt the owner of a circus or anything. The only thing he DID own would be the things he could fit into his carriage when he ran from circus to circus, as well as his horse.

  • The_Medicine_Man
    The_Medicine_Man Member Posts: 65
    edited July 2019

    I really don't see how the chapel should be his map other than the little area with his wagon. It's not even in his story. Also you said it yourself, he moves from circus to circus so why would he be at the chapel. The circus is where he thrives. Here's what I'm thinking about. They should make a whole map that is a circus, with little stalls and all the attractions, and in some dark corner of the map should be his wagon, that would make perfect sense. The clown catches one of his victims in the colorful alleys of the circus and drags them to his wagon where he kills them and takes one of their fingers


  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599
    edited July 2019

    The Clown didn't have a circus. His story is that he kept getting kicked out of circuses, hanging near them like a parasite without actually being on the playbill.

    Father Campbell's Chapel is his map, released alongside Kate and Clown, whether you like it or not. The point is "the lonely caravan" is isolated and away from prying eyes, near the abandoned chapel, where he cares for Maurice who was burnt by the Entity.

    I do want to see a carnival, but it's not actually something that fits with Kenny's story. He wanted to be part of circuses at the end, but wasn't allowed.

  • doitagain_
    doitagain_ Member Posts: 723
    edited July 2019

    Clown has the Chapel map.

    Leatherface has the Thompson House map right?

    So Ghostface is the only one without a map I think..

  • invira_zero
    invira_zero Member Posts: 229

    Fat boi deserves some themed map.

  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704

    100% agree, this would be great. Just hire a different guy to actually make the maps and this would be awesome.

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    I mean it's not 'his' map, he didn't come with anything. Grim Pantry just kinda released alongside him.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599
    edited July 2019

    @doitagain_ @White_Owl  Leatherface released without a map. He was supposed to be released with a map and Kate, but they cut development into his chapter so much that they only made four unique addons and released him alone. The *Faces don't get maps.

    Clown borrowed Nurse's Realm, but has his own map with its own features, same as Plague is tacked onto Hag's Realm.

    Again, I agree that an abandoned carnival would be great, but Clown's own backstory and release with a muted but still themed map means he wouldn't be associated. Maybe Chernobyl instead?

  • The_Medicine_Man
    The_Medicine_Man Member Posts: 65

    You need to reread the clown's story. After running away from his home he found a traveling circus and stayed with it for about a decade. He indulged in drinks, drugs and junk food and for a time they were enough. But after a while his old urges came back and he started killing again. One time he got sloppy and one of his victim got away and alerted the circus. After that Kenneth, known by the circus as Jeffrey, fled with his wagon. Yes, after that he did become a "parasite", going to other circuses and so on but he still spent quite some time working at that first place. Like I said in my reply to LordGlint there is no chapel in his story or anything like that. It would make much more sense if his wagon was near a circus, after all that's where the clown finds his victims, and then brings them to the wagon etc, you know what happens next.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    You need to comprehend the Clown's story. The Entity didn't know Kennyboi during the time he was part of a regular circus - his story makes it clear that his caravan is away from any actual circus, and Benedict's notes actually indicate that his caravan travels between Realms. If you want to lean on Clown's lore, you'd be better off saying that he deserves a caravan version of each Realm: the Entity specifically did not and will not give him his own space by explicitly giving him accommodations not afforded others.

  • The_Medicine_Man
    The_Medicine_Man Member Posts: 65

    "Somewhere along the way, he left the ordinary roads of the United States behind him, travelling through a veil of mist and entering a new realm. It was a place of transience and impermanence, perfectly suiting the life he had chosen to lead." The Clown is not a supernatural being. He doesn't travel between realms, the "realms" mentioned in the quote from his story and in the notes you talk about are the fog. It would make sense that the killers can move around the Entity's realm so I don't see that being exclusive to the Clown. We know that the Entity makes maps based on the killers' and survivors' memories. I don't see why it wouldn't take one of the circuses that the Clown has been at and make it a map. Like I said in a previous comment, the main part of the map should be a circus and in a dark corner they can put the Clown's caravan. That way it fits perfectly with his story. Why would I want him to have a caravan version of each realm? After leaving the first circus he was at he only visited other carnivals and circuses: "a parasite who could always be found at a carnival or circus". He didn't go to random places like, oh I don't know, a chapel? I know that around his caravan in-game there's a little carnival area but they need to expand it and make an entire map. And how would we know that the Entity didn't know him until it met him? The Entity works in mysterious ways so we can't be sure whether it influences it's victim's lives before taking them or not.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    "As I journeyed through the foggy veils that demarcate the realms of this place, I saw that, for the first time, I was not alone. Something traversed these forgotten byways, its bright colors still clearly visible, even through the muting effect of the mist that roiled between us.

    As we emerged into a new, yet somehow familiar, place, I saw it clearly for the first time: a carney's caravan, pulled by something that appeared to be a horse but was, to my eyes, older and more terrible."

    The Clown may not be supernatural, but he does in fact travel between Realms. Benedict's notes also indicate that this travel is unusual: it's the 'first time he wasn't alone' travelling between the realms.

    He's a parasite, not an individual. He 'shed his old personality' as he fell deeper into the clown persona - his connections to any actual circus are forgotten, leaving only a desire to continue his collection.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    It'd more fitting with his Lore if he had a carnival version, like the Chapel, in each of the realms. It'd really fit in with his motif of moving between realms in his traveling caravan. It'd be dope.

  • The_Medicine_Man
    The_Medicine_Man Member Posts: 65
    edited July 2019

    In those notes the one moving between the realms is the writer of the notes not the Clown. There's absolutely no indication that the Clown can move between realms. The fact that the person who wrote the notes is not alone for the first time means that he went to the chapel map and stumbled upon the Clown. This entire note just talks about the Clown AFTER he was taken by the Entity. If we think about it every killer can move between the Entity's realms right? You play every killer on every map not just their own. "His connections to any actual circus are forgotten, leaving only a desire to continue his collection." And how do you think he continues this collection? By going to other circuses and luring people to his wagon. If his connection to the circus was forgotten then he might as well stop being the Clown altogether. Is it so hard to understand? If the Clown wasn't taken by the Entity he would probably still be going from circus to circus killing people. If you still can't understand why a circus map would be perfect for him then I give up. Have a nice day.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    Ignoring that the notes are about the clown just proves that you have little interest in the established lore. Those forgotten byways in the fog are between realms, and the clown is indeed shown to be travelling them.

    I get that you have a specific mental image of the Clown, it's just not one supported by Kenneth's timeline and context.

  • MoonwalkMyers
    MoonwalkMyers Member Posts: 82

    the maps are way to similar and a circus map would be great.