Why I main Spirit in a nutshell

Azarov's Resting Place. Surprisingly, they didn't have much to say post game. Any other killer outside of Nurse or Billy would have had a hell of a time in that game.
3 instaheals... God, those mates dont know how to play.
WP then)
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But why you play Spirit if you can play Nurse, lul idk
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Because nurse's fatigue gives some people headaches ect. So just play the next best thing :3
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Idk why many people has issue with Nurse's screaming, for me this is unnoticeable
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MYC... so you walk away from the hook and phase back to down the one saving?
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Usually enough time to end another chase and find the person with 30 seconds left on MYC. Don't have to proxy camp the hook.
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@noneofyourbusiness I would play Nurse A LOT more if I wasn’t on console and knew how to play her well. Some people just can’t grasp Nurse or are stuck on console :/
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I love Spirit because she doesn’t have to deal with the BS that most killers have to deal with. If I get 4 DC’s I really don’t care. I don’t have to play the way survivors want me to.
Hag is also really good if I don’t wanna get abused.
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I just can't get the hang of Nurse. I try every rank reset. I'm on PC, but I just suck at the fast twitch technical play style.
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That's usually how it goes with a spirit. Tunnel the unhook or down the saver, whichever you see first. Which means the insta heals were a good move to even things out.
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Actually what you want to do is get a hook, use BBQ to find a new target, catch them before MYC runs out, then use BBQ again to find the MYC guy.
Also MYC forces survivors to play cautiously, so it can act to slow down the game. Being a Spirit the threat you will just show up at any given time without much warning is very high, meaning even if you don't catch the MYC guy they will likely play immersed and not do gens.
I find when you immediately return to a hook though you usually end up just tunneling the guy off the hook, because the MYC guy will hide and the hooked guy will still be injured and thus easy to find.
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In addition, Michael Myers gets a 5 second stun when a Survivor looks at him and gets blinded. Why? Too OP and no counterplay.
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Plenty of Spirit mains have told you what works against her. I lost a few games last night to good survivors (at rank 4 now). It can be done.
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I played Nurse for a time on Xbox to get good with her. I was doing serious work without Ruin after about a week or so just playing her. But you have to constantly practice with her or you lose the muscle memory and have to kind of start over.
That said, I personally don't find Nurse to be that much fun even when I was doing well with her. A lot of the time is was just frustrating because of how easy it is to hide from her. I'd spend all my time just looking for a survivor it was really not that much fun for me. I think it's fun to look for a survivor if they are really good at hiding, but with Nurse it felt like every survivor was good at hiding.
Right now the ones I enjoy most are Spirit, Ghostface, and Trapper. Huntress, Plague, and Freddy I enjoy too but they can be really frustrating to play depending on the circumstance. Huntress especially because she is so map dependent.
But now that new Freddy is out I'm going to add him to my killer rotations again.
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This. MYC is as much of a stalling tool as it is a snowball tool. If you show that you're going to immediately look for the MYC person, you'll never find them. If you show that you won't necessarily come back early, then you'll find them fairly consistently. It's a mini mindgame.
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I just can’t get the hang of Nurse because I am TERRIBLE with tracking due to the fatigue. I know I can get better with her with practice but it is discouraging to lose over and over again even when you know the survivors are not good.
I enjoy Spirit, Hag, Plague, and Pig the most currently. I’ll probably add Freddy to my rotation once I get better perks on him. Doctor is also pretty fun. I find the stalky bois to be so boring to play as even though I used to main Myers.
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I decided to play Spirit until we got more viable killers. Love Myers still and I can do well in red ranks but when there is a 4man experienced swf you don't stand a chance no matter how you play. Even if I lose with Spirit I can consider that my fault.
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Why would you make Spirit’s terror radius 32 meters when you have a VERY LARGE warning that she is approaching with her whoosing sound when she is phasing? That makes no sense. She is fine with 24 meters terror radius and 110% movement speed.
Also how could you even disable her power? Disabling powers are a terrible design. You just become a basic killer. You can’t disable Nurse’s blinks, Billy’s chainsaw, or Myers stalk. Ghostface’s peek-a-boo “I hope he didn’t see me” stalk is pathetic and unfun to play as or against. You can disable Trapper’s traps and Hag’s traps but you don’t have a cooldown and you can immediately reset them. Spirit’s phase walk already has a cooldown, you don’t need to disable it.
Honestly if you REALLY want a change, make it so her footsteps are very audible like Wraith’s loud stomping feet so you have an indication of where she is during her phase walk.
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Sometimes they get lucky.
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This is bait right?
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No, its how the forum works. You know, you post a video / screenshot and ask for a nerf. Totally legit feedback.
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It's not easy. One of my best friends is a Nurse main so he took me into a game and helped me practice a bit. He also gave me the advice to not use add-ons until I got used to her power, which is something you should do. If you are constantly using add-ons you will have a harder time getting used to it.
You just have to take the L's. It will suck at first but you'll get better with practice. Honestly after the second day I had blinks down pretty good, what hurt me mostly was the little intricacies of where you can and cannot blink. Also really stealthy survivors.
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It's more a matter of muscle memory than actual skill when it comes to playing Nurse. Just make sure you dont use any add-ons or at least don't use add-ons that change your blink distance. It's a testament to her strength, but you can easily 4k against the best survivors without add-ons as a good Nurse.
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Myers is completely viable at red ranks. I play him the most of all the killers and even against a swf stack you might not 4k but will def get a few kills. I run play with your food and also really like pop goes the weasel; since once you power up to 99% and play with your food 3 you get a bunch of super easy instadowns and then can run around deleting everyones gens.
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0/10 post does not contain a nutshell.
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7 insta-heals.
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I can juke a nurse easier than i can juke a spirit for some reason. Probably why i like playing spirit so much more when i play killer.