I’ll admit when I’m wrong..

New Freddy is actually pretty good (even with snares) I’m going to try the pallets now. :)
Better than leatherface tho?
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I was playing now first game with Freddy without pallets, I was rank 7, playing against ranks 7, 4, 2, 2... They all died... EZZZZ
Two of them was friends (SWF)
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Damn, so Freddy is your new boi now?
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New Freddy is better than old Freddy? :v
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I'd say let's wait a few weeks so people get used to him
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Were there any changes to the blocks from the PTB?
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I don't understand the point of the rework, specifically why they decided on this new design rather than improving the existing one. I hope they answer my question about this in the next livestream.
He's gone from a 'specialist disruptor focused on rubber-banding' to a 'generalist map-pressure focused on snow-balling' and like all the recent 'meh' killers has a long cooldown on his main active ability.
If the devs think Billy is the ideal balanced killer, they're not making much effort to replicate it.
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I wouldn’t go that far, I still like old Freddy more.
They already know how to counter dream pallets it seems.
Not that I know of.
I myself just wanted QOL changes for Freddy.
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"Not that I know of."
Gross. I genuinely want to know the justification for those blocks, especially Z Block.
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What do you mean! They are so good the best add-ons in the game! :P
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I was hoping they’d make the blocks affect his teleport cooldown.
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I wonder how many ppl are gonna be Freddy mains now with this update
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I’m coming back to the Freddy life but I’ll miss my old sleepy boi.
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Let me guess, they didn't change em from that STUPID hemorrhage NONSENSE?!
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@GrootDude using Freddy's base 50% action speed penalty as well as ppls willingness to fail skillchecks to slow down the game instead of relying on ruin was...nice
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You’re correct.
Paired with the hit and run play style.
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@GrootDude Of course. He sucked in normal changes but he was great at juggling between multiple survivors for hit and runs. Ppl just had a tendency of getting tunnel vision on 1 person at a time and complained that he was weak because of it. Afew QoL tweeks was all old Freddy needed, but lets see how this version goes.
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A bunch I still want the old Freddie tho :(
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Old Freddy was SOO underrated
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his existing one was frustrating for both sides of the player base and it did nothing more than stop Freddy from getting hits. it was also way to easy to get out of dream world and the passive aura reading was just encouraging Freddys to tunnel. what could they change to make him better and more fun to play as or against when his hole kit is like this without completely changing him.
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I understand the design was frustrating for survivors, but the frustration expressed by most killers concerned the fact that he was weak in a chase and specific clutch-moments for survivors; which is the same issue a lot of killers have. Those more general issues of course have not been addressed at all, only the ones specific to Freddy and in that sense, only the ones specific to survivors frustrations.
Killers no longer have to worry about not being able to hit a survivor while waiting for the debuff to apply; something the devs could have easily addressed by just allowing Freddy to hit anyway, as survivors can with pallets and flashlights. It didn't need a full character rework.
What did need a full rework is survivors no longer having to worry about their progress being stalled, not being able to see where Freddy is coming from as they now can from a huge distance of 16 metres(only twice the distance at which pallets can spawn together) and being visible to Freddy a lot of the time.
The only drawback for them with this rework is he now has viable chase utility, which still favours them because they prefer a playstyle of extended chases, stacked 2nd-chances and looping, which Freddy's original design was disruptive to because he worked best when stalling them. What is meant by 'frustrating' in terms of survivors is that their playstyle can still be used, but doesn't do them much good if gen progress is so slow. Now they don't have to worry about that and can play against Freddy as if he is just another killer.
This is why I really want an answer from the devs in the next stream. I last asked a question years ago and haven't since because they basically dodged giving a real answer(concerning population balance). My question now is about what this design is even about; is he meant to be a jack-of-all-trades or a specialist in something and if so, what?
I'm guessing he's now meant to be the former and the devs are relying on killer's to innovate what he is meant to be good at, but that's going to be hard with everything we do to innovate being nerfed or removed not long after.
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I loved old Freddy (I got him to P3), but I like him a lot more after the rework. He actually feels like a threat now. No more waiting 7 seconds to smack someone, haha! 😆
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Did they fix the snares so that they're actually placeable in chase? They'd always clip into a pebble and vanish for me
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I can place them in a chase.
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I'm not sure what exactly changed but snares feel easier to use in a chase now, they place correctly 95% of the time. (Which is a lot better than Hag/Trapper) And they feel snappy enough to pop in front of windows mid-loop.
Might be different after a few days as most survivors seem pretty brain-dead vs freddy rn.
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I mean they took a Killer that was known for being gen-rushed out of existence and made him one of the best gen-defenders in the game.
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I can only dream of the day people will stop defending the abomination that was old Freddy.
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He's badass now. Freddy's my favorite horror movie villain ever, and I can finally play him without feeling like a joke or merely a nuisance designed to bore everyone into oblivion.
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Freddy just required a different play style, the hit and run play style made him effective.
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SAdly, I will never play Freddy until I get those offerings :`)
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The optimal way to play old Freddy was by stalling the hell out of games. That's the only way he could win against COMPETENT survivors, and just like Hostage Doctor, it takes a specific kind of person to enjoy playing and literally no one enjoys playing against.
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That remains to be seen, but it doesn't really answer my concern about why this needed a complete overhaul of the design rather than targeted changes.
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cackles Maniacally
Awe, poor widdle players don't want to stay and be tortured? TOO BAD!
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First Impressions: I prefer the Snares to the Pallets. I don't like that I can't really use my power in a chase proper. Kinda have to hope that I can guide them to fake pallets, and then hope that they fall for it (assuming they are already asleep).
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Out of curiosity, why choose to have them charge over time and be cancelable, rather then arming over time and instantly placeable? If im being honest i really don't mind either or and channeling them similar to LF's chainsaw isin't as bad as i thought it would be, but i feel that placing them instantly and then having them arming themselves over the same time period would feel more natural to me. :)
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He my favorite as well but the old Freddy was the one I prestige to full bloody not this Freddy
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Old Freddy was hard to master, hard to do well with. You had to make sure people stayed asleep while getting people downed.
New freddy isn't as hard to master, and you can do well with, but then again, it relies on survivor mistakes... so not quite as good as nurse. ; )
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Old Freddy was fun, if you got a group that didn't gen rush, or just be toxic in general. He was weak, don't get me wrong, but if the cards were stacked right, then it could be very fun.